2020 - Reflecting Back on the past 4 years


Cows Have Liberal Minds
Nov 6, 2011
So Trump's term is coming to an end... finally. Let's look at his accomplishments
  • ACA has been dismantled... Americans suffer even more and many die due to lack of coverage
  • The wall still hasn't been built, or at least not funded.
  • ISIS is forgotten in the wake of numerous new Islamic Militant organizations that have risen up from the ashes to take its place with much more devastation. You were right trump, you crushed ISIS alright, but you've driven an ever larger number of individuals to radicalism.
  • Race riots instigated by zealous trump nationalists have occurred all across the country. Race relations were worse under Obama, you said?
  • Deportation efforts were attempted but fizzled out. Too large of an undertaking and communities refused to let it happen.
  • You took your country back.. but realized it's just a more shambled version of the same country that existed the past 20 years.
  • We've involved ourselves in at least two more wars, needlessly, taking the lives of hundreds or thousands of American soldiers... in the name of oil.
  • Areas of the country start to resemble parts of china in terms of pollution, with a dismantling of the EPA. Many people are sick and dead as a result.
  • We're at a larger budget deficit than we have ever been. I thought you were going to reduce it?
  • Lower and middle class folks are still struggling. But that's okay because they had a voice... a voice to empower the richest among us who are at an even larger divide than before.
  • America continues to sink lower and lower in position in terms of Education in the world... as Education is targeted as a threat.

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