24's Return is Missing Something > Muslim Jihadists.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Here we are the next day after the return of the highly acclaimed TV show, 24. Four years after it last showed, 24 still has the gritty ruthlessness of American hero, Jack Bauer, back together with the meticulous ex-partner of his, Chloe, now goth-looking, while hooked up with a Wikileaks-type hacker organization.

Action scenes galore, suspense, timing just about perfect, and well sequenced through the scenes, the show seems to be as professional and well produced as ever.

There's just one glaring problem. Although Jack is still the guy fighting for his love of country which stirs everyone's emotions, and get us to root for him, the way this is done seems a bit pale. In this new version of 24, there still are terrorist bad guys operating, but they are anti US drone war activists, who operate from a secret location, and hack into US military computers, to shoot missles from US planes, at US and British troops in Afghanistan.

This is all well and relevant to current events, as a good show of this type should be, BUT here's what's missing >> RADICAL MUSLIM TERRORISTS. JIHADISTS. AL QAEDA. HEZBOLLAH. HAMAS.

And why is this a glaring, important ommission ? Very simply, because everyone knows when it comes to terrorism, THESE Muslim terrorists are the big league bad guys. Not some anti-dronists, animal rights activists, anti-nuclear power freaks, or the neo-Nazis that Paramount Pictures substituted for Muslim terrorists in the movie Sum of All Fears, caving in to demands by Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR (Council on Ameircan-Islamic Relations)

Problem here is that in earlier years of the 24 show, it DID have Muslim radicals as its villains. And just like Paramount, the developers of the show at Fox got a visit from the CAIR goons, whining about the show being offensive to Muslims. They warned Fox that this was "going in a dangerous direction".

Really ? Dangerous ? What does that mean ? Well, coming from an organization that has essentially taken over for the Holy Land Foundation as the right arm of Hamas in the USA, one might envision lots of bad things. Assassinations. Car bombs. Suicide bomber attacks. Anthrax. Hell, maybe even a plane crashing into a building.

In any case, Fox, like Paramount, swept the US Constitution under the rug, and capitulated to the CAIR thugs, first by airing CAIR public service announcements around 24, along with a disclaimer read by Kiefer Sutherland (actor playing lead man, Jack Bauer) stating that American Muslims reject terrorism. CAIR kept the pressure on Fox executives, and the show gradually phased out Islamic terrorists for Russian separatists and other less plausible national threats.

Trouble is, the American TV public (and especially 24 fans) aren't stupid. We all KNOW full well who the bad guys are in 2014, and THAT is who we expect to see in a show like this. In Afghanistan, US troops are fighting and dying against those bad guys (Muslim nutcase jihadist terrorists), and it's pretty shallow for Fox to wimp out and surrender to the US Muslim Brotherhood, and have American TV be shown to us, on THEIR terms. That is a loss of a war against these creeps right here on our own soil, while the troops bravely confront and fight the enemy whole hog overseas.

As long as Fox proceeds with all this makeshift, substitute, second-string villains, 24 is always going to be a good political show with a big, HOLLOW center, that viewers are always going to feel is second-rate to what it should be, as a true reflection of the political reality of today's world, and the fight that America, the UK, et al countries are up against.

Fox should be presenting its shows in tune with what's REALLY going on. The West vs Islamic terrorism, and not some half-baked dummy plot designed to appease people who are enemies of this country.

I'm going with the US Constitution. Freedom of speech. Freedom of the press. And screw CAIR and all their Muslim Brotherhood affiliations. So will I watch 24 again ? Yeah, I suppose, but I'll always see it as having a big hole in it, with the main ingredient missing.

TV's '24'-hour hero returns - CNN.com

Perfect timing for '24: Live Another Day'

P. David Gaubatz, Paul Sperry, Muslim Mafia, 2009, pg. 220.
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Does anyone think it's OK for CAIR to decide what enters our livingrooms through our TV sets ?
(other than Sunni Man)
I don't think the real bad guys have been unveiled yet.

I love the mom and daughter redheads, but who is behind them?
I don't think the real bad guys have been unveiled yet.

Who are you referring to ?

In any case, wouldn't it be cool if protestors would gather outside Fox HQ where 24 is produced, chanting >> "We Want Muslims" "We Want Muslims" "When Do We Want'm ?" "NOW!!"
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I'm surprised that the bad guys aren't Tea Party Activists. It's Hollywood after all.

Oh they will be. Just give them time. Just like Paramount switched from Muslim terrorist bad guys to neo-Nazis. Looks like Aryan brotherhood doesn't wield as much clout as CAIR. :lol:
Kiefer Sutherland is a big time liberal, so this is no surprise.

This version of 24 must be THRILLING to the liberals in this country. Their Muslim advocacy agenda is paying big dividends.
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