2000 French Soldiers to Romania . NATO to move into Ukraine


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
Brighton and Hove , East Sussex , England

Learn about the Rothschild Teeter Totter as Deep State shows how it runs every war for profit .You back/bank both sides .​

You do not run a War to Win it . You run it to gain an initial colossal profit for the Deep State Military complex with your superior product /weapon .
You then get the bankers to lend the enemy the funds to close that weapons gap with a new weapon or improved one . And the bankers then lend more money to the initial side to develop anothe incremental advantage .
And naturally Deep State is the International Settlement Banks , all part of one huge happy family .
Then repeat that exercise for as long as the war retains impetus .
The last thing you want or will allow is Nuclear War because then there is no more profit . Just nothing .

George Webb is the best investigative reporter on the planet imho , and I have been following his unvbelievable trails for more than a decade .
Why he has not been killed by CIA remains a total mystery to me .

The French Escalation - NATO To Nuclear War​

OR Just More Rothschild Missile Teeter Totter?​

MAR 28, 2024
In the latest escalation of the Russia-Ukraine NATO proxy war, President Macron France has decided to send a contingent of 2000 soldiers to Romania near the Ukrainian border.
Some commenters like former US weapons inspector in Iraq, Scott Ritter, have said this will initiate automatic escalation to nuclear war.
I have a different take on the situation from my trip to France in the summer of 2022, dealing directly with an Ukrainian arms buyer who was purchasing intermediate range missiles and wanted to purchase longer range missiles for the Ukraine war from France.
I had introduced a concept in 2017 called the Rothschild Teeter Totter in which bankers that are financing both sides of the war, choose to carefully and incrementally, give each side, a temporary tactical advantage, causing the other side to invest massive resources in regaining the small marginal advantage.
The best advantage of this strategy was demonstrated in the Cold War with something known as the “missile gap”.
The CIA decided to create the public impression in the United States, that the Soviets were ahead of the US in the category of long range missiles in order to stimulate more orders for the US defense industry.
The CIA used the missile gap argument to work against President Kennedy‘s initial overtures to reduce the amount of long range nuclear missiles. This missile gap strategy also turned out to be tremendously profitable for companies like Convair and General Atomics. Interestingly, the CEO of Convair, IB Hale, was a sniper for the FBI.
Incidentally , it was Robert Allen Hale--- I B Hale's son ---- who shot the daughter of Governor John Connolly of Texas, in the back of the head with a shotgun and was involved with compromise activities during President Kennedy's time with a California woman named Judith Campbell.
My point is nuclear escalation makes no sense for the people making missiles. You basically fire off existing inventory with no additional sales, you befoul the world with a nuclear contaminated wasteland.

It makes much more sense if you’re a company like General Atomics to actually give your last generation technology to the enemy for them to develop a credible thread that will spur the sales of your current technology.
Interestingly enough, a man named Ken Hale, with a top-secret clearance of the US state department has threatened to “Waco” and “Jonestown” my entire family because I talk about things like the “missile gap” being used today to stimulate missile sales.

I provided these numerous death threats in text messages to CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan who instead made up a story that I wished harm on an armed diplomatic security services officer reporting to the head of NATO.
This Ken Hale was actually born in Dallas in 1960 and his Dad Robert Allen Hale had eleven children in total . But I am talking about Ken who is the son of Robert Allen Hale and the grandson of IB Hale ---- see earlier .
Which makes the point that incremental missile sales is how you make money in the missile business taking advantage of a missile gap, not an all out strike. And the missile business is a blood sport.
SO.In defiance of Ken and his death threats I went directly to France and stayed at the hotel of a Ukrainian missile buyer, and had breakfast with his bodyguard's family and the bodyguard the next morning, and after that breakfast with the Ukrainian missile buyer himself. Out of his own mouth, he said that he was purchasing intermediate range missiles, and was trying longer range missiles to be deployed to reach further into Russia to disturb supply chain for the Russian military machine.
I see the deployments in Romania as exactly that step in the gradually escalating incremental missile war. That’s how you make money in the missile business. NOT from all out strikes.
I think this is the Rothschild Teeter Totter tipping the missile balance once again to release huge amounts of on both sides of the conflic Not a threat of nuclear war.
The situation developing with France placing soldiers in any large numbers in the Ukraine is troubling. Russia has the intelligence assets to pinpoint their location and eliminate them with one or more of Russia's unstoppable hyper-sonic weapons.

MacGregor, Saks, and Ritter are suggesting that Russia must act immediately when the French are landed in the Ukraine. They maintain that it would be an escalation that can't be tolerated by Russia.

The suggestion is: France and Germany are taking America's power to run it's war away from America. France and Germany will very likely run amok of the agreed upon limitations that America has created as a failsafe position.
The bank is the US. Biden funds both sides. e.g. Israel foreign aid while Biden sends billions to Iran so they can send it to Yemen and Hamas to blow up.
You need to distinguish between nominal and actual lending .
The nasty but simple hard fact is that the prime bankers are all from one ethnicity spread across many banks trading everywhere on the globe .
If they want the Sheeple to think that one goofball like Biden is the full lender through his banks , the US , so be it .
But Deep State is the total of all of those accounts plus those that are never officially publicised
All have their profit and loss accounts but the one full and true one is the one never seen outside of ----, Who knows ?
Switzerland ? London ? Washington?
The situation developing with France placing soldiers in any large numbers in the Ukraine is troubling. Russia has the intelligence assets to pinpoint their location and eliminate them with one or more of Russia's unstoppable hyper-sonic weapons.

MacGregor, Saks, and Ritter are suggesting that Russia must act immediately when the French are landed in the Ukraine. They maintain that it would be an escalation that can't be tolerated by Russia.

The suggestion is: France and Germany are taking America's power to run it's war away from America. France and Germany will very likely run amok of the agreed upon limitations that America has created as a failsafe position.
In theory any Russian action against any troops in Romania brings NATO in, en bloc . As you know .
I find it difficult to believe that Deep State would allow that to arise, which introduces another dimension that is probably too esoteric for here .
That is , Russia's relationship with Deep State is essentially no different from the one the US has . Which translates to ultimate power in Russia not lying with Putin and his Kremlin buddies.
I know very savvy people who believe that and publicly Rolo Slavskiy and Miles Mathis -- the ultimate clever and informed guys .
I am simply out of my depth at that point . Miles said from the beginning that it was 100% theatre .

Why is Biden allowing Ukraine, Israel or any other country to determine US foreign policy?
In theory any Russian action against any troops in Romania brings NATO in, en bloc . As you know .
I find it difficult to believe that Deep State would allow that to arise, which introduces another dimension that is probably too esoteric for here .
That is , Russia's relationship with Deep State is essentially no different from the one the US has . Which translates to ultimate power in Russia not lying with Putin and his Kremlin buddies.
I know very savvy people who believe that and publicly Rolo Slavskiy and Miles Mathis -- the ultimate clever and informed guys .
I am simply out of my depth at that point . Miles said from the beginning that it was 100% theatre .

I hear you but I'm not so sure about the deep state running Russia's foreign policy as it pertains to the war.

But in any case, it's for sure not Putin running it by himself. All his decisions are completely in sync with Russia's foreign policy of protecting their country against US plans to expand Nato and eventually break Russia apart.

One thing for sure is that the US demonizes all their foes leaders and claims they are crazy madmen.

What a stark telling contrast between Trump/Biden and Vlad Putin! LOL
You need to distinguish between nominal and actual lending .
The nasty but simple hard fact is that the prime bankers are all from one ethnicity spread across many banks trading everywhere on the globe .
If they want the Sheeple to think that one goofball like Biden is the full lender through his banks , the US , so be it .
But Deep State is the total of all of those accounts plus those that are never officially publicised
All have their profit and loss accounts but the one full and true one is the one never seen outside of ----, Who knows ?
Switzerland ? London ? Washington?
How many banks have sent Ukraine a hundred billion dollars of US taxpayer money?
Clearly one or two of you do not understand the underlying principle of the Missile Gap and why war is never ending , because it is absolutely intrinsic to the making of money .
And as Deep State is made up of all shades of internal US political parties , so it is made up by members of every country on the planet . Russia and China included .
The Banking System is at the Top and ruled by the same group of people by religion in every country .
What's wrong with Romania? o_O wow....Romania will make itself a bigger target! oh well

Romania To Host Largest NATO Military Base in Europe​

The military base at Mihail Kogqlniceanu, Constanta, southeast Romania, on the Black Sea coast, will become the largest NATO military base in Europe and will surpass the US military base in Ramstein, Germany, in size.

The new base will give Romania an increased role in NATO’s security architecture and a position of greater strength in the Black Sea, which is militarily dominated by Russia. It will be able to host 10,000 soldiers and civilians by 2030.

March 21, 2024
What's wrong with Romania? o_O wow

Romania To Host Largest NATO Military Base in Europe​

The military base at Mihail Kogqlniceanu, Constanta, southeast Romania, on the Black Sea coast, will become the largest NATO military base in Europe and will surpass the US military base in Ramstein, Germany, in size.

The new base will give Romania an increased role in NATO’s security architecture and a position of greater strength in the Black Sea, which is militarily dominated by Russia. It will be able to host 10,000 soldiers and civilians by 2030.
I am in Romania at least twice a year( max 2 months) and naturally chat direct with quite a few people .

It remains a very corrupt country at the elite level but the Sheeple are not really unhappy as general living standards are at a par with typical US and EU level . In other respects it is a great country .

However , I started visiting all over Ukraine and many times at the turn of the century and soon felt that it was in the process of trafficking itself to the US in the usual ways .
So when the US brought about regime change in 2014 I was not in the slightest surprised .

I get precisely the same feelings about Romania today .
They have become entrained to the US at the top . It's almost as though they are desperate not to be equated with Gypsies and Vampires and somehow obtain reflected glory and prestige by being connected to the US

The President gives every appearance of being a Biden -- none too bright and utterly corrupt .

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