3rd Most Powerful figure Cardinal Pell charged with sex assaults on minors

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
As many as 10 victims have come forward identifying Cardinal Pell as the man who sexually molested them when they were children. Cardinal Pell resides at the Vatican in Rome and cannot be extradited back to Australia to face charges according to this breaking news report. Cardinal Pell is the Vatican's 3rd most powerful figure. Cardinal George Pell is top advisor to Pope Francis.

Cardinal George Pell is the man standing to the left of Pope Francis in this photograph

Vatican’s 3rd Most Powerful Figure, Cardinal Pell, Charged With Sex Assaults On Minors
Global pedophilia rings continue to be exposed
RT - June 29, 2017

There might be up to 10 alleged victims, Australian news website News.com.au reports, adding that they were minors at the time of the alleged assaults and are now aged from their late 20s to their early 50s.

The allegations are believed to stretch from the time that Pell was a priest in the Australian town of Ballarat to when he was Archbishop of Melbourne. It is alleged that the cardinal groomed boys at a swimming pool in Ballarat in the 1970s and committed sexual assaults at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne, according to The Australian.

The cardinal, who did not admit to any of the alleged offences and has denied reports that have been circulating in the media for months, was charged by summons to appear before a Melbourne court on July 18.

Since 2014, Pell has lived in the Vatican, with which Australia has no extradition treaty, meaning the cardinal could potentially avoid prosecution if he chose not to return to his home country.
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Cardinal George Pell reads a statement to reporters as he leaves the Quirinale hotel after meeting with survivors of sex abuse
Pope Francis confirms Pell to stay on in top Vatican job
Even after victims had filed complaints of being sexually abused by Cardinal George Pell Pope Francis confirmed Cardinal Pell to stay in top Vatican job giving him his "full support." Imagine this Cardinal being the man who meets with survivors of sex abuse by priests to determine if they have a case or not. The fox in charge of the hen house has been given new meaning. This news is appalling.
When will catholics demand an end to their church hiding pedophiles? Is there any other crime where the perpetrators are openly protected by so many?

Worse is that people continue to go inside catholic churches and, unbelievably, take their CHILDREN into those hell holes.

IMO, that's abuse and child endangerment but you'll never hear the church or believers admit that.
He needs to go to Australia and face the charges

He should already be under arrest and extradited by secular law authorities. My advice to all Christians is homeschool your children and have church at home. Start a bible study and invite those who attend to have church at your home. Get out of organized religious institutions completely. Rick Warren's Saddleback church had a child molester in their ministry who got away with molesting boys for 6 years. Hillsong founder Sr. father was reported as a pedophile and the son said nothing because it was reported he felt it would harm their reputation! Home School, church at home. Problem solved.
It's the first time I've read a news story about him to the best of my recollection. I had no idea the number of victims could be in the hundreds. That certainly leaves no excuse for the Vatican protecting him from legal action. They need to ask this Pope to step down. He's lost all credibility protecting this man and keeping him on as his top advisor. Better yet lock the doors to Vatican and put them all on trial. Seize everything and shut it down for good. Give the money to the victims. God knows there is trillions that could be paid in damages already.
How shocking. Insulated religious communitites are high risk for children especially coupled with some kind of spiritual dogma.

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