2022 election

demrats midterm panic spells trouble again for straight up count.
It’s plain for all to see that Biden’s puppet masters and the Democrats in Congress don’t have any ideas that will cause a major course correction before the midterms. That can only mean one thing: the shadowy shenanigans that Democrats are known for will probably be worse than ever this year.

If they can get away with it, that is.

The fact that the Wuhan Chinese Bat Flu pandemic showed up during a presidential election year made 2020 a truly magical time for the soulless cretins who are in charge of the political apparatus in the Democratic Party. Sure, they may have pretended to care about people getting sick and dying, but behind those masks, they were snickering with delight at the opportunity the panic provided them.

Prior to the pandemic, Democrats had to concoct elaborate justifications for their election “modifications,” like lying and insisting that it’s nigh on impossible for minorities to get a legal ID in 21st-century America.

Along came COVID and suddenly they could shift election laws on the fly and, laughably, do it all in the name of public health. We saw it all: universal vote-by-mail, extended early voting periods, last-minute voter registration — the full Democrat hit list for killing election integrity.

They can pretend all they want that the 2020 election was error-free, but that’s a narrative that’s been cut out of whole cloth.

Related: Gimme a Break: 80 Million Biden Voters Can’t Be…Real

Myriad “irregularities” have been — and are still being — discovered. There is no way to have more vote-by-mail and less fraud.

The embarrassing meltdown we’ve seen from the leftists over mask mandates going away is rooted in two things and — surprise! — neither of them has the slightest thing to do with public health.

The first, which Paula wrote about on Wednesday, is about the Democrats’ unholy lust for federal control over the lives of United States citizens:

1. The democrat's voter-fraud machine must be defeated
2. If Trump "triggers" you, you are an idiot. Biden is 1,000,000x worse than Trump.
3. Agreed, we must not be governed by those low-IQ democrats.
1. The democrat's voter-fraud machine must be defeated
2. If Trump "triggers" you, you are an idiot. Biden is 1,000,000x worse than Trump.
3. Agreed, we must not be governed by those low-IQ democrats.

Wow, that is some major PROJECTION. Gave me a big belly laugh.
Are y'all noticing that many of these unreported elections that the right are winning are not being reported. Also looks like the media has been calling the winner BEFORE all the votes are in. We're still in a good place.....better than the media has been leading us to believe.

This is just one.

boebert keeps gaining with the count of votes not yet counted.
Lake is positive she will prevail and it is looking that way. PRAY.
Lombardo is the new governor of Nevada....sisolak has conceded.
That says that they have to find a lot more democrat votes. Cheating coxuckers.
It's obvious that is what they're doing in Arizona. That may very well be the reason McCain was never unseated.

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