33 MORE Shot, 7 MORE DEAD in Chicago This Weekend... WHEN Will Chicago mayor Lighfoot Be Held Accountable

How many did Mayor Lightfoot shoot? I mean she must have shot a lot of them to be held accountable right?

I bet you're one of those dipshits who blames Trump for every Covid death in this country.

Lightfoot is a complete and unqualified failure. She has proven that she is not up to the task of being Mayor, and she needs to go...

Actually no. I don’t blame Trump for COVID. I blame Trump for the mismanaging of many things. But COVID is not one of them.

The problem with Trump was he had a brainstorm every minute. And he tweeted about them. And did not bother to see what the law and policies said about it.

I don’t live in Chicago. So I have no right to demand they do anything in regards to their elected officials.
Well I, and other good Americans, actually care about our fellow Americans, and the undeniable fact is that our fellow Americans are being gunned down in almost record numbers in Chicago. As Americans, it's totally within our purview to demand that the failed Mayor of Chicago step down so that a more talented and adept individual can take her place and help protect American citizens...

And how much weight would you give someone from Chicago who demanded your local leaders step down? Or your elected Congressman?

You get no input into my elected representatives. I get no say in Nancy Pelosi. I get to vote in my local elections. Deal with it.

I understand your position. It's not my fault your position is flawed. Then again, if Chicago's negroes keep killing themselves off, the problem will eventually rectify itself...

Yeah. I mean. As much as you hate Blacks you should be cheering their deaths.

I didn't say blacks. I said negroes.

They're different.

Blacks are decent, hard-working people who pay their taxes and who work hard and who don't have rap-sheets as long as my driveway. They don't sit back and whine about "white privilege". They get out there and get the job done and provide for their families, just as any decent person does.

Negroes, on the other hand, are little more than bags of skin who rely on the gub'mint for their sustenance. They offer no value to society and are only interested in what they can get for free. Negroes believe that burning down cities and looting Target stores is the way to end police brutality. They're essentially worthless...

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