Wonder if ABC got their prediction from the DNC.
What matters even more, however, is the next election. How much assurance do we have that it will be fair? So far, not enough.

Well ahead of the November election, ABC News has already made suspiciously detailed predictions of the outcome. The news item contains the words, "'Oddly specific': ABC News deletes tweet declaring Dems will hold House in Nov, gain 4 Senate seats."

My questions are, has the election already been decided? Have we already lost? Who can count the votes ahead of time?


To those who claim that accusations of a rigged election are a "big lie," are without evidence, or are a conspiracy theory, the rebuttal is, what will it matter what the true outcome this year will be, if on Election Night, half or more of the voters are persuaded that their votes have been stolen?

Absolute assurance can be made, but only if there are no screens or computers between impartial observers and the ballots. Given the potential for fraud, there is no reason to trust a computer, when a verifiable paper trail can be made that is all but indisputable.

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