4 days of death and violence in Libya after monkey pulls off Muslim woman's headscarf


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
These kind of people are among the refugees. Hillary would have increased the number of refugees by over 400%. We have too many anyway and I say that because there is no reason to bring them here and seed them around the country. We could have sent aid and helped more people at less cost to us. We don't have the money for this. We don't even have the money for our own citizens. And the last thing we need is to import more of these violent radicals.

What caused the deaths and injuries to a lot of people in this case? Well, a shop keepers monkey grabbed the hijab off a Muslim woman and all hell broke loose. This is considered a valid reason to kill.

This sounds made up, but it isn't. How sad that it's real. While it sounds strange to us, it's just another day in Muslim countries. And this isn't by any means the worst thing that happens over there. People are tortured and killed in Muslim countries every day for such crimes as disobeying men, being gay or being Christian.

"Of course we’ll be branded “Islamophobic” for even reporting this, but frankly PETA should be outraged by this horrific story.

It’s yet another example of daily life brought to you by the religion of peace, and yes we did check with multiple sources to ensure this was in fact a real story. Because it’s so completely unbelievable.

A pet monkey from one Muslim clan in Libya tugged on a girl’s headscarf – from another clan – sparking FOUR DAYS of deadly violence.

The Globe and Mail reports, At least 16 people died and 50 were wounded in Libya in four days of clashes between rival factions in the southern city of Sabha, a health official said on Sunday.

According to residents and local reports, the latest bout of violence erupted between two tribes after an incident in which a monkey that belonged to a shopkeeper from the Gaddadfa tribe attacked a group of schoolgirls who were passing by.

The monkey pulled off one of the girls’ head scarf, leading men from the Awlad Suleiman tribe to retaliate by killing three people from the Gaddadfa tribe as well as the monkey, according to a resident who spoke to Reuters".

Monkey pulls off girl's headscarf...then the UNTHINKABLE happens - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com
We just need to win their hearts and minds.

Then let's gather the libs who believe that a hug and a job offer will change them and send them all over to the Muslim countries. If they make it out alive, we'll know it works.

They won't and they know they are full of shit.

I kept asking liberals to use their own private server for their jobs and see how it goes over with management...odd....no takers, yet they all clam she did nothing wrong.
4 days of death and violence in Libya after monkey pulls off Muslim woman's headscarf
Come on, man! You're just a racist and an Islamophobe! The monkey pulling off her head scarf was "a sign from God"! It was Allah's way of saying the woman was a non-believer and that she and her whole clan should be slaughtered! Have some faith, for Christ's sake!

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