2017 Co2 watch thread--How high will it go?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Week beginning on November 13, 2016: 403.74 ppm

Some predictions
1. We'll have a daily high of >= 412ppm
2. Weekly high of over 411ppm


3. Peak Monthly around 409.75-410.25ppm

This thread is for data and the discussion of such...I aint replying to you if you make a remark outside of this...

Breathless Mathew worrying about something that does not do what he thinks.. A measurement that ranges from 380ppm to 411ppm depending on where you are on the globe..

Tell me Mathew did we have glaciation when the earth CO2 levels were above 7,000ppm?
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This thread is only for data...God, how dumb are you people.

Recent Daily Average Mauna Loa CO2

November 19: 404.29 ppm
November 18: 403.18 ppm
November 17: 404.23 ppm
November 16: 404.70 ppm
November 15: 404.70 ppm

Breathless Mathew worrying about something that does not do what he thinks.. A measurement that ranges from 380ppm to 411ppm depending on where you are on the globe..

Tell me Mathew did we have glaciation when the earth CO2 levels were above 7,000ppm?
. Was thinking the same thing.
Do you have data from the twenty's, thirty's, and the fourty's also Matthew ?? We have to have the history of these numbers in order to judge the current trends and up's and downs right ? Current or future stats have to be judged against the old numbers if there were any to judge from. When did we start tracking such a thing ?? What about the scientist who were found to be lying or misrepresenting the numbers in order to get the conclusions they sought after ? What can we believe in any of this Matthew or was it all a way to shift money around ?? Hmmm.

Breathless Mathew worrying about something that does not do what he thinks.. A measurement that ranges from 380ppm to 411ppm depending on where you are on the globe..

Tell me Mathew did we have glaciation when the earth CO2 levels were above 7,000ppm?
Because we did not have a glaciation when the CO2 levels were above 7000 ppm, Silly Billy, you lying little fuck.


ABSTRACT Recent studies have purported to show a closer correspondence between reconstructed Phanerozoic records of cosmic ray flux and temperature than between CO2 and temperature. The role of the greenhouse gas CO2 in controlling global temperatures has therefore been questioned. Here we review the geologic records of CO2 and glaciations and find that CO2 was low (<500 ppm) during periods of long-lived and widespread continental glaciations and high (>1000 ppm) during other, warmer periods. The CO2 record is likely robust because independent proxy records are highly correlated with CO2 predictions from geochemical models. The Phanerozoic sea surface temperature record as inferred from shallow marine carbonate δ18O values has been used to quantitatively test the importance of potential climate forcings, but it fails several first-order tests relative to more well-established paleoclimatic indicators: both the early Paleozoic and Mesozoic are calculated to have been too cold for too long. We explore the possible influence of seawater pH on the δ18O record and find that a pH-corrected record matches the glacial record much better. Periodic fluctuations in the cosmic ray flux may be of some climatic significance, but are likely of secondorder importance on a multimillionyear timescale.
We're clearly doomed.
You know what would help?
If we boot 20 million illegals.
Back in their home countries they would release a lot less CO2.
It's the only chance to save the planet.
Perhaps, Matthew, you should stop contributing to the problem, if you feel so strongly about it. Do you realize that every time you exhale, you add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere? When you use electricity to run your lights, or A/C, your heating, or your other appliances, you're adding CO[sub]2[/sub]. When you travel by car or bus or any other conveyance, you're adding CO[sub]2[/sub]. Nearly all of the products that you buy and consume, added CO[sub]2[/sub] during the course of their production and transportation.

Like any good liberal, you're quick to call for others to stop adding CO[sub]2[/sub] to the atmosphere, but what are you doing about your own impact?
Do you have data from the twenty's, thirty's, and the fourty's also Matthew ?? We have to have the history of these numbers in order to judge the current trends and up's and downs right ? Current or future stats have to be judged against the old numbers if there were any to judge from. When did we start tracking such a thing ?? What about the scientist who were found to be lying or misrepresenting the numbers in order to get the conclusions they sought after ? What can we believe in any of this Matthew or was it all a way to shift money around ?? Hmmm.
Well now, why don't you just name those scientists, and your source for claiming that they are lying?
This thread is only for data...God, how dumb are you people.

Do you have data from the twenty's, thirty's, and the fourty's also Matthew ?? We have to have the history of these numbers in order to judge the current trends and up's and downs right ? Current or future stats have to be judged against the old numbers if there were any to judge from. When did we start tracking such a thing ?? What about the scientist who were found to be lying or misrepresenting the numbers in order to get the conclusions they sought after ? What can we believe in any of this Matthew or was it all a way to shift money around ?? Hmmm.
Well now, why don't you just name those scientists, and your source for claiming that they are lying?

Nobel Prize winning scientist, Michael Mann, never lied once in his life.

Breathless Mathew worrying about something that does not do what he thinks.. A measurement that ranges from 380ppm to 411ppm depending on where you are on the globe..

Tell me Mathew did we have glaciation when the earth CO2 levels were above 7,000ppm?
Because we did not have a glaciation when the CO2 levels were above 7000 ppm, Silly Billy, you lying little fuck.


ABSTRACT Recent studies have purported to show a closer correspondence between reconstructed Phanerozoic records of cosmic ray flux and temperature than between CO2 and temperature. The role of the greenhouse gas CO2 in controlling global temperatures has therefore been questioned. Here we review the geologic records of CO2 and glaciations and find that CO2 was low (<500 ppm) during periods of long-lived and widespread continental glaciations and high (>1000 ppm) during other, warmer periods. The CO2 record is likely robust because independent proxy records are highly correlated with CO2 predictions from geochemical models. The Phanerozoic sea surface temperature record as inferred from shallow marine carbonate δ18O values has been used to quantitatively test the importance of potential climate forcings, but it fails several first-order tests relative to more well-established paleoclimatic indicators: both the early Paleozoic and Mesozoic are calculated to have been too cold for too long. We explore the possible influence of seawater pH on the δ18O record and find that a pH-corrected record matches the glacial record much better. Periodic fluctuations in the cosmic ray flux may be of some climatic significance, but are likely of secondorder importance on a multimillionyear timescale.

Or infrastructure
Or homes on the coast
Cities on the coast

Hell, most of our ability to transport cars, oil, natural gas and other goods is still by ship. A couple of feet of sea level change = can't use anymore.
Perhaps, Matthew, you should stop contributing to the problem, if you feel so strongly about it. Do you realize that every time you exhale, you add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere? When you use electricity to run your lights, or A/C, your heating, or your other appliances, you're adding CO[sub]2[/sub]. When you travel by car or bus or any other conveyance, you're adding CO[sub]2[/sub]. Nearly all of the products that you buy and consume, added CO[sub]2[/sub] during the course of their production and transportation.

Like any good liberal, you're quick to call for others to stop adding CO[sub]2[/sub] to the atmosphere, but what are you doing about your own impact?
Look, you dumb ass, what GHGs do in the atmosphere have nothing to do with liberal or conservative politics. That your abysmal knowledge base lets you make idiotic statements like stop breathing demonstrates what your level of willful ignorance is. What is being done about GHG emissions is the switch to renewable energy. Developing the batteries of the future so that transportation contributes very little to the GHGs.
We're clearly doomed.
You know what would help?
If we boot 20 million illegals.
Back in their home countries they would release a lot less CO2.
It's the only chance to save the planet.
. And the out of control breeding continues. America needs to understand that it can't control the world, but it sure can control the borders.

Breathless Mathew worrying about something that does not do what he thinks.. A measurement that ranges from 380ppm to 411ppm depending on where you are on the globe..

Tell me Mathew did we have glaciation when the earth CO2 levels were above 7,000ppm?
Once again, you are pulling figures out of your ass, and they stink, Silly Billy. Scripps has many CO2 measuring stations worldwide, and the lowest recent figures, from New Zealand and Antarctica showed 398 ppm of CO2.

Home | Scripps CO2 Program
We're clearly doomed.
You know what would help?
If we boot 20 million illegals.
Back in their home countries they would release a lot less CO2.
It's the only chance to save the planet.
. And the out of control breeding continues. America needs to understand that it can't control the world, but it sure can control the borders.
Off subject
Perhaps, Matthew, you should stop contributing to the problem, if you feel so strongly about it. Do you realize that every time you exhale, you add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere? When you use electricity to run your lights, or A/C, your heating, or your other appliances, you're adding CO[sub]2[/sub]. When you travel by car or bus or any other conveyance, you're adding CO[sub]2[/sub]. Nearly all of the products that you buy and consume, added CO[sub]2[/sub] during the course of their production and transportation.

Like any good liberal, you're quick to call for others to stop adding CO[sub]2[/sub] to the atmosphere, but what are you doing about your own impact?
Look, you dumb ass, what GHGs do in the atmosphere have nothing to do with liberal or conservative politics. That your abysmal knowledge base lets you make idiotic statements like stop breathing demonstrates what your level of willful ignorance is. What is being done about GHG emissions is the switch to renewable energy. Developing the batteries of the future so that transportation contributes very little to the GHGs.
. What's more hilarious is that you figured him to be serious about the exhaling comments. Wow.

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