2024 Trump victory.

He also uses the precedence set by the Marxists, brings in all Democrat elites and their voters for aiding and abetting the Russian Collusion Hoax, putting them all in jail and throwing away the key, never to be seen from again. No trial, just incarceration, then pardons those who Congress put in jail for Jan 6th.
You don't seem to understand much about how the office of POTUS or the U.S. Constitution works in your own country do you?
What you have just described here is how it works in some OTHER countries....with dictators.....or kings.
You know, rulers with absolute power.
But not here.
Sounds though like you would be happier in one of those countries. You know, where you could have some ruler with absolute power ruling over you?
Maybe North Korea,
Bullshit, it was China and Joe Biteme's campaign that had to work together to release the Kung Flu upon US, because without that the 2020 election would never of been stolen by Joe because of the bogus mail in ballots. On retards like you believe otherwise.

Who knows why you're so eager to show the forum you're full of shit? :dunno:

Regardless, here 's the full clip, showing he was actually promoting a hotline to fight fraud...

But one of the things that I think is most important is those who haven’t voted yet, first of all go to IWILLVOTE.com to make a plan exactly how you’re going to vote, where you’re going to vote, when you’re going to vote. Because it can get complicated, because the Republicans are doing everything they can to make it harder for people to vote — particularly people of color — to vote. So go to IWILLVOTE.com. Secondly, we’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration — President Obama’s administration before this — we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. What the president is trying to do is discourage people from voting by implying that their vote won’t be counted, it can’t be counted, we’re going to challenge it and all these things. If enough people vote, it’s going to overwhelm the system. You see what’s happening now, you guys know it as well as I do, you see the long, long lines and early voting. You see the millions of people who have already cast a ballot. And so, don’t be intimidated. If in fact you have any, any problem go to — and I don’t have the number but it’s 833-DEM-VOTE… Call that number. We have over a thousand lawyers, over a thousand of them, they’ll answer the phone, if you think there’s any challenge to your voting. Go to 833-DEM-VOTE, dial those letters on your phone. That will get you the assistance that we have already put in place.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Uh huh.

What have I been making up? Go on, we will wait.

Another post, another lie.
Easy. All the fake charges, all having been disproven, and why your ilk continues to come up with more and more, even stupider and more comical, charges as you go along.
Declaring yourself the winner of an election is simply not against the law. Ask your own failed candidates who still claim they won.
Another Dimtard, another lie.
Easy. All the fake charges, all having been disproven, and why your ilk continues to come up with more and more, even stupider and more comical, charges as you go along.
Declaring yourself the winner of an election is simply not against the law. Ask your own failed candidates who still claim they won.
Another Dimtard, another lie.
All the charges?

What charges have been disproven? Since you failed to name one, you just spout off nonsense, we will let you try again.

Further, you charged ME with making shit up and now it appears you are running away from your moronic lie.

And my own failed candidates? Yes, you cant even name one candidate I have supported because you just make shit up. You have no clue whatsoever about what you claim to know. Pathetic.
All the charges?

What charges have been disproven? Since you failed to name one, you just spout off nonsense, we will let you try again.

Further, you charged ME with making shit up and now it appears you are running away from your moronic lie.

And my own failed candidates? Yes, you cant even name one candidate I have supported because you just make shit up. You have no clue whatsoever about what you claim to know. Pathetic.
I forget your guys tiny brains forget easily.
Russian hoax, actually Clinton and Obammy were guilty
Ukraine lie-actually it wass Poopeypants who threatened to cut off funding not Trump
Two Impeachments-most comical of all until now
Indictments over questioning election results-you morons started this in 2000, 2016, and Tugboat Abrams
J6-the biggest farce of all. Flag wavers and baby carriage crowd, police let them in, and Trump is indicted.
Pathetic is more then correct. You, or someone for you, voted for Biden. That makes you an America hating idiot.
I forget your guys tiny brains forget easily.
Russian hoax, actually Clinton and Obammy were guilty
Where did I support that.

And your claim Clinton and Obama were somehow guilty of Russian collusion just solidifies your delusion. Made up shit right there just from you, not me.
Ukraine lie-actually it wass Poopeypants who threatened to cut off funding not Trump
Well, that is just a fabrication but you are to dumb to know the difference between official public support and the ILLEGAL removal of funding.
Two Impeachments-most comical of all until now
See above.
Indictments over questioning election results-you morons started this in 2000, 2016, and Tugboat Abrams
Those indictments are not 'made up' by me. They actually exist.

You may think he will be proven innocent but they are not made up and they certainly have not been disproven. you saying so is, again, YOU making shit up.

Seems like you are the only one making shit up here.
J6-the biggest farce of all.
What claims about J6 have I 'made up.'
Flag wavers and baby carriage crowd, police let them in,
LOL, and what do you think that means?

Do you know what happens when mobs overwhelm the police? You think they stand there and get trampled to death? Did you ignore them breaking windows?

Was that 'letting them in.' Or did you watch only what Tucker told you to watch and forget to watch where they used some lumber as a battering ram on the windows, broke them in and crawled through.

Oops, more you making shit up again.
and Trump is indicted.
See above, he IS indicted. Sorry you missed that. Seems rather funny that when asked to disprove those charges you post nothing but 'because I said so.' Still waiting for all that evidence that disproves those charges.

I mean, we have the transcripts of Trump on tape admitting to a crimes that he is committing while he is committing it AND showing that the right lied their ass off about him declassifying it too:
Page 16 even though you will not read it.

Also includes texts of him trying to hide evidence.

So here we are again, you claiming it is disproven where we have actual evidence. You got something other than nu uh? Of course not.

More you making shit up again.
Pathetic is more then correct. You, or someone for you, voted for Biden. That makes you an America hating idiot.
Ah, you think I voted for Biden now. More made up shit. Why don't back that lie up as well. I have been here a long time and commented on the election. No?

That is right, you claim I am making shit up and then you go on making random shit up over and over and over again. I have videos. I have transcripts. I have the text of indictments and charges.

You have your bullshit.

Try again.
Bullshit, it was China and Joe Biteme's campaign that had to work together to release the Kung Flu upon US, because without that the 2020 election would never of been stolen by Joe because of the bogus mail in ballots. On retards like you believe otherwise.

Holy shit? You really think that was a clip that accurately showed what he said?

Of course you do. You are that dumb. While calling other people 'retards' ROFLMAO
I can see him pardoning himself if he actually happens to get convicted of one of these laughable indictments. After that, we'll see the full raging wrath come down on the liberal hacks who issued these bogus indictments.
I can see him pardoning himself if he actually happens to get convicted of one of these laughable indictments. After that, we'll see the full raging wrath come down on the liberal hacks who issued these bogus indictments.
Oooh Hiney the DA wont like that...
Trump wins 2024 pardons himself and begins again to make America great. Term limits for all politicians.

You go Trump.
Sounds wonderful. But 53% of polled voters said they would not vote for Trump under any circumstances. GOP should consider strongly in nominating someone else although that would throw off the MAGA base.

The GOP is royally f*cked
Everyone keeps talking about pardoning himself.

This is not even an established power the president has. How the hell can you claim to be for law and order if you directly claim that he is above the law.

there is no other way to take pardoning oneself. There is a reason Nixon resigned. It was specifically so he could be pardoned.
Sounds wonderful. But 53% of polled voters said they would not vote for Trump under any circumstances. GOP should consider strongly in nominating someone else although that would throw off the MAGA base.

The GOP is royally f*cked
This is the price of supporting a MAN instead of core values, ideology or even party. When he falls you have nothing.
Sounds wonderful. But 53% of polled voters said they would not vote for Trump under any circumstances. GOP should consider strongly in nominating someone else although that would throw off the MAGA base.

The GOP is royally f*cked
Trump will win the Dimtards are demanding it.
The pandemic created global inflation and if trump returns to office, the backlash coming with that return will upset U.S. markets and inflation will probably rise. Trump did not create the low inflation, he took credit for what was handed him and white racists went along with it.
Out of control spending, tax burden, and printing money created this run away inflation. Trump was handed a mess. He lowered taxes, got rid of Obama regulations, raised our GDP, lowered unemployment, gave us energy independence, closed our border, and stopped giving our money away.
You are the racist...
Everyone keeps talking about pardoning himself.

This is not even an established power the president has. How the hell can you claim to be for law and order if you directly claim that he is above the law.

there is no other way to take pardoning oneself. There is a reason Nixon resigned. It was specifically so he could be pardoned.

I can't imagine even SCOTUS would uphold a president pardoning themselves. Though the Constitution doesn't address that directly, it does address it indirectly...

The Constitution DOESN'T allow giving a pardon for cases of impeachment, which applies to all officers being impeached including the president. So if a president can't save themselves with a pardon for being impeached for a crime, I don't see why that same restriction wouldn't apply to facing criminal charges.

But it's a moot argument anyway since a president CAN get a pardon, with Congress' and their VP's assistance...

A president can resign, making their VP president and leaving the VP seat open. The new president can then pardon the criminal ex-president who then names the pardoned president as their VP, with congressional approval. Then the president resigns making the criminal VP, president again. Who turns around and appoints them VP, with congressional approval.

I don't see anyone ever pull a stunt like that but then I never thought I'd see a president send slates of fake electors from 7 states to Congress to flip an election they lost. So who knows?

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