22% of Democrats own firearms, 23% of Liberals


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013

The demographics and politics of gun-owning households Pew Research Center
I suggest disarming the liberals who own firearms, time and time again when a mass shooting takes place it turns out to be one of those mental midgets
I suggest disarming the liberals who own firearms, time and time again when a mass shooting takes place it turns out to be one of those mental midgets

So you're against the 2nd amendment?

I'm in support of gun current legislation prohibiting people with mental issues from owning firearms

How? They gotta sign a form at the gun store saying, "I promise, I'm not crazy, just incredibly insecure" :)
I suggest disarming the liberals who own firearms, time and time again when a mass shooting takes place it turns out to be one of those mental midgets

So you're against the 2nd amendment?

I'm in support of gun current legislation prohibiting people with mental issues from owning firearms

Another conservative voting against her own interests.
I suggest disarming the liberals who own firearms, time and time again when a mass shooting takes place it turns out to be one of those mental midgets

So you're against the 2nd amendment?

I'm in support of gun current legislation prohibiting people with mental issues from owning firearms

How? They gotta sign a form at the gun store saying, "I promise, I'm not crazy, just incredibly insecure" :)

LOL Good point
I suggest disarming the liberals who own firearms, time and time again when a mass shooting takes place it turns out to be one of those mental midgets

So you're against the 2nd amendment?

Naaa, She must be just against LIBERALS owning guns.
No one wants animals (liberals) to possess guns.
It is like giving a monkey a loaded gun (I'd say "parrots, but parrots have a hard time pulling the trigger with their beaks lol).
I suggest disarming the liberals who own firearms, time and time again when a mass shooting takes place it turns out to be one of those mental midgets
So it's often stated, but I've yet to see proof. The mental midgets are actually those who state that "criminal" or "mentally ill" means "liberal, when the facts show no such distribution one way or the other.
I suggest disarming the liberals who own firearms,

Hey I see the right wing gun nutters say this all the time and I have wanted to opportunity to say the same.

I am a liberal (I guess) and I have guns. Why don't you come and try and take them?
I suggest disarming the liberals who own firearms, time and time again when a mass shooting takes place it turns out to be one of those mental midgets
So it's often stated, but I've yet to see proof. The mental midgets are actually those who state that "criminal" or "mentally ill" means "liberal, when the facts show no such distribution one way or the other.

Try Google, it's all over it
I suggest disarming the liberals who own firearms,

Hey I see the right wing gun nutters say this all the time and I have wanted to opportunity to say the same.

I am a liberal (I guess) and I have guns. Why don't you come and try and take them?

I like how you say that to a conservative who is screwing with you and I've never seen you in any of the endless threads saying that to liberals who want to take them for real.

Also, you don't need to "guess" you are a liberal...
I suggest disarming the liberals who own firearms,

Hey I see the right wing gun nutters say this all the time and I have wanted to opportunity to say the same.

I am a liberal (I guess) and I have guns. Why don't you come and try and take them?

Do you tell your fellow libturds that also? Or are you fluffing your feathers trying to look all tough?
I suggest disarming the liberals who own firearms, time and time again when a mass shooting takes place it turns out to be one of those mental midgets

Seems to me you embarrassed yourself a week ot two ago by posting easily identified bullshit.
I see you are back at it again. Are you trying to totally discredit yourself as a serious poster again? :disbelief:
So regarding your comment, got a link? :link: Or is this another act of just making shit up?
I suggest disarming the liberals who own firearms, time and time again when a mass shooting takes place it turns out to be one of those mental midgets

Seems to me you embarrassed yourself a week ot two ago by posting easily identified bullshit.
I see you are back at it again. Are you trying to totally discredit yourself as a serious poster again? :disbelief:
So regarding your comment, got a link? :link: Or is this another act of just making shit up?
GFY wee wee man. I didn't take your childish nonsense serious before I won't now.
I suggest disarming the liberals who own firearms, time and time again when a mass shooting takes place it turns out to be one of those mental midgets

Seems to me you embarrassed yourself a week ot two ago by posting easily identified bullshit.
I see you are back at it again. Are you trying to totally discredit yourself as a serious poster again? :disbelief:
So regarding your comment, got a link? :link: Or is this another act of just making shit up?
GFY wee wee man. I didn't take your childish nonsense serious before I won't now.

In other words, you have no link, you made shit up again! Where I come from, that's called lying. How embarrassing for you.
I suggest disarming the liberals who own firearms, time and time again when a mass shooting takes place it turns out to be one of those mental midgets

Seems to me you embarrassed yourself a week ot two ago by posting easily identified bullshit.
I see you are back at it again. Are you trying to totally discredit yourself as a serious poster again? :disbelief:
So regarding your comment, got a link? :link: Or is this another act of just making shit up?
GFY wee wee man. I didn't take your childish nonsense serious before I won't now.

In other words, you have no link, you made shit up again! Where I come from, that's called lying. How embarrassing for you.

Awww you're butt hurt....again.

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