300 Blackout AR Pistols for only $420

CBC Industries is having a sale on complete AR pistols. How about a 5" or 7" barreled pistol in 300 Blackout for that price? Makes me wish I had some more money set aside.

Meh, I bought the Sig suppressed upper, but the pistols don't really do anything for me to be honest. Now if you just want a toy well that's cool, but for me I just shoot my MP-5.
What is the length limit to classify a pistol vs an SBR? Do you need an investigation and a tax stamp for the SBR like you do for a suppressor?
What is the length limit to classify a pistol vs an SBR? Do you need an investigation and a tax stamp for the SBR like you do for a suppressor?
An AR pistol only becomes a SBR if you add a standard AR stock and or a vertical front grip. Anything under 16" is considered pistol length. If you add a brace or blade stock it's (for the time being) still considered a pistol. A SBR requires ATF approval and payment of the $200 tax stamp, it's currently taking about a year to get an SBR approved, that's how backlogged the ATF currently is.
What is the length limit to classify a pistol vs an SBR? Do you need an investigation and a tax stamp for the SBR like you do for a suppressor?

For a rifle to classify as a SBR the barrel length is under 16" and the over all length is under 26" IIRC. These are made as pistols, so they are papered as such from the beginning.
Here are the same two firearms. the one on the left is a SBR the one on the right is a pistol.

Meh, I bought the Sig suppressed upper, but the pistols don't really do anything for me to be honest.
I keep one in the truck and call it my CCW pistol.

Legal in any state I have reciprocity with...and Illinois.

Wouldn't be legal in CA, CT, NY, MA, NJ, MD and DC (and Hawaii...but no one is driving there)...but I stay out of that part if the world.

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