4 Month Michigan Audit Shows Result Was Right


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
The lies coming from Trump not only has led to the riot of January 6th, they not only fueled mistrust and suspicion, but they threaten the very foundation of our democracy. And still Trump and his cabal are lying about the election.

It's taken four months, but the most comprehensive election audit in battleground Michigan's history is over. The bottom line: The certified presidential results were almost precisely correct, so President Biden undoubtedly deserved the 16 electoral votes he got.

Audit shows result was right in Michigan, where Trump's crusade still fuels distrust
The audit was probably done by drunk ass Pelosi and her Mentally challenged lap dog, Schumer.
You can count stuffed ballots a thousand times and always get the same results.

Did they audit the voter rolls to make sure dead people didnt vote? Did they signature verify? Did they address verify?

From the article:

Biden took the state by a clearcut 154,000 votes, a victory margin of 3 points. It was his most decisive victory in the five states that he took from Trump's 2016 win column. That result was affirmed by a statewide "risk-limiting audit" in which more than 18,000 randomly selected ballots from more than 1,300 jurisdictions were reviewed by local clerks.

The audits examined an equal number of ballots cast by mail and by machine, because the method for casting the 2.8 million votes statewide was almost exactly split. Among the findings was that the potential error in tabulating the absentee ballots Wayne County, which takes in Detroit, totaled 17 out of 174,000 submitted.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

just the fact they only found 17 discrepancies proves utter bullshit. It is not statistically possible.

This is as legitimate as fuck.
The Trump zombies will deny anything legitimate because they are poor and sore losers..

Worse than that they are unAmerican.
Nothing new since the majority are folks who have lost meaning in life and are the ones living in basements owned by parents.

The hollowing out of the middle class in America, coupled with the abandonment of the middle class by Republicans, is exactly the conditions that allowed a con man carnival barker like Trump to energize half of this country to a fever pitch. And Republicans stood back and watched in shock as they realized they had no choice but to buy a ticket on the Trump train, or it would run them over.
The Trump zombies will deny anything legitimate because they are poor and sore losers..

Worse than that they are unAmerican.
Nothing new since the majority are folks who have lost meaning in life and are the ones living in basements owned by parents.

The hollowing out of the middle class in America, coupled with the abandonment of the middle class by Republicans, is exactly the conditions that allowed a con man carnival barker like Trump to energize half of this country to a fever pitch. And Republicans stood back and watched in shock as they realized they had no choice but to buy a ticket on the Trump train, or it would run them over.
That is what happens when one sell their soul to a party and has rigid undertones of tyranny. Like the kind that Trump got away with on the 6th of January..
The Trump zombies will deny anything legitimate because they are poor and sore losers..

Worse than that they are unAmerican.
Nothing new since the majority are folks who have lost meaning in life and are the ones living in basements owned by parents.

The hollowing out of the middle class in America, coupled with the abandonment of the middle class by Republicans, is exactly the conditions that allowed a con man carnival barker like Trump to energize half of this country to a fever pitch. And Republicans stood back and watched in shock as they realized they had no choice but to buy a ticket on the Trump train, or it would run them over.

Read The True Believer by Eric Hoffer.. He describes how this happens. Written in 1951.. its pertinent today.
The audits examined an equal number of ballots cast by mail and by machine, because the method for casting the 2.8 million votes statewide was almost exactly split. Among the findings was that the potential error in tabulating the absentee ballots Wayne County, which takes in Detroit, totaled 17 out of 174,000 submitted.

just the fact they only found 17 discrepancies proves utter bullshit. It is not statistically possible.

What you just wrote is your opinion, but it is entirely statistically possible, and you have the same evidence of it not being possible as Rudy Guiliani and that drunk blonde woman.
You can count stuffed ballots a thousand times and always get the same results.

Did they audit the voter rolls to make sure dead people didnt vote? Did they signature verify? Did they address verify?

From the article:

Biden took the state by a clearcut 154,000 votes, a victory margin of 3 points. It was his most decisive victory in the five states that he took from Trump's 2016 win column. That result was affirmed by a statewide "risk-limiting audit" in which more than 18,000 randomly selected ballots from more than 1,300 jurisdictions were reviewed by local clerks.

The audits examined an equal number of ballots cast by mail and by machine, because the method for casting the 2.8 million votes statewide was almost exactly split. Among the findings was that the potential error in tabulating the absentee ballots Wayne County, which takes in Detroit, totaled 17 out of 174,000 submitted.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

just the fact they only found 17 discrepancies proves utter bullshit. It is not statistically possible.

This is as legitimate as fuck.

Think about that, they only found 17 bad ballots out of 174,000 in key counties.


Do you think if you audited for signature verification, no signatures, bad address, no address....on 174,000 ballots, you would only find 17 bad ballots?

Fuck anyone who believes that in the ass.

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