$39 Billion of Stupid Spending


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Senator Coburn's annual “Wastebook” once again shows how your tax dollars are being flushed down the tube of porkbarrel spending and favoritism. Check it out @ Wastebook Highlights $30 Billion of 'Stupid Spending' - Politics - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

He cites examples like the U.S. State Department spending $630,000 to attract followers to its Facebook and Twitter accounts.

And a study on angry wives allowed the government to spend $300 million to learn that women would find marriage more satisfying if they could calm down faster during arguments with their husbands.

In Nevada, $17 million in tax exemptions went to brothels. Deductions ranged from breast implants to promotional free passes to bring in new customers [This doesn't surprise me as Dingy Harry will do anything to keep his job!]

And he adds this that isn't really anything but a failure to close a lope hole in the law:

And in what might be the most outrageous example, Fort Hood shooter Nadal Hassan collected $278,000 in military benefits because the military Code of Justice doesn't allow a soldier to be suspended until they are found guilty.

The report itself can be downloaded @ http://www.coburn.senate.gov/public...&File_id=d204730e-4a24-4711-b1db-99bb6c29d4b6
Yet Congress wants to cut retirement pay, not Congressional retirement pay, but retirement pay to people that actually do something.
All this whining over what amounts to a drop in the bucket next to the $1.2 trillion in annual tax expenditures both parties have put into the tax code is hilarious.
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All this whining over what amounts to a drop in the bucket next to the $1.2 trillion in annual tax expenditures both parties have put into the tax code is hilarious.

Exactly. But Coburn's a good guy, and he's unintentionally (or may intentionally) showing the innanity of those who cry "balance the budget by cutting waste." Hell, we could axe all aid to the poor and it still wouldn't balance the budget. LOL

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