2010 Murders by Race directly from the FBI Uniform Crime Report


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
2010 Murders by Race directly from the FBI Uniform Crime Report

Why choose the year 2010? Because that was the last year the U.S. Census was completed and to be fair we will not speculate on the population numbers of each group.

Disclaimer: The FBI does not differentiate the differences between “White” and “Hispanic White” in the offender category; however, they do differentiate those differences in the victim categories. This makes it possible for a White Hispanic to murder someone and still have it labeled as a White offender. Therefore, the White category is and has always been inflated above its true numbers.


Demographics of the United States: Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

White + White Hispanic Population 2010: 223,553,265 or 72.4%

African American Population 2010: 38,929,319 or 12.6%


2010 Murders in the United States by Race: FBI mdash Expanded Homicide Data Table 3

White Murderers: 4,849 ----- 32.1% of all murderers

Black Murderers: 5,770 ----- 32.8% of all murderers

Race Unknown: 4,224 ----- 28.0% of all murderers

Murder Conclusion:

People (Black Murderers) who come from 12.6% of the population in 2010 account for AT LEAST 32.8% of all 2010 murders; disproportionately well above their share of the population.

People (White + White Hispanic Murderers) who come from 72.4% of the 2010 population account for at least 32.1% of all 2010 murders; disproportionately well below their share of the population.

Even if all of the 2010 Race Unknown murders were committed by White + White Hispanic in 2010, their total number of murders (60.1%) would still be less than their total makeup of their 2010 population (72.4%).

Assuming that all 2010 Race Unknown murders were committed by 2010 White + White Hispanic Offenders, 2010 Blacks are still more likely to commit murder than 2010 Whites + White Hispanics.

In 2010 Blacks committed murder at a much higher propensity than Whites. In accordance with their 2010 population size, Blacks were AT LEAST three times as likely as whites to commit murder.

Interracial Murder:

13.4% of all murders of Whites were committed by Blacks in 2010 who make up 12.6% of the total 2010 population.

8.01% of all murders of Blacks were committed by Whites + White Hispanics in 2010 who make up 72.4% of the total 2010 population.

Interracial Murder Conclusion:

In 2010 Whites + White Hispanics were more likely to be murdered by Blacks (12.6% of the total pop) than Blacks were likely to be murdered by Whites + White Hispanics (72.4% of the total pop) despite their difference in population size. In fact, despite their population difference, 2010 Blacks managed to kill over two times more total Whites + White Hispanics than Whites + White Hispanics managed to kill Blacks. FBI mdash Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

If there is a war on young black men by white perpetrators then there is a war over twice as large on whites by black perpetrators. The anti-black war on young black men is therefore a myth.
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Any request of another category you want me to analyze? Armed Robbery? Assault? Forcible Rape? Take your pick. Blacks are over represented and Whites are under represented in almost every violent crime category.
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The problem with this(or any debate at all with blacks or liberals about the problems) debate is the black community and the left simply doesn't care about the data. This is no longer a logical debate as we're dealing with people that have settled on accepting this kind of violence and destruction of our country in the case of the leftist.

All they have is "you're racist" and than attempt to point out the raw number(without even considering that whites make up 5 times the population). The blacks that burnt Furgason don't give two shits about facts, data or reality. Why? Because they consider it white and they hate whites. They're the real racist. It wouldn't matter to most of these fucking leftist if blacks were committing 50 times the murder and killed half of their families. Nothing fucking matters as they are brainwashed dupes that can never judge a wrong.

Whites to most blacks are evil and nothing we say means anything. This should scare a sane white man half to death simply because the last 60 years has been a utter mistake on our part and we will pay with our grandchildren. They won't know freedom and safety. Take a look at Zimbabwe or South Africa to get the idea of what blacks and other races will do if given the upper hand.

The liberals want it to happen. That's why they're keeping non-whites angry, so they remember to strip us of every ounce of our opportunity, rights and freedoms. Hell, even our life.
Fact: Liberals love to blame Black violent behavior on poverty.
Fact: There are more poor Whites than poor Blacks.
Fact: In almost every category of violent crime, Blacks are over represented and Whites are under represented as per their total population.
Fact: Something doesn't add up in the "poverty forces Blacks into violent behavior" argument. If poverty was the deciding factor then whites would commit violent crimes at nearly the same rate as blacks.
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Well it's not like they have any kind of role model in the White House.

Indeed, a black man gets elected president and in fear of losing their victim status they insist that whites are as racist as ever. Talk about self gatekeeping.
Even more telling is that the ratio of violent crime for blacks is found to be elevated in every part of the world. the problems found in the USA are also found elsewhere. racism isnt the cause of black violence, black violence is the cause of racism.

white privilege was earned by the large majority of whites who acted decently for decades, black suspicion was earned by the large minority of blacks who dont act decently. almost one in three american black males will actually be in the criminal penal system at some point in their life. that factoid is staggering.
Even more telling is that the ratio of violent crime for blacks is found to be elevated in every part of the world. the problems found in the USA are also found elsewhere. racism isnt the cause of black violence, black violence is the cause of racism.

white privilege was earned by the large majority of whites who acted decently for decades, black suspicion was earned by the large minority of blacks who dont act decently. almost one in three american black males will actually be in the criminal penal system at some point in their life. that factoid is staggering.

And costly
If black lives mattered they'd care about the 4,500 killed per year by other blacks. They'ed care about policing their communities and would understand how important it is to have good police stopping crime.

No, they don't give a damn. It is all about hatred of white people and that is all.
Many of the folks, in spite of their potential to be future victims of street violence in the hoods, won't cooperate with the police even though they've witnessed or know something that would help them nab the bad guys. Helping to clean out the murderous scum in their own neighborhoods is snitching. Not snitching to the police is preferable to a safer neighborhood to those ignorant morons. Go figure.

Black lives only matter when a non-black is involved. Otherwise, it's open season.
If black lives mattered they'd care about the 4,500 killed per year by other blacks. They'ed care about policing their communities and would understand how important it is to have good police stopping crime.

No, they don't give a damn. It is all about hatred of white people and that is all.

In "the hood" breaking the law, murder, rape, and etc is Ok so as long as blacks are the ones doing it. However, the moment one police officer attempts to prevent any of those malicious acts of violence he is civil rights violator # 1 in the eyes of the African American community. Seems to me backwards, but hey, it's their bed; let them lay in it.
Fact: Liberals love to blame Black violent behavior on poverty.
Fact: There are more poor Whites than poor Blacks.
Fact: In almost every category of violent crime, Blacks are over represented and Whites are under represented as per their total population.
Fact: Something doesn't add up in the "poverty forces Blacks into violent behavior" argument. If poverty was the deciding factor then whites would commit violent crimes at nearly the same rate as blacks.

So, what is your explanation for the disparity?
Fact: Liberals love to blame Black violent behavior on poverty.
Fact: There are more poor Whites than poor Blacks.
Fact: In almost every category of violent crime, Blacks are over represented and Whites are under represented as per their total population.
Fact: Something doesn't add up in the "poverty forces Blacks into violent behavior" argument. If poverty was the deciding factor then whites would commit violent crimes at nearly the same rate as blacks.

So, what is your explanation for the disparity?


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