400,000 deportations last year.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Release: Leading National Group Denounces Record Deportations
July 22, 2011
by bstansbury

Leading National Group Denounces Record Deportations
Decries impact on families as a ‘Moral Catastrophe’

WASHINGTON—A report published today revealed the Obama administration has a record of deporting nearly 400,000 immigrants last year, many for minor traffic infractions.

“The record level of deportations is a moral catastrophe for our nation,” said Deepak Bhargava, executive director of the Center for Community Change. “The current deportation practice is separating families, driving breadwinners out of jobs, and sending a statement to immigrant communities that America is not a land of opportunity and fairness

Release: Leading National Group Denounces Record Deportations | Fair Immigration Reform Movement

Not 400,000 immigrants, but illegal aliens.
Are they finally getting the message?:clap2:
What part of illegal and illegal aliens do Ms. Cruz not understand? I hope they are finally getting the message. Cheap illegal labor drive American bread winners out of jobs. We don’t want them here taking jobs and lowering wages for Americans and taking their American dream away. Deportations does not stop illegals from taking their children, who are Mexican citizens according to the Mexican Constitutio, with them when they are deported. As much as Ms. Cruz wish, they are not “anchors” or you ‘”get out of jail free” cards. Take them with you just as you brought them with you when you entered illegally crossing the border or on a visa you overstayed.

But "illegal alien" means criminal because illegal immigration is a crime. Those that enter this country illegal is committing a crime making them criminals. According the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act.

Illegal aliens kill 25 American daily and rape 8 children. Is that a crime? In order to prevent those crimes in the future they have to be deported today.
The USA is not a land of opportunity and fairness for its citizens, why should it be such for illegal aliens. If they don't like what we have, they don't have to return or file EEO complaints.
3-5 million left on their own accord due to the economy.

Illegal immigration is only a hot-button issue because various state governors want to divert public attention away from their failing economies and shiftless policies.

Plus now that we have a black man in the White House, it gives bigots a chance to spew hatred in a socially accepted format.
Obama is doing far more on the illegal immigrant problem than Bush did.

It's not about who's sent more home. They're the fucking President, enforce the fucking law. That's what they're paid to do.

Damn, are we supposed to congratulate him for doing what he's paid for?

You are a pathetically partisan twit for someone who claims 'impartiality'.
Obama is doing far more on the illegal immigrant problem than Bush did.

It's not about who's sent more home. They're the fucking President, enforce the fucking law. That's what they're paid to do.

Damn, are we supposed to congratulate him for doing what he's paid for?

You are a pathetically partisan twit for someone who claims 'impartiality'.

Do you even know what the laws are that you are so gung ho about enforcing?

Probably not. Most of the people talking that way don't know jack shit about our immigration system. Its why you never see immigration lawyers, CIS or ICE staff in your circles.

Does it seem kinda dumb on your part to be yelling about enforcing laws you don't know anything about? Is that what people in democracies do?
3-5 million left on their own accord due to the economy.

Illegal immigration is only a hot-button issue because various state governors want to divert public attention away from their failing economies and shiftless policies.

Plus now that we have a black man in the White House, it gives bigots a chance to spew hatred in a socially accepted format.

They have failing economies because of the mass of illegal aleins with out streeched hand for hand outs. Raping the system and sending welfare money back home.:eusa_hand:
Look who wants to play the race card.:lol:
It's not about who's sent more home. They're the fucking President, enforce the fucking law. That's what they're paid to do.

Damn, are we supposed to congratulate him for doing what he's paid for?

You are a pathetically partisan twit for someone who claims 'impartiality'.

It is such a rare accasion that they actually does the job they are paid to do that it warrant a celebration at least let him know how much we appreciate the little that is done about illegal immigration. Obama did not let 20 million in. We don't fail to let him know when he is not doing his job?
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3-5 million left on their own accord due to the economy.

Illegal immigration is only a hot-button issue because various state governors want to divert public attention away from their failing economies and shiftless policies.

Plus now that we have a black man in the White House, it gives bigots a chance to spew hatred in a socially accepted format.

They have failing economies because of the mass of illegal aleins with out streeched hand for hand outs. Raping the system and sending welfare money back home.:eusa_hand:
Look who wants to play the race card.:lol:

I call it as I see it. Now that hatred of blacks has become socially unacceptable, going after brown people is the next step. Its even been documented that white supremacists seem to flock to your position.
Hardcore Racists Flock to NumbersUSA’s Campaign | IMAGINE 2050

The race card is painfully appropriate here.

This is why we have a failing economy
The Subprime Housing Crisis Explained by Stick Figures - MacRumors Forums

The people raping the system are the ones in suits and golden parachutes.

The fact that you can tell me with a straight face that its the fault of the people at the margins of our society tell me that your bigotry has overtaken common sense.

You are not only a bigot but a moron.
3-5 million left on their own accord due to the economy.

Illegal immigration is only a hot-button issue because various state governors want to divert public attention away from their failing economies and shiftless policies.

Riiiiiiiiiiight. Do you realize what a DUMBASS you come across as?? :lmao:
OH REALLY? just ran across this. this is what this administration THINKS OF YOU FOLKS. is this a impeachable offense?

With a view to maximize use of immigration-enforcement resources, the Obama administration has decided it will, on a case by case basis, allow many illegal immigrants who face deportation to remain in the U.S.

A senior administration official said Thursday that federal authorities will review individually the cases of some 300,000 illegal immigrants in deportation proceedings. Those who haven't committed crimes and aren't deemed a threat to public safety will have a chance to stay in the U.S. and apply for a work permit.

"The idea is to make sure that we are investing enforcement resources where they are best utilized," the senior administration official said. The idea, the official said, is to "Identify low-priority cases… and administratively close the case so they no longer clog the system." The official added that the case could be reopened by the government at any time.

The decision will also benefit about 11 million illegal immigrants who live in the U.S. but aren't currently in the deportation system because they haven't been caught by federal authorities, the official said.

"They will be less likely to enter the caseload to begin with so we can focus on folks in caseload who are high priority," said the government official, who declined to be named.

The announcement outraged hardliners on illegal immigration but seemed to placate some immigrant advocates angered by record removals of illegal immigrants and lack of progress in an overhaul of the immigration system.

"In essence, the administration has declared that U.S. immigration is now virtually unlimited to anyone willing to try to enter—subject only to those who commit violent felonies after arrival. This is not the nation's immigration law," says Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform.

U.S. Eases Deportation Policy - WSJ.com
This is old news and not an impeachable offense, just shitty governance.
3-5 million left on their own accord due to the economy.

Illegal immigration is only a hot-button issue because various state governors want to divert public attention away from their failing economies and shiftless policies.

Riiiiiiiiiiight. Do you realize what a DUMBASS you come across as?? :lmao:

I am not the one who thinks a bunch of landscapers, kitchen help and domestics are the cause of our economic woes. The dumbasses are the ones who yell and scream about enforcing laws THEY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT.

Frankly most of you guys come off as a bunch of bigoted retards. I don't care how that comes across to you or anyone else.
The US economy is so bad compared to Mexico that I suspect immigrants are turning themselves in to authorities begging ICE to deport them.

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