25yr Old Father of 2 In LA Sentenced To Life In Prison: He Stole A $750.00 Power Tool


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
And he's never been in jail in his life. This happened in Louisiana and the judge lowered the boom on him. I guess the judge is sending a message..............don't steal from people in Louisiana.


Family of man given life without parole for non-violent crime of stealing a power tool | Mail Online
I can't believe a guy is sentenced to life in prison for this
OnePercenter either is invested in a private prison company or is an union security guard in one.
Matthews, who had been using meth and heroin since he was a teenager, was sentenced under Louisiana's Habitual Offender law.

The harsh sentence came because the young man had prior convictions - one for stealing from a pawn shop and another from a fruit stand while he was a teenager and high on meth.

He did more than steal a power tool. He had a history of stealing and drug use. The fact that he is a father of two is irrelevant....what are we supposed to do, let criminals off because they have kids?

I'm not saying life in prison is an appropriate punishment for this particular guy, but he is a theif so it's hard to have too much sympathy for him. If I found anyone on my property stealing my shit, I would shoot them dead.
And he's never been in jail in his life. This happened in Louisiana and the judge lowered the boom on him. I guess the judge is sending a message..............don't steal from people in Louisiana.

Family of man given life without parole for non-violent crime of stealing a power tool | Mail Online

Most non-violent criminals should not be sentenced to life terms. Rehabilitation should be the agenda. He was obviously an idiot, if he had a family, for going out and stealing like that, but a life sentence doesn't make any sense.

I found anyone on my property stealing my shit, I would shoot them dead.
Wow! How impressive. A real man. Not.
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Okay, stealing from a fruit stand, a pawn shop, and a welding tool does not make any victim 'distraught'. Angry, yes, but distraught? Get over it.

This was a non violent crime and he shouldn't get life as the punishment doesn't fit the crime. On the other hand, the law is the law, and his priors were used against him.
On the other hand, the law is the law.

Keep in mind the "law" is written up by corrupt pieces of shit usually. This is America. Laws actually had a provisions for slavery at one time! Fuck laws and the fags that wrote them up!
Matthews, who had been using meth and heroin since he was a teenager, was sentenced under Louisiana's Habitual Offender law.

The harsh sentence came because the young man had prior convictions - one for stealing from a pawn shop and another from a fruit stand while he was a teenager and high on meth.

He did more than steal a power tool. He had a history of stealing and drug use. The fact that he is a father of two is irrelevant....what are we supposed to do, let criminals off because they have kids?

I'm not saying life in prison is an appropriate punishment for this particular guy, but he is a theif so it's hard to have too much sympathy for him. If I found anyone on my property stealing my shit, I would shoot them dead.

Why do wingnuts spend so much time fantasizing about killing people?

Anyway, I have no problem sending this guy to prison until he gets his head on straight and gets off drugs.

but life in prison? With the taxpayers footing the bill at $30,000 a year? Over a $750.00 tool?
OnePercenter either is invested in a private prison company or is an union security guard in one.

OnePercenter either is invested in a private prison company or is an union security guard in one.

Or just an asshole.

Nope, just sick and tired of low-life's.

And how does locking up a guy who probably needs treatment with other criminals for the rest of his life (or more likely, until they need that space for the latest guy who they want to make an example out of) really solve the problem of "low lifes".

Here's the thing. The United States locks up more people than any other country in teh world. Even Communist China with four times as many people locks up less of its citizenry. We spend $900,000,000 a year to big corporations that make up the Prison industrial complex, and we create a permanent unemployable class.

2 million in prison and 7 million more on probation and parole. How is this doing us any good?

By way of comparison, Japan only locks up 69,000 people out of a population of 110 million. Germany only locks up 78,000 out of a population of 80 million. Oh, and they have less crime and less violence than we do.
From the article:

Matthews, who had been using meth and heroin since he was a teenager, was sentenced under Louisiana's Habitual Offender law.

The harsh sentence came because the young man had prior convictions - one for stealing from a pawn shop and another from a fruit stand while he was a teenager and high on meth.

Matthews had never spent a day in jail before he was sentenced to a life term.

You can get 3 DUIs in TN and go to prison. Not or life though, usually just a year. They call it 'getting the bitch.' (Habitual offender)

No doubt this will be appealed.

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