28% of Republican Primary Voters Will Not Support Trump in General Election

Labor unions giving serious thought to endorsing Trump

On Tuesday, the 1.4 million-member International Brotherhood of Teamsters announced its executive council would put off a decision on a presidential endorsement due a lack of consensus. Fox Newsreported that the delay was caused partly by members' support for Trump and that the union was seeking a meeting with the candidate.

The following day, Chris Shelton, president of the 600,000-member Communication Workers of America, told Politico that his union was putting off a presidential endorsement for the same reason. "If our members come out with Donald Trump, then we're going to endorse Donald Trump," he said.

His position to tariff products from Mexico and China is drawing Union attention................For them to even consider JUMPING OFF THE DEM SHIP is UNBELIEVABLE in this day and age.
WOW! Trump is more liberal than Liberals!!!!
Strange...Trump leads turnout poll CNBC:

View attachment 58225

And the other shoe drops.

The 2016 matchups that would get out the vote

The other shoe to what?

A couple of problems I see with this "poll" or whatever it is in addtion to the Quinnipiac poll (it's too early, its only one poll) is that I've never heard of Fluent, what is their track record? What was the question asked? How many Republicans or Democrats stated they wouldn't vote for their own party? Let's go ahead and assume everyone is going to vote for their preferred candidate, you would be ignoring the portion of the poll where Democrats come out stronger against Trump than any other candidate. I don't see this poll signifying anything positive for Trump, just higher voter turnout which historically tends to favor Democrats.

But, what is really going on here is that you see something negative about Trump and you can't handle it so you go out and actively search for some good news. And you come up with a month old poll....or whatever it is.
IF it comes down to Trump vs hiLIARy Republicans will support Trump with very few defections.

Most likely. But even losing 1 or 2 additional percent could be Huuuuuge.

Maybe. I think it will come down to turnout. hiLIARy is literally HATED by 40% of the country. That burning hatred will help GOP turnout. Democrats don't seem too excited about the cankled cuckquean.....

Based on what? Hillary's weak point is she not very well liked, very true. Guess who is even more disliked?

Democrats aren't too excited about Clinton according to you but according to this poll they seem to be just fine with a Clinton presidency. Trump again is the one that has more challenges within his own party, if you believe this poll.

So, why not just ignore the polls until we get closer to the election if you don't like the results? Much better than trying to explain your candidate/party's road to victory in face of evidence to the contrary.
Trump currently loses to Hillary by seven points, but the last sentence is key. When over a quarter of your party's primary voters won't even support you in the general election no matter what and half the country thinks you would be an embarrassment there is no way you are a viable candidate.

Most recently, a joint survey from CNN and ORC International released on Wednesday found 49% of American primary voters would choose Clinton while 47% would pick Trump. On Tuesday,Quinnipiac University released numbers that confirm the presidential race is aclose one; according to the university's data, American voters support Clinton 47% to Trump's 40%.

"Half of American voters say they'd be embarrassed to have Donald Trump as their commander in chief and most Americans think he doesn't have a good chance in November, but there he is, still at the top of the Republican heap," said the assistant director of Quinnipiac University's poll, Tim Malloy, in a statement. "Hillary Clinton tops him. [Vermont] Sen. Bernie Sanders hammers him and Sen. Ted Cruz is snapping at his heels. Can a candidate that half the American electorate thinks is an embarrassment win in November?"

According to the Quinnipiac University poll, a full 28% of Republican primary voters would "definitely not" support Trump.

2016 Presidential Poll Results: Here's Where Candidates Stand as the Year Draws to a Close
RINO's. big whoop. Oh and Trump loses to Hillary by 1 according to Rasmussen poll I saw today. Wouldn't worry about the 28% when it comes to either Hillary or Trump they will vote for Trump
Hear this one every cycle...even said it myself a few times during primary season. Come General Election Day, they will pull the lever for the lessor of two evils, just like I did in 2012.

Try me, and I promise my vote will go Libertarian if Trump is the GOP candidate. Hell I might even vote Green Nazi Libertarian if they are running anyone this election cycle, but I will be damn I will vote for Trump!
Trump currently loses to Hillary by seven points, but the last sentence is key. When over a quarter of your party's primary voters won't even support you in the general election no matter what and half the country thinks you would be an embarrassment there is no way you are a viable candidate.

Most recently, a joint survey from CNN and ORC International released on Wednesday found 49% of American primary voters would choose Clinton while 47% would pick Trump. On Tuesday,Quinnipiac University released numbers that confirm the presidential race is aclose one; according to the university's data, American voters support Clinton 47% to Trump's 40%.

"Half of American voters say they'd be embarrassed to have Donald Trump as their commander in chief and most Americans think he doesn't have a good chance in November, but there he is, still at the top of the Republican heap," said the assistant director of Quinnipiac University's poll, Tim Malloy, in a statement. "Hillary Clinton tops him. [Vermont] Sen. Bernie Sanders hammers him and Sen. Ted Cruz is snapping at his heels. Can a candidate that half the American electorate thinks is an embarrassment win in November?"

According to the Quinnipiac University poll, a full 28% of Republican primary voters would "definitely not" support Trump.

2016 Presidential Poll Results: Here's Where Candidates Stand as the Year Draws to a Close

It's well known that the majority of Republicans do not care for Donald Trump. In fact, 28% is probably a little low. Trump is a scary thought to be at the button for millions of people--and I imagine there will be millions of Republicans crossing the party line to vote for Hillary Clinton should Trump become the nominee of this party.

Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point lead as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in 200 years. Women will be voting heavily for her. They are the majority voting block at 54%. And of course, women were chased off by the right wing base in 2012, which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
How women ruled the 2012 election and where the GOP went wrong - CNNPolitics.com

Trump and his supporters have already chased off another 17% of the population (Hispanics). Since Reagan the GOP nominee needs to capture at least 40% of the Hispanic vote to win the White House. Trump is polling at a Negative 75% with Hispanics
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

These numbers already suggest that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea regardless of who the GOP nominee is. Women nor Hispanics will be coming back anytime soon. They could also lose the Senate and many seats in the house. The problem with the GOP is the right wing base aka Tea Party, who are lead by right wing talk radio,who continually promote candidates that cannot win the White House. They spend most of their time attacking Republican members of congress than anything else. For Republicans, this race is over before the 1st primary ballot was even cast.

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS.

Last edited:
Trump currently loses to Hillary by seven points, but the last sentence is key. When over a quarter of your party's primary voters won't even support you in the general election no matter what and half the country thinks you would be an embarrassment there is no way you are a viable candidate.

Most recently, a joint survey from CNN and ORC International released on Wednesday found 49% of American primary voters would choose Clinton while 47% would pick Trump. On Tuesday,Quinnipiac University released numbers that confirm the presidential race is aclose one; according to the university's data, American voters support Clinton 47% to Trump's 40%.

"Half of American voters say they'd be embarrassed to have Donald Trump as their commander in chief and most Americans think he doesn't have a good chance in November, but there he is, still at the top of the Republican heap," said the assistant director of Quinnipiac University's poll, Tim Malloy, in a statement. "Hillary Clinton tops him. [Vermont] Sen. Bernie Sanders hammers him and Sen. Ted Cruz is snapping at his heels. Can a candidate that half the American electorate thinks is an embarrassment win in November?"

According to the Quinnipiac University poll, a full 28% of Republican primary voters would "definitely not" support Trump.

2016 Presidential Poll Results: Here's Where Candidates Stand as the Year Draws to a Close
RINO's. big whoop. Oh and Trump loses to Hillary by 1 according to Rasmussen poll I saw today. Wouldn't worry about the 28% when it comes to either Hillary or Trump they will vote for Trump

Or possibly not vote, nobody is holding a gun to their heads to do anything.
Trump currently loses to Hillary by seven points, but the last sentence is key. When over a quarter of your party's primary voters won't even support you in the general election no matter what and half the country thinks you would be an embarrassment there is no way you are a viable candidate.

Most recently, a joint survey from CNN and ORC International released on Wednesday found 49% of American primary voters would choose Clinton while 47% would pick Trump. On Tuesday,Quinnipiac University released numbers that confirm the presidential race is aclose one; according to the university's data, American voters support Clinton 47% to Trump's 40%.

"Half of American voters say they'd be embarrassed to have Donald Trump as their commander in chief and most Americans think he doesn't have a good chance in November, but there he is, still at the top of the Republican heap," said the assistant director of Quinnipiac University's poll, Tim Malloy, in a statement. "Hillary Clinton tops him. [Vermont] Sen. Bernie Sanders hammers him and Sen. Ted Cruz is snapping at his heels. Can a candidate that half the American electorate thinks is an embarrassment win in November?"

According to the Quinnipiac University poll, a full 28% of Republican primary voters would "definitely not" support Trump.

2016 Presidential Poll Results: Here's Where Candidates Stand as the Year Draws to a Close

It's well known that the majority of Republicans do not care for Donald Trump. In fact, 28% is probably a little low. Trump is a scary thought to be at the button for millions of people--and I imagine there will be millions of Republicans crossing the party line to vote for Hillary Clinton should Trump become the nominee of this party.

Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point lead as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in 200 years. Women will be voting heavily for her. They are the majority voting block at 54%. And of course, women were chased off by the right wing base in 2012, which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
How women ruled the 2012 election and where the GOP went wrong - CNNPolitics.com

Trump and his supporters have already chased off another 17% of the population (Hispanics). Since Reagan the GOP nominee needs to capture at least 40% of the Hispanic vote to win the White House. Trump is polling at a Negative 75% with Hispanics
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

These numbers already suggest that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea regardless of who the GOP nominee is. Women nor Hispanics will be coming back anytime soon. They could also lose the Senate and many seats in the house. The problem with the GOP is the right wing base aka Tea Party, who are lead by right wing talk radio,who continually promote candidates that cannot win the White House. They spend most of their time attacking Republican members of congress than anything else. For Republicans, this race is over before the 1st primary ballot was even cast.

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS.

"It's well known that the majority of Republicans do not care for Donald Trump."

Any time someone says "it's a well known fact," whatever follows is not a fact.
Hear this one every cycle...even said it myself a few times during primary season. Come General Election Day, they will pull the lever for the lessor of two evils, just like I did in 2012.

Try me, and I promise my vote will go Libertarian if Trump is the GOP candidate. Hell I might even vote Green Nazi Libertarian if they are running anyone this election cycle, but I will be damn I will vote for Trump!

Yeah, right, because we all know you were going to vote Republican if someone other than Trump was the nominee, and I'm the Queen of England.
Trump currently loses to Hillary by seven points, but the last sentence is key. When over a quarter of your party's primary voters won't even support you in the general election no matter what and half the country thinks you would be an embarrassment there is no way you are a viable candidate.

Most recently, a joint survey from CNN and ORC International released on Wednesday found 49% of American primary voters would choose Clinton while 47% would pick Trump. On Tuesday,Quinnipiac University released numbers that confirm the presidential race is aclose one; according to the university's data, American voters support Clinton 47% to Trump's 40%.

"Half of American voters say they'd be embarrassed to have Donald Trump as their commander in chief and most Americans think he doesn't have a good chance in November, but there he is, still at the top of the Republican heap," said the assistant director of Quinnipiac University's poll, Tim Malloy, in a statement. "Hillary Clinton tops him. [Vermont] Sen. Bernie Sanders hammers him and Sen. Ted Cruz is snapping at his heels. Can a candidate that half the American electorate thinks is an embarrassment win in November?"

According to the Quinnipiac University poll, a full 28% of Republican primary voters would "definitely not" support Trump.

2016 Presidential Poll Results: Here's Where Candidates Stand as the Year Draws to a Close

28 percent?

Way too high. We have a binary system where it's either/or. Most voters are going to vote for the candidate closest to their values. Or they will "vote against" the other guy. I would find it very hard to believe that 1 in 4 republicans would prefer a Clinton win over a Trump presidency. If, and it's a big if with republicans, they are sophisticated enough to hold that nuanced viewpoint, they would certainly be aware of the Senate polling. A Trump Presidency with a Democratic Senate is nothing to be afraid of in terms of these silly doomsday scenarios.

That being said, if 1 out of 10 GOP voters stays home, it's curtains for the The Donald and the GOP.
Trump currently loses to Hillary by seven points, but the last sentence is key. When over a quarter of your party's primary voters won't even support you in the general election no matter what and half the country thinks you would be an embarrassment there is no way you are a viable candidate.

Most recently, a joint survey from CNN and ORC International released on Wednesday found 49% of American primary voters would choose Clinton while 47% would pick Trump. On Tuesday,Quinnipiac University released numbers that confirm the presidential race is aclose one; according to the university's data, American voters support Clinton 47% to Trump's 40%.

"Half of American voters say they'd be embarrassed to have Donald Trump as their commander in chief and most Americans think he doesn't have a good chance in November, but there he is, still at the top of the Republican heap," said the assistant director of Quinnipiac University's poll, Tim Malloy, in a statement. "Hillary Clinton tops him. [Vermont] Sen. Bernie Sanders hammers him and Sen. Ted Cruz is snapping at his heels. Can a candidate that half the American electorate thinks is an embarrassment win in November?"

According to the Quinnipiac University poll, a full 28% of Republican primary voters would "definitely not" support Trump.

2016 Presidential Poll Results: Here's Where Candidates Stand as the Year Draws to a Close

28 percent?

Way too high. We have a binary system where it's either/or. Most voters are going to vote for the candidate closest to their values. Or they will "vote against" the other guy. I would find it very hard to believe that 1 in 4 republicans would prefer a Clinton win over a Trump presidency. If, and it's a big if with republicans, they are sophisticated enough to hold that nuanced viewpoint, they would certainly be aware of the Senate polling. A Trump Presidency with a Democratic Senate is nothing to be afraid of in terms of these silly doomsday scenarios.

That being said, if 1 out of 10 GOP voters stays home, it's curtains for the The Donald and the GOP.

They are far less likely to stay home with Trump than if some RINO like Bush was the nominee.

You guys are whistling past the graveyard. Republicans will come out in droves this election to vote for Trump because they truly loath Hillary Clinton and all that Obama has wrought.
Trump currently loses to Hillary by seven points, but the last sentence is key. When over a quarter of your party's primary voters won't even support you in the general election no matter what and half the country thinks you would be an embarrassment there is no way you are a viable candidate.

Most recently, a joint survey from CNN and ORC International released on Wednesday found 49% of American primary voters would choose Clinton while 47% would pick Trump. On Tuesday,Quinnipiac University released numbers that confirm the presidential race is aclose one; according to the university's data, American voters support Clinton 47% to Trump's 40%.

"Half of American voters say they'd be embarrassed to have Donald Trump as their commander in chief and most Americans think he doesn't have a good chance in November, but there he is, still at the top of the Republican heap," said the assistant director of Quinnipiac University's poll, Tim Malloy, in a statement. "Hillary Clinton tops him. [Vermont] Sen. Bernie Sanders hammers him and Sen. Ted Cruz is snapping at his heels. Can a candidate that half the American electorate thinks is an embarrassment win in November?"

According to the Quinnipiac University poll, a full 28% of Republican primary voters would "definitely not" support Trump.

2016 Presidential Poll Results: Here's Where Candidates Stand as the Year Draws to a Close

28 percent?

Way too high. We have a binary system where it's either/or. Most voters are going to vote for the candidate closest to their values. Or they will "vote against" the other guy. I would find it very hard to believe that 1 in 4 republicans would prefer a Clinton win over a Trump presidency. If, and it's a big if with republicans, they are sophisticated enough to hold that nuanced viewpoint, they would certainly be aware of the Senate polling. A Trump Presidency with a Democratic Senate is nothing to be afraid of in terms of these silly doomsday scenarios.

That being said, if 1 out of 10 GOP voters stays home, it's curtains for the The Donald and the GOP.

They are far less likely to stay home with Trump than if some RINO like Bush was the nominee.

You guys are whistling past the graveyard. Republicans will come out in droves this election to vote for Trump because they truly loath Hillary Clinton and all that Obama has wrought.


We've heard that noise time and again. Hillary's victory is all but assured. The GOP is in total disarray from not being able to find a Speaker who wanted the job to not being able to manage a debate roster to having a liberal Democrat as your front-runner. That you continually put your faith in this collection of incompetent people and feel that Trump is someone whom you trust is a testament to your personal insipidness.
Trump currently loses to Hillary by seven points, but the last sentence is key. When over a quarter of your party's primary voters won't even support you in the general election no matter what and half the country thinks you would be an embarrassment there is no way you are a viable candidate.

Most recently, a joint survey from CNN and ORC International released on Wednesday found 49% of American primary voters would choose Clinton while 47% would pick Trump. On Tuesday,Quinnipiac University released numbers that confirm the presidential race is aclose one; according to the university's data, American voters support Clinton 47% to Trump's 40%.

"Half of American voters say they'd be embarrassed to have Donald Trump as their commander in chief and most Americans think he doesn't have a good chance in November, but there he is, still at the top of the Republican heap," said the assistant director of Quinnipiac University's poll, Tim Malloy, in a statement. "Hillary Clinton tops him. [Vermont] Sen. Bernie Sanders hammers him and Sen. Ted Cruz is snapping at his heels. Can a candidate that half the American electorate thinks is an embarrassment win in November?"

According to the Quinnipiac University poll, a full 28% of Republican primary voters would "definitely not" support Trump.

2016 Presidential Poll Results: Here's Where Candidates Stand as the Year Draws to a Close

28 percent?

Way too high. We have a binary system where it's either/or. Most voters are going to vote for the candidate closest to their values. Or they will "vote against" the other guy. I would find it very hard to believe that 1 in 4 republicans would prefer a Clinton win over a Trump presidency. If, and it's a big if with republicans, they are sophisticated enough to hold that nuanced viewpoint, they would certainly be aware of the Senate polling. A Trump Presidency with a Democratic Senate is nothing to be afraid of in terms of these silly doomsday scenarios.

That being said, if 1 out of 10 GOP voters stays home, it's curtains for the The Donald and the GOP.

They are far less likely to stay home with Trump than if some RINO like Bush was the nominee.

You guys are whistling past the graveyard. Republicans will come out in droves this election to vote for Trump because they truly loath Hillary Clinton and all that Obama has wrought.


We've heard that noise time and again. Hillary's victory is all but assured. The GOP is in total disarray from not being able to find a Speaker who wanted the job to not being able to manage a debate roster to having a liberal Democrat as your front-runner. That you continually put your faith in this collection of incompetent people and feel that Trump is someone whom you trust is a testament to your personal insipidness.

Your characterization of these events is wishful thinking and obvious horseshit.
IF it comes down to Trump vs hiLIARy Republicans will support Trump with very few defections.

Most likely. But even losing 1 or 2 additional percent could be Huuuuuge.

Maybe. I think it will come down to turnout. hiLIARy is literally HATED by 40% of the country. That burning hatred will help GOP turnout. Democrats don't seem too excited about the cankled cuckquean.....

Based on what? Hillary's weak point is she not very well liked, very true. Guess who is even more disliked?

Democrats aren't too excited about Clinton according to you but according to this poll they seem to be just fine with a Clinton presidency. Trump again is the one that has more challenges within his own party, if you believe this poll.

So, why not just ignore the polls until we get closer to the election if you don't like the results? Much better than trying to explain your candidate/party's road to victory in face of evidence to the contrary.


that's the level of excitement for hiLIARy....and my response to your post.

IF it comes down to Trump vs hiLIARy Republicans will support Trump with very few defections.

Most likely. But even losing 1 or 2 additional percent could be Huuuuuge.

Maybe. I think it will come down to turnout. hiLIARy is literally HATED by 40% of the country. That burning hatred will help GOP turnout. Democrats don't seem too excited about the cankled cuckquean.....

Based on what? Hillary's weak point is she not very well liked, very true. Guess who is even more disliked?

Democrats aren't too excited about Clinton according to you but according to this poll they seem to be just fine with a Clinton presidency. Trump again is the one that has more challenges within his own party, if you believe this poll.

So, why not just ignore the polls until we get closer to the election if you don't like the results? Much better than trying to explain your candidate/party's road to victory in face of evidence to the contrary.


that's the level of excitement for hiLIARy....and my response to your post.


For one who doesn't like Hillary, of course they aren't going to be excited for her. However it doesn't change the fact that Democrats appear to be just fine with Hillary where as Trump might have a problem with his own party. Your opinion of the candidates is irrelevant.
IF it comes down to Trump vs hiLIARy Republicans will support Trump with very few defections.

Most likely. But even losing 1 or 2 additional percent could be Huuuuuge.

Maybe. I think it will come down to turnout. hiLIARy is literally HATED by 40% of the country. That burning hatred will help GOP turnout. Democrats don't seem too excited about the cankled cuckquean.....

Based on what? Hillary's weak point is she not very well liked, very true. Guess who is even more disliked?

Democrats aren't too excited about Clinton according to you but according to this poll they seem to be just fine with a Clinton presidency. Trump again is the one that has more challenges within his own party, if you believe this poll.

So, why not just ignore the polls until we get closer to the election if you don't like the results? Much better than trying to explain your candidate/party's road to victory in face of evidence to the contrary.


that's the level of excitement for hiLIARy....and my response to your post.


For one who doesn't like Hillary, of course they aren't going to be excited for her. However it doesn't change the fact that Democrats appear to be just fine with Hillary where as Trump might have a problem with his own party. Your opinion of the candidates is irrelevant.

Yeah, Democrats are just fine with hiLIARy. That's why crackpot Sanders is beating her by 6% in New Hampshire.
Most likely. But even losing 1 or 2 additional percent could be Huuuuuge.

Maybe. I think it will come down to turnout. hiLIARy is literally HATED by 40% of the country. That burning hatred will help GOP turnout. Democrats don't seem too excited about the cankled cuckquean.....

Based on what? Hillary's weak point is she not very well liked, very true. Guess who is even more disliked?

Democrats aren't too excited about Clinton according to you but according to this poll they seem to be just fine with a Clinton presidency. Trump again is the one that has more challenges within his own party, if you believe this poll.

So, why not just ignore the polls until we get closer to the election if you don't like the results? Much better than trying to explain your candidate/party's road to victory in face of evidence to the contrary.


that's the level of excitement for hiLIARy....and my response to your post.


For one who doesn't like Hillary, of course they aren't going to be excited for her. However it doesn't change the fact that Democrats appear to be just fine with Hillary where as Trump might have a problem with his own party. Your opinion of the candidates is irrelevant.

Yeah, Democrats are just fine with hiLIARy. That's why crackpot Sanders is beating her by 6% in New Hampshire.

Once again, you are letting your personal feelings for the candidates cloud your reasoning. It's ridiculous to expect every state's primary to be won by the eventual nominee. I can only imagine how you are going to feel about your preferred candidate when the lose a primary.

Since this thread is not about you but a specific poll. According to that poll, most of those Sanders supporters will support Clinton. You are only providing your opinion which is based on your own bias, it's undependable.

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