41% of Baltimore high schoolers have a GPA below 1.0


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Democratic Party requires stupid uneducated people to survive.

Exhibit 33,428 on how Democrats run Publik Edjewkation

..Atlanta also..remember this? a couple of DOZEN '''liberal''''''' teachers '''''
Democratic Party requires stupid uneducated people to survive.

Exhibit 33,428 on how Democrats run Publik Edjewkation

The Baltimore Schools will just follow the lead of other school districts like when the Denver Board of Ed brought in Mr. Cartmenez.
Democratic Party requires stupid uneducated people to survive.

Exhibit 33,428 on how Democrats run Publik Edjewkation

This is insane. There has been a concerted effort to destroy America and from so many angles they are succeeding. Instead of providing crutches you should be demanding high performance from your kids. It starts with parents and those in positions of power.

If you continue on this trajectory you will soon become like Canada. Economically, socially and with comparable global influence.
Democratic Party requires stupid uneducated people to survive.

Exhibit 33,428 on how Democrats run Publik Edjewkation

So, what is your solution to this problem?

Give them passing grades even though they learned nothing?

Throw them out of school? Yeah, that will show them.

I had many students who simply refused to learn. They rarely attended class and when they did it was to sell drugs. Others came to hang out with their baby momma to be.

Again, what is YOUR solution?
Democratic Party requires stupid uneducated people to survive.

Exhibit 33,428 on how Democrats run Publik Edjewkation

So, what is your solution to this problem?

Give them passing grades even though they learned nothing?

Throw them out of school? Yeah, that will show them.

I had many students who simply refused to learn. They rarely attended class and when they did it was to sell drugs. Others came to hang out with their baby momma to be.

Again, what is YOUR solution?
Reading your experiences in teaching has often been fairly depressing, and I suspect far too common and accurate of and by people in your profession. Normal people, do, actually appreciate what you do. Good luck to ya.

41% of Baltimore high schoolers have a GPA below 1.0....but they are doing GREAT in Marxist CRT Class!​

...but but but we need to put more money into schools! The trillions we have already wasted hasn't been enough.

If we just pay the union teachers more so they will have more money to give to the Democrats and they will teach the little pickinnies better.
Democratic Party requires stupid uneducated people to survive.

Exhibit 33,428 on how Democrats run Publik Edjewkation

It makes sense when you realize the DemoKKKrats WANT it this way. The dumber, the better.
It is my impression that grades are rather subjective. The relevant assessment would be based on some sort of standardized testing, such that these students can be compared to the students in other comparable districts around the country (and - I hesitate to say this) around the world.

It has been estimated and broadcast that the Baltimore schools spend something on the order of $18k per student, per year. Dare one ask, Are the taxpayers getting their money's worth?

The NEA should be in the forefront of devising teaching methods and processes that optimize results in such districts. Who knows more about this than the teachers themselves? I won't hold my breath.
But looking at it positively, a 1.0 GPA means these students are perfectly acceptable as mayoral candidates in Baltimore, Chicongo and any other blue-run U.S. city.
Democratic Party requires stupid uneducated people to survive.

Exhibit 33,428 on how Democrats run Publik Edjewkation
You got a High School diploma to join the Army? Or else it's a fucking draft-dodger downtown, and that's why all the schoolteachers are on strike with the COVID-19 government propaganda.

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