30 ex-FBI agents, retired deputy assistant director+head of counterterr+5 SWAT team members, speak out publicly supporting suspended FBI whistleblower

“A SWAT team of about 25 came to my house with about 15 vehicles and started pounding on our door,” she said, describing her husband’s arrest on Friday. “They had about five guns pointed at my husband, myself, and basically at my kids. They came in as if they were expecting some kind of confrontation.”
Oh....another he said/she said.
No, that’s not all I have. Every report is the same.

Do you have the FBI denying they used 20-30 agents to raid his home, shackle him in front,p of his family, and haul him off? No?

The STFU, Troll
Every report is the same because they are quoting only what the Houck's claim. Try again.
You can’t really reform a bureau that is rotten to the root. What you can do is rebuild, and so this is our opportunity as a nation to come together and have the conversation of what a federal investigation organization looks like.

I tried looking for some youtube videos of the abortion clinic "escorts." Of course the chief opponent of these "escorts" turned out to be people who called themselves "sidewalk counselors."

Naturally, I could not find a video took an unbiased approach to the subject. All videos were nearly all propaganda of one side or the other with just a few seconds of what the interaction between the "counselors," and the "escorts" actually looks like. Just from those few seconds, it became clear that both the "counselors" and "escorts" are simply protesters. Protesters and counter-protesters if you like, or simply demonstrators.

Here is a screenshot or two:




All perfectly protected by the awesome First Amendment. All part of being a citizen-activist in a free country.

My objection is this seeming criminalization of protest by the DNC/DOJ/FBI. Nobody here who insists that the dad is a criminal has seen a single shred of evidence for that. It's all unsupported statements by prosecutors.

Even if the dad is found not guilty, he still suffered by having his home raided, his family frightened, and by being dragged away by feds. This is the kind of "nonjudicial punishment" that the Dems will keep employing if we keep electing them.


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I'd recommend pro-lifers watch this one.

It's obviously from a strictly pro-abortion point of view, but it is reasonable. A very young video maker made it, and it's pretty good as far as production, shooting and editing, so I give him or her* props. There are none of the usual screaming blue haired morbidly obese people that seem to be more typical pro-abortion protesters if you only watch videos made from the pro-life point of view. Not endorsing the views the video maker is expressing, just saying it is worth seeing:

She is clearly female, just a short haired young woman who calls herself "Danny." Reminds me of Mrs. Flops shortly after I met her and told her that I prefer short hair on women. But if Danny wants to think people have to guess at her sex, who am I to burst her bubble?
They have. Educate yourself.
The FBI denied sending a SWAT Team. That's it. I'm shocked this mother of 7 mistook armed FBI goons for a SWAT team,

No denial of sending 25-30 armed agents.

No denial of pointing weapons at the family.

No denial of putting the dad in shackles.

In a statement to Fox News on Sunday, a spokesperson with the FBI Philadelphia field office denied that a SWAT Team had been used to apprehend Mark Houck.

“There are inaccurate claims being made regarding the arrest of Mark Houck. No SWAT Team or SWAT operators were involved.

FBI Denies Sending SWAT Team to Arrest Catholic Activist Mark Houck
Trespassers don’t injure some 150 police, some so severely they had to quit on disability. They don’t ransack and trash our nation’s Capitol. And why wonder why we can’t you guys seriously with dumb memes like this.
There are folks that have only been charged with trespassing, and other non-violent crimes, that have not gotten a speedy trial. It is easy, for both the meme, and you, to collectively treat the entire situation with a broad brush, I agree. Not everyone did the same things. But if we don't acknowledge that the state, and the DoJ is using this incident for political purposes, we are not discussing with integrity.

However, folks that were all there, for various reasons, were all treated unequally, based who they were. The fact that there is a political agenda, this? Is beyond dispute.
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The FBI denied sending a SWAT Team. That's it. I'm shocked this mother of 7 mistook armed FBI goons for a SWAT team,

No denial of sending 25-30 armed agents.

No denial of pointing weapons at the family.

No denial of putting the dad in shackles.

In a statement to Fox News on Sunday, a spokesperson with the FBI Philadelphia field office denied that a SWAT Team had been used to apprehend Mark Houck.

“There are inaccurate claims being made regarding the arrest of Mark Houck. No SWAT Team or SWAT operators were involved.

FBI Denies Sending SWAT Team to Arrest Catholic Activist Mark Houck
Why not send one agent and a uniformed federal officer? How long ago did this alleged violation of the FACE Act supposedly happen?
I tried looking for some youtube videos of the abortion clinic "escorts." Of course the chief opponent of these "escorts" turned out to be people who called themselves "sidewalk counselors."

Naturally, I could not find a video took an unbiased approach to the subject. All videos were nearly all propaganda of one side or the other with just a few seconds of what the interaction between the "counselors," and the "escorts" actually looks like. Just from those few seconds, it became clear that both the "counselors" and "escorts" are simply protesters. Protesters and counter-protesters if you like, or simply demonstrators.

Here is a screenshot or two:

View attachment 704149

View attachment 704151

View attachment 704152

All perfectly protected by the awesome First Amendment. All part of being a citizen-activist in a free country.

My objection is this seeming criminalization of protest by the DNC/DOJ/FBI. Nobody here who insists that the dad is a criminal has seen a single shred of evidence for that. It's all unsupported statements by prosecutors.

Even if the dad is found not guilty, he still suffered by having his home raided, his family frightened, and by being dragged away by feds. This is the kind of "nonjudicial punishment" that the Dems will keep employing if we keep electing them.
You are assuming everything said by Houck is true and everything said by man who was assaulted is not. Point is hitting or shoving some one is where that man’s right of free speech ends.
Is that really what you think? Then I pity you. You probably think the Constitution is just a piece of old paper.

Here is part of the definition of sacred that you left out:
..regarded with great respect and reverence by a particular religion, group, or individual.

Venerate: regard with great respect

Then use the word "respect". Sacred is set apart for worship, as you see.
You are assuming everything said by Houck is true and everything said by man who was assaulted is not. Point is hitting or shoving some one is where that man’s right of free speech ends.

Yes. We are all assuming that because the entire situation went through both the civil and criminal courts and all charges were dismissed. Until your favorite henchmen Biden's goons got a hold of the situation.

I just want to know if you love this for our nation. Unelected, unaccountable armed goons sent after Americans for their politics, basically. Do you or not?
Yes. We are all assuming that because the entire situation went through both the civil and criminal courts and all charges were dismissed. Until your favorite henchmen Biden's goons got a hold of the situation.

That is misleading. Per the quote I posted previously, the charges were not “dismissed”, they didn’t take the case because they wanted the feds to take it. Whether or not it has merit remains to be seen so try to at least be honest about. If you are going about “henchmen”…well your own compatriots have a long bloody trail of murder, bombings, arson and assault to their record that was the reason the FACE Act was passed to begin with.

I just want to know if you love this for our nation. Unelected, unaccountable armed goons sent after Americans for their politics, basically. Do you or not?
Do you love unelected, unaccountable thugs engaging in extrajudicial violence?

How about waiting to see what the actual facts are first?

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