2020 - Our First Chance in 10 Years to End Gerrymandering.

This is never going to happen, let alone by 2020. The drawing of districts is controlled by the states so you need all 50 to pass it. A few have, but that's mostly been due to ballot initiatives by the people, so the politicians were dragged into it kicking and screaming.

Dragging politicians in to the future while they're kicking and screaming? :eusa_eh:

Sign me up...​
We gonna get rid of the black districts the federal Government ordered gerrymandered? You realize if we do no blacks will get elected right?

Every ten years the states draw the number of districts that are allotted them by the latest census. It is all up to your state legislatures.

In 2020 they can give us business as usual and let whatever political party has a majority draw the map to their own advantage, or they can do look to technology and let a computer draw them based solely on population density.

Change must be demanded by both sides.
The right had been calling for an end to gerrymandering for 2 or 3 decades60's-80's, it fell on deaf ears, so instead they did something about it, took back congress and now it hurts the left, who in turn now is hoping the right isn't just as deaf


Both parties are guilty of employing the practice in an attempt to get political advantage over the other. The Republicans are just much better at it... Partly because they made a concerted effort to control state houses in the while the democrats focused on national politics and partly because of the ruthless game of politics that's been so successfully played by the republicans.

An end to the practice of Gerrymandering is something We need to demand of both parties, by shame if necessary.

Shame on the states who let the majority party employ the practice in 2020. Shame!

We gonna get rid of the black districts the federal Government ordered gerrymandered? You realize if we do no blacks will get elected right?

Every ten years the states draw the number of districts that are allotted them by the latest census. It is all up to your state legislatures.

In 2020 they can give us business as usual and let whatever political party has a majority draw the map to their own advantage, or they can do look to technology and let a computer draw them based solely on population density.

Change must be demanded by both sides.
Black districts are all gerrymandered by order of the federal Government. Unless you know of one that isn't? Get rid of gerrymandering and you get rid of black districts.
The right had been calling for an end to gerrymandering for 2 or 3 decades60's-80's, it fell on deaf ears, so instead they did something about it, took back congress and now it hurts the left, who in turn now is hoping the right isn't just as deaf


Both parties are guilty of employing the practice in an attempt to get political advantage over the other. The Republicans are just much better at it... Partly because they made a concerted effort to control state houses in the while the democrats focused on national politics and partly because of the ruthless game of politics that's been so successfully played by the republicans.

An end to the practice of Gerrymandering is something We need to demand of both parties, by shame if necessary.

Shame on the states who let the majority party employ the practice in 2020. Shame!

I'm not sure what the BS is then, the reason the republicans "made a concerted effort to control state houses" is what I was referring to when I said they decided to do something about it and claiming that we need to do something about it is the cry of the republicans in the 60's 70's and 80's when it fell on deaf ears...an end to gerrymandering should have been done for them back then, hoping they eliminate it now only shows they taught everyone a lesson who refused to listen back then.
Career politicians on both sides of the isle live off gerrymandering equally... fact
Hence the need to end it. If Trump wants to solidify a legacy and leverage his popularity, he should make it a cornerstone of his agenda.

Bullshit, it's a States issue.
Being Trump beat the bitch by 12 Million votes(well,,,legal votes),,,the left can Jerry Seinfeld their 5 states all they want being Trump may win 44/45 states next time around!
and who is this Gerry guy? where does he live?

Elbridge Gerry, Governor of Massachusetts and 5th Vice President of the US.
Yeah, he wasn't the first to redraw redistricting lines [not sure if he is even credited with being the first] but his was so blatantly designed to ensure re-election that someone looked at it and said it looks like a salamander and "gerrymandering" was born [coined]...and his last name is actually pronounced like "Gary" or "geery"
and who is this Gerry guy? where does he live?

Elbridge Gerry, Governor of Massachusetts and 5th Vice President of the US.
Yeah, he wasn't the first to redraw redistricting lines [not sure if he is even credited with being the first] but his was so blatantly designed to ensure re-election that someone looked at it and said it looks like a salamander and "gerrymandering" was born [coined]...and his last name is actually pronounced like "Gary" or "geery"
in 2018 all red states will be "Breast Mandering" to make sure we get at least 60 seats in the senate
And our last chance to end the practice of Gerrymandering in 10 years.

Congressional districts mean a LOT to both the state politicians who draw them and the national representatives who use them to put party over the American People.

The time is now to start the process of badgering your state representatives to end Gerrymandering in your state at the next census in 2020. Don't let your state remain an embarrassing bastion of political corruption.

Obama certainly had his share of mistakes, but calling for an end to Gerrymandered Congressional districts was not among them.

Former President Obama in his 2016 State of The Union Address said:
But that means if we want a better politics -- and I'm addressing the American people now -- if we want a better politics, it’s not enough just to change a congressman or change a senator or even change a President. We have to change the system to reflect our better selves. I think we've got to end the practice of drawing our congressional districts so that politicians can pick their voters, and not the other way around. Let a bipartisan group do it.

Remarks of President Barack Obama – State of the Union Address As Delivered


Gerrymander Art


Very interesting story and video:
This is actually what America would look like without gerrymandering


I got a better idea. Limit all campaign contributions to $5000. No bundling. No super pacs. Just individual donations. That includes companies and unions. They get to spend up to $5000 total.
i wonder if they did Gerry Manderine when Hussain got 99.9% of the vote in his last election
In some areas he received more votes than registered voters. In the Michigan recount this past election they quit trying to recount because the ballots cast were no where close to what poll officials reported. They have an asinine law that says if the number of ballots cast and the number reported don't match, they are required to use the number reported.
We gonna get rid of the black districts the federal Government ordered gerrymandered? You realize if we do no blacks will get elected right?

Every ten years the states draw the number of districts that are allotted them by the latest census. It is all up to your state legislatures.

In 2020 they can give us business as usual and let whatever political party has a majority draw the map to their own advantage, or they can do look to technology and let a computer draw them based solely on population density.

Change must be demanded by both sides.
Black districts are all gerrymandered by order of the federal Government. Unless you know of one that isn't? Get rid of gerrymandering and you get rid of black districts.

I don't care. It's an example of federal over regulation when simplification would work even better.

"Fair and simple" applies to the congressional map as well as it applies to the tax code.

I trust in simplification based on geography and raw population density alone.
The right had been calling for an end to gerrymandering for 2 or 3 decades60's-80's, it fell on deaf ears, so instead they did something about it, took back congress and now it hurts the left, who in turn now is hoping the right isn't just as deaf


Both parties are guilty of employing the practice in an attempt to get political advantage over the other. The Republicans are just much better at it... Partly because they made a concerted effort to control state houses in the while the democrats focused on national politics and partly because of the ruthless game of politics that's been so successfully played by the republicans.

An end to the practice of Gerrymandering is something We need to demand of both parties, by shame if necessary.

Shame on the states who let the majority party employ the practice in 2020. Shame!

I'm not sure what the BS is then, the reason the republicans "made a concerted effort to control state houses" is what I was referring to when I said they decided to do something about it and claiming that we need to do something about it is the cry of the republicans in the 60's 70's and 80's when it fell on deaf ears...an end to gerrymandering should have been done for them back then, hoping they eliminate it now only shows they taught everyone a lesson who refused to listen back then.

What they decided to do was to employ Gerrymandering and other vote diluting tactics in the 80's, 90's and 00's to hold on to the power that they acquired in the 70's and 80's because they saw The Browning of America on the horizon.

The net result was the extremism that has acquired such a big voice in the republican party. An end to Gerrymandering will hurt the republican party in the short term, but the net result after 10 to 20 years will be a republican party that is much more reflective of The American People as a whole.
I got a better idea. Limit all campaign contributions to $5000. No bundling. No super pacs. Just individual donations. That includes companies and unions. They get to spend up to $5000 total.

Limiting my free speech and my ability to spend on what and who I want won't work. I'll find a way around the regulations.

If you want to put a dent in the campaign contribution corruption in DC, remove from congress the power to dole out tax breaks to their contributors via a complicated tax code.

It would be a foolish human who gives million$ to a politician if he/she could truly expect nothing in return.
The right had been calling for an end to gerrymandering for 2 or 3 decades60's-80's, it fell on deaf ears, so instead they did something about it, took back congress and now it hurts the left, who in turn now is hoping the right isn't just as deaf


Both parties are guilty of employing the practice in an attempt to get political advantage over the other. The Republicans are just much better at it... Partly because they made a concerted effort to control state houses in the while the democrats focused on national politics and partly because of the ruthless game of politics that's been so successfully played by the republicans.

An end to the practice of Gerrymandering is something We need to demand of both parties, by shame if necessary.

Shame on the states who let the majority party employ the practice in 2020. Shame!

I'm not sure what the BS is then, the reason the republicans "made a concerted effort to control state houses" is what I was referring to when I said they decided to do something about it and claiming that we need to do something about it is the cry of the republicans in the 60's 70's and 80's when it fell on deaf ears...an end to gerrymandering should have been done for them back then, hoping they eliminate it now only shows they taught everyone a lesson who refused to listen back then.

What they decided to do was to employ Gerrymandering and other vote diluting tactics in the 80's, 90's and 00's to hold on to the power that they acquired in the 70's and 80's because they saw The Browning of America on the horizon.

The net result was the extremism that has acquired such a big voice in the republican party. An end to Gerrymandering will hurt the republican party in the short term, but the net result after 10 to 20 years will be a republican party that is much more reflective of The American People as a whole.
I think you have your years conveniently mixed up, the Republicans didn't take back congress until 1994, they plan to start with state houses wasn't even discussed till the mid 80's and this was all necessary because of gerrymandering on the left., in fact I am pretty sure that redistricting was used in every election until the rules were changed to make it every 10 years, I think that started in 2000 but not sure...anyway, the left has just as much chance of getting the GOP to go along with them as the GOP had in convincing the left the gerrymandering needed to end
And our last chance to end the practice of Gerrymandering in 10 years.

Congressional districts mean a LOT to both the state politicians who draw them and the national representatives who use them to put party over the American People.

The time is now to start the process of badgering your state representatives to end Gerrymandering in your state at the next census in 2020. Don't let your state remain an embarrassing bastion of political corruption.

Obama certainly had his share of mistakes, but calling for an end to Gerrymandered Congressional districts was not among them.

Former President Obama in his 2016 State of The Union Address said:
But that means if we want a better politics -- and I'm addressing the American people now -- if we want a better politics, it’s not enough just to change a congressman or change a senator or even change a President. We have to change the system to reflect our better selves. I think we've got to end the practice of drawing our congressional districts so that politicians can pick their voters, and not the other way around. Let a bipartisan group do it.

Remarks of President Barack Obama – State of the Union Address As Delivered


Gerrymander Art


Very interesting story and video:
This is actually what America would look like without gerrymandering


Not a very good piece of writing or thought and without much relevant substantiation.

At any rate, I doubt gerrymandering will go away anytime soon.

When it gets too flagrant the courts may intervene.

Otherwise it will either be GOP gerrymandering or DEM gerrymandering.

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