3 mass shooting, three semi automtic rifles

OK, good job whackos

We got the truck argument.

We got the definition of assault rifle argument

We got the good guy with a gun argument

We got input from the Limbaugh dittoheads

I know you can do better.
2 dead, 9 injured in shootings in Chicago

"Eleven people were shot, two fatally, in Chicago between Tuesday morning and early Wednesday."

Why aren't you gun grabbers ever interested in these murders that are weekly in Chitown?
They only look at the niggas come voting season.

I don't know which is more pathetic. You, for using your racial slur, or the asshole that agreed.
Poor little offended sissy. I was just telling the truth crybaby.
The last three whack jobs that went on a shooting spree used semi automatic rifles. The last two wore tactical gear.

Background checks?

If all these nutsos want them then I suggest that the idea some one wants them is a sign they are mentally off.

The more they assault type rifles want, the more whacked they are. Probably at least at by the square of that number.

Have two, 4 times as as crazy. Have 4, 16 times as crazy.

Next, add another factor of ten for every piece of "tactical gear" they own.

Really, you are way off the deep end if you have to dress up in this tactical gear.

Real sane gun owners wouldn't own an assault type rifle. Not good for hunting, not good for self defense. They would be safe.

Just those crazy fucks running around in tactical gear toting their AR-15, round them up & send them to the psycho ward.

This last asshole was on bail for assault with a deadly weapon and the weapon itself and the magazines were ALREADY illegal. The next door neighbor had a restraining order that did fuckall to protect her as she was the second person this asshole murdered, so, yet again....How'd that gun ban work out?

The law won't stop every one, but does lower the them. It would work better if list were public on smart phones like the sex offenders registry so people could keep an eye on them.

No it doesn't. The only people who follow gun bans are those who follow the law. Criminals don't. That's why they're called criminals.
Well we can look at countries with good gun control to answer that question. Looks like just less mass killings.
We can also look at cities with good gun control.

Cities don't have walls. Easy to get guns in and out obviously. Funny how you jump around. Fact is mass murder is unique to the US. Places with good gun control don't have a mass murder problem, and yes they have trucks.

Mass murder is unique to the USA?


Yes happens here weekly. Everywhere else it happens every few years and usually involves international terrorists.

Yet...........you have had almost 3 mass shootings recently in Britain, and Australia has almost had a dozen.....France has already had them, as has Germany, and Norway......that they haven't had more is because of their cultures...but that is changing.....
Almost? Could you be more of a joke?
OK, good job whackos

We got the truck argument.

We got the definition of assault rifle argument

We got the good guy with a gun argument

We got input from the Limbaugh dittoheads

I know you can do better.
2 dead, 9 injured in shootings in Chicago

"Eleven people were shot, two fatally, in Chicago between Tuesday morning and early Wednesday."

Why aren't you gun grabbers ever interested in these murders that are weekly in Chitown?
They only look at the niggas come voting season.

I don't know which is more pathetic. You, for using your racial slur, or the asshole that agreed.
no one agreed with him. you must be blind.
Let’s just make sure there aren’t any roadblocks that will keep these sickos out of the gun aisle at wall mart. I mean what’s the worst that could happen?
Guns, guns and more guns for everyone!!!!

You may have a point...more guns, less crime

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year
You are sure? Provide a link saying semi-automatic rifles are illegal to hunt with.
One of my students said he borrowed a friend's semiautomatic rifle to hunt deer last year, but you only pull the trigger once, not a bunch of times. You don't want to tear up the meat.

The poster said semi-automatic rifles are ILLEGAL to hunt with, which is not correct except in 4 or 5 states.
I clearly state that some states that had candy-assed, poor shooting hunters allowed semi-automatics. Heck, they need the herd whittled down.

Heck why not tote that couch in the woods, bring the beer, have a seat, send out the dogs, put out the bait & load up that semi-automatic.

You guys are such pathetic hunters. If you need more that one shot, you shouldn't have taken the first one.
You really don't know shit about hunting do you? The vast majority of hunters use bolt actions. I would use a semi for dangerous game.
Exactly MINDLESS. Thanks!
Outlawing semiautomatic weapons isn't the only answer, you're right. Absolutely. But getting those goddamned things out of every American closet would really help. This latest nutcase also bought his guns legally, and owned them even though he was arrested earlier this year for assault with a deadly weapon, and it was against his wife. A neighbor called and told the cops the shooter was acting pretty nutty prior to the shooting and firing hundreds of rounds in his backyard. Ignore, ignore, ignore. Then BANG. So you're right. There's more to it than just doing a buy back of semi's.

Why do you want to take my weapons? I did nothing wrong.

I shoot hundreds of rounds when I go shooting with my wife and daughters .
It's not about you; it's about the type of gun and the damage it can do. To me it is a form of risk reduction. Nothing is perfect and I'm not saying you did anything wrong.
You people make it about ALL gun owners.

The current thinking is one person kills with a gun then we have to do something to ALL gun owners .

If that's the way you want to live then be consistent and apply that "logic" to all laws
Perhaps it wouldn't HAVE to be about "all" gun owners if gun owners were willing to have more regulation around who can own a gun, etc. I really like the sound of the recent law in California that allows law enforcement to take a person's guns temporarily for good cause and then it is adjudicated by a judge. That law nationwide might have prevented two of the shootings we've recently had.
again, we're asking what it is you want. Can't you articulate what it is you think should be done that would prevent a nutjob from shooting people.
You're right I am reacting to three mindless mass murders in two months. If that's wrong, I'm in the wrong universe.
Exactly MINDLESS. Thanks!
Outlawing semiautomatic weapons isn't the only answer, you're right. Absolutely. But getting those goddamned things out of every American closet would really help. This latest nutcase also bought his guns legally, and owned them even though he was arrested earlier this year for assault with a deadly weapon, and it was against his wife. A neighbor called and told the cops the shooter was acting pretty nutty prior to the shooting and firing hundreds of rounds in his backyard. Ignore, ignore, ignore. Then BANG. So you're right. There's more to it than just doing a buy back of semi's.

Why do you want to take my weapons? I did nothing wrong.

I shoot hundreds of rounds when I go shooting with my wife and daughters .
It's not about you; it's about the type of gun and the damage it can do. To me it is a form of risk reduction. Nothing is perfect and I'm not saying you did anything wrong.

The ultimate risk reduction is for you to crawl under your bed and stay there, even though there are risks associated even with doing that. The bed could fall, the house could catch fire, etc.

That's not much of a life!
I don't know where you get that solution from anything I've said. I have a right to NOT expect to be gunned down on the way to the grocery store, goddamit, and you're not going to change my mind. What about my rights and the rights of everyone minding their own business who happens to be out and about in public?
Exactly MINDLESS. Thanks!
Outlawing semiautomatic weapons isn't the only answer, you're right. Absolutely. But getting those goddamned things out of every American closet would really help. This latest nutcase also bought his guns legally, and owned them even though he was arrested earlier this year for assault with a deadly weapon, and it was against his wife. A neighbor called and told the cops the shooter was acting pretty nutty prior to the shooting and firing hundreds of rounds in his backyard. Ignore, ignore, ignore. Then BANG. So you're right. There's more to it than just doing a buy back of semi's.

Why do you want to take my weapons? I did nothing wrong.

I shoot hundreds of rounds when I go shooting with my wife and daughters .
It's not about you; it's about the type of gun and the damage it can do. To me it is a form of risk reduction. Nothing is perfect and I'm not saying you did anything wrong.
You people make it about ALL gun owners.

The current thinking is one person kills with a gun then we have to do something to ALL gun owners .

If that's the way you want to live then be consistent and apply that "logic" to all laws
Perhaps it wouldn't HAVE to be about "all" gun owners if gun owners were willing to have more regulation around who can own a gun, etc. I really like the sound of the recent law in California that allows law enforcement to take a person's guns temporarily for good cause and then it is adjudicated by a judge. That law nationwide might have prevented two of the shootings we've recently had.

Really? Which two? The vegas asshole was a multi millionaire who could have bought his way out of anything. The asshole in Texas was ALREADY a prohibited person. What exactly did that accomplish? This most recent asshole was a loon, out on bail from a ADW charge, with numerous complaints against him and a judicial system that bent over backwards to make sure he was on the street. With this assholes past he should have been sitting in jail waiting for his trial. In all the cases but the first I see a government failure.
OK, good job whackos

We got the truck argument.

We got the definition of assault rifle argument

We got the good guy with a gun argument

We got input from the Limbaugh dittoheads

I know you can do better.

They keep saying the same BS while the corpses pile up. Meanwhile the only proven solution is gun control.
OK, good job whackos

We got the truck argument.

We got the definition of assault rifle argument

We got the good guy with a gun argument

We got input from the Limbaugh dittoheads

I know you can do better.

They keep saying the same BS while the corpses pile up. Meanwhile the only proven solution is gun control.

Show us a single country where a gun ban has worked.
Outlawing semiautomatic weapons isn't the only answer, you're right. Absolutely. But getting those goddamned things out of every American closet would really help. This latest nutcase also bought his guns legally, and owned them even though he was arrested earlier this year for assault with a deadly weapon, and it was against his wife. A neighbor called and told the cops the shooter was acting pretty nutty prior to the shooting and firing hundreds of rounds in his backyard. Ignore, ignore, ignore. Then BANG. So you're right. There's more to it than just doing a buy back of semi's.

Why do you want to take my weapons? I did nothing wrong.

I shoot hundreds of rounds when I go shooting with my wife and daughters .
It's not about you; it's about the type of gun and the damage it can do. To me it is a form of risk reduction. Nothing is perfect and I'm not saying you did anything wrong.
You people make it about ALL gun owners.

The current thinking is one person kills with a gun then we have to do something to ALL gun owners .

If that's the way you want to live then be consistent and apply that "logic" to all laws
Perhaps it wouldn't HAVE to be about "all" gun owners if gun owners were willing to have more regulation around who can own a gun, etc. I really like the sound of the recent law in California that allows law enforcement to take a person's guns temporarily for good cause and then it is adjudicated by a judge. That law nationwide might have prevented two of the shootings we've recently had.
again, we're asking what it is you want.
A ban on semiautomatic rifles. Limited size magazines for handguns. More accurate reporting of arrests to the federal data bank that does background checks on gun purchases. The ability of law enforcement to confiscate an individual's weapons temporarily, pending a speedy hearing, if the individual is acting erratic and homicidal or making threats on people's lives.
Exactly MINDLESS. Thanks!
Outlawing semiautomatic weapons isn't the only answer, you're right. Absolutely. But getting those goddamned things out of every American closet would really help. This latest nutcase also bought his guns legally, and owned them even though he was arrested earlier this year for assault with a deadly weapon, and it was against his wife. A neighbor called and told the cops the shooter was acting pretty nutty prior to the shooting and firing hundreds of rounds in his backyard. Ignore, ignore, ignore. Then BANG. So you're right. There's more to it than just doing a buy back of semi's.

Why do you want to take my weapons? I did nothing wrong.

I shoot hundreds of rounds when I go shooting with my wife and daughters .
It's not about you; it's about the type of gun and the damage it can do. To me it is a form of risk reduction. Nothing is perfect and I'm not saying you did anything wrong.
You people make it about ALL gun owners.

The current thinking is one person kills with a gun then we have to do something to ALL gun owners .

If that's the way you want to live then be consistent and apply that "logic" to all laws
Perhaps it wouldn't HAVE to be about "all" gun owners if gun owners were willing to have more regulation around who can own a gun, etc. I really like the sound of the recent law in California that allows law enforcement to take a person's guns temporarily for good cause and then it is adjudicated by a judge. That law nationwide might have prevented two of the shootings we've recently had.
LOL! You just said you want the government to take peoples guns. Someone tries to take mine and if I can I'll shoot at least one of them.
OK, good job whackos

We got the truck argument.

We got the definition of assault rifle argument

We got the good guy with a gun argument

We got input from the Limbaugh dittoheads

I know you can do better.

They keep saying the same BS while the corpses pile up. Meanwhile the only proven solution is gun control.

Show us a single country where a gun ban has worked.

Every civilized country with gun control does not have a gun problem. Where has it not worked?
Why do you want to take my weapons? I did nothing wrong.

I shoot hundreds of rounds when I go shooting with my wife and daughters .
It's not about you; it's about the type of gun and the damage it can do. To me it is a form of risk reduction. Nothing is perfect and I'm not saying you did anything wrong.
You people make it about ALL gun owners.

The current thinking is one person kills with a gun then we have to do something to ALL gun owners .

If that's the way you want to live then be consistent and apply that "logic" to all laws
Perhaps it wouldn't HAVE to be about "all" gun owners if gun owners were willing to have more regulation around who can own a gun, etc. I really like the sound of the recent law in California that allows law enforcement to take a person's guns temporarily for good cause and then it is adjudicated by a judge. That law nationwide might have prevented two of the shootings we've recently had.
again, we're asking what it is you want.
A ban on semiautomatic rifles. Limited size magazines for handguns. More accurate reporting of arrests to the federal data bank that does background checks on gun purchases. The ability of law enforcement to confiscate an individual's weapons temporarily, pending a speedy hearing, if the individual is acting erratic and homicidal or making threats on people's lives.

No ban has ever worked yet so what makes you think they will all of sudden magically work now?
Earlier this month, sheriff's deputies arrested David Kenneth Smith, 39, of Los Angeles, after learning he emailed a video link to an instructor at Soka University in Aliso Viejo, California, where Smith was once a student. The video shows Smith "sitting with a semi-automatic pistol on his chest talking about the university,"

The video is one of several recently recorded and posted on Smith's YouTube channel that show Smith talking "about his desire to engage in a 'killing,' " according to the Orange County Sheriff's Department. In another video, he says he'd "rather go on a killing spree" after debating whether he should do that or commit suicide.

Deputies were notified of the email and within 48 hours arrested Smith. They seized nine fully loaded firearms On Monday, Smith pleaded not guilty to one felony count of making criminal threats, according to the Orange County District Attorney's Office. His bail was set at $1 million. A pretrial hearing is scheduled for November 15.
OK, good job whackos

We got the truck argument.

We got the definition of assault rifle argument

We got the good guy with a gun argument

We got input from the Limbaugh dittoheads

I know you can do better.

They keep saying the same BS while the corpses pile up. Meanwhile the only proven solution is gun control.
We have gun control and the bastards you worship won't enforce it.
Well start by punishing those preventing those laws from being implemented even if it means putting the NRA in jails.

The ones preventing the laws from being implemented are progressive groups like the ACLU.
Yeah they love seeing deaths and destruction by guns

No, what they love seeing is the US Court system rendered completely helpless. They will fight for every violent asshole leftist out there. But a rightwinger who doesn't want to bake a cake..... forget it.
And when a dem breaks a law hang him and when a republican gets caught ,,it's political
Fantasizing early huh crybaby.
Fantasy?? you've been sleeping rip? It's either fantasy or false news, Repubs hands are clean lol
Outlawing semiautomatic weapons isn't the only answer, you're right. Absolutely. But getting those goddamned things out of every American closet would really help. This latest nutcase also bought his guns legally, and owned them even though he was arrested earlier this year for assault with a deadly weapon, and it was against his wife. A neighbor called and told the cops the shooter was acting pretty nutty prior to the shooting and firing hundreds of rounds in his backyard. Ignore, ignore, ignore. Then BANG. So you're right. There's more to it than just doing a buy back of semi's.

Why do you want to take my weapons? I did nothing wrong.

I shoot hundreds of rounds when I go shooting with my wife and daughters .
It's not about you; it's about the type of gun and the damage it can do. To me it is a form of risk reduction. Nothing is perfect and I'm not saying you did anything wrong.
You people make it about ALL gun owners.

The current thinking is one person kills with a gun then we have to do something to ALL gun owners .

If that's the way you want to live then be consistent and apply that "logic" to all laws
Perhaps it wouldn't HAVE to be about "all" gun owners if gun owners were willing to have more regulation around who can own a gun, etc. I really like the sound of the recent law in California that allows law enforcement to take a person's guns temporarily for good cause and then it is adjudicated by a judge. That law nationwide might have prevented two of the shootings we've recently had.
LOL! You just said you want the government to take peoples guns. Someone tries to take mine and if I can I'll shoot at least one of them.
Your life must not be worth much. Die for an inanimate object? Sad.
OK, good job whackos

We got the truck argument.

We got the definition of assault rifle argument

We got the good guy with a gun argument

We got input from the Limbaugh dittoheads

I know you can do better.

They keep saying the same BS while the corpses pile up. Meanwhile the only proven solution is gun control.

Show us a single country where a gun ban has worked.
Try every single industrialized country in the world. Not bans, necessarily, but strict gun control. They are not dying by the gazillions from shooting each other.

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