Hooty Tooties have upended Global Shipping


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
A three prong attack as forecast .

The Hezzers are now in north Israel and savaging a defensive IDF , now on the run .
In the south the magnificent Houthis make light of US and UK interference in their cause
And back in Gaza City the Hammers are routing a wilting IDF whose conscripts are simply no match in ground fighting with the Hammers , the Freedom Fighters .

Meanwhile , the evil Nutty Yahoo , Chief Israeli Nazi , is bunker sheltering and trying to work out how his satanic plans are so badly misfiring .

Here my song is catching on and everywhere I hear

Freedom Fighters of the world unite
Evil dogs , as we call Israeli shite

Countries in the region are scrambling to come up with new ways to bypass the now Houthi-dominated Red Sea, with Saudi Arabia proposing a new land route as follows:

And the situation has gotten so bad that the US is forced to shame-facedly beg China to intervene in de-escalating Iran’s unleashed fury:

US officials are looking for any possible vector that can buy them a breath or two of relief.

Recently I had reported how new strikes by Iranian-backed groups had again caused major damage at US’ second largest base, as well as wounding many troops. It was the latest in a slew of strikes over the past few months:

Here’s Kirby trying desperately to downplay it in order to excuse the fact that US is unable to respond in any declarative way against Iran
Don't worry. President* Joe is working on that right now.

* Liar, thief, influence peddler, money launderer, pedophile
Eight years did not apparently bother our HT peace seekers with the Saudis .
Am not sure what doddery Piss Pot can achieve . Perhaps he will get a few of those second rate F16s , which still have not arrived in Ukraine , rofl, re routed .
Amazing to see non leaguers , the HTs, bossing the once mighty USeless .
Is it real or am I dreaming ?

What next?
US , LBGQT Seals get lost and drown trying to invade California ?
We can stop the 'Hooties' anytime we wish. We just don't wish (for some unknown reason).
We can stop the 'Hooties' anytime we wish. We just don't wish (for some unknown reason).
That is what they said for 8 years and look where that got the Saudis .
You cannot stop them because they do not respond to threats and they detest all things American .
They are Tehran backed which has more missiles and rockets than the US have and by a considerable amount .

They can take out all ME, US military bases and the US knows that and is powerless .
Equally , Iraq and Syrra are kicking out all US military regardless and cannot be stopped .
And Russia is just watching, but the US knows the disaster they will face if Russia joins in .
Look at Ukraine where they have been made to look third best in a two team conflict
That is what they said for 8 years and look where that got the Saudis .
You cannot stop them because they do not respond to threats and they detest all things American .
They are Tehran backed which has more missiles and rockets than the US have and by a considerable amount .

They can take out all ME, US military bases and the US knows that and is powerless .
Equally , Iraq and Syrra are kicking out all US military regardless and cannot be stopped .
And Russia is just watching, but the US knows the disaster they will face if Russia joins in .
Look at Ukraine where they have been made to look third best in a two team conflict
We can unleash massive attacks on their missile launching and storage sites at will. Right now our response is measured, hoping that they will get the message. Maybe we can't match them missile for missile but if we can blow up their missile storage sites it will level the playing field somewhat.
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A three prong attack as forecast .

The Hezzers are now in north Israel and savaging a defensive IDF , now on the run .
In the south the magnificent Houthis make light of US and UK interference in their cause
And back in Gaza City the Hammers are routing a wilting IDF whose conscripts are simply no match in ground fighting with the Hammers , the Freedom Fighters .

Meanwhile , the evil Nutty Yahoo , Chief Israeli Nazi , is bunker sheltering and trying to work out how his satanic plans are so badly misfiring .

Here my song is catching on and everywhere I hear

Freedom Fighters of the world unite
Evil dogs , as we call Israeli shite

Countries in the region are scrambling to come up with new ways to bypass the now Houthi-dominated Red Sea, with Saudi Arabia proposing a new land route as follows:

And the situation has gotten so bad that the US is forced to shame-facedly beg China to intervene in de-escalating Iran’s unleashed fury:

US officials are looking for any possible vector that can buy them a breath or two of relief.

Recently I had reported how new strikes by Iranian-backed groups had again caused major damage at US’ second largest base, as well as wounding many troops. It was the latest in a slew of strikes over the past few months:

Here’s Kirby trying desperately to downplay it in order to excuse the fact that US is unable to respond in any declarative way against Iran

Nazi Luiza revels in IslamoNazi misbehavior.
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Nazi Luiza revela in IslamoNazi misbehavior.
In English please . Breathe deeply and relax first .

But you are right to point out the detestable Nazi Israeli action and how I fight disgusting Nazis and Ethnic Cleansing .
Surely you are not a paid up member of these evil extremists ?


In English please . Breathe deeply and relax first .

But you are right to point out the detestable Nazi Israeli action and how I fight disgusting Nazis and Ethnic Cleansing .
Surely you are not a paid up member of these evil extremists ?
Dull Nazi will be dull.

I did have a typo. But it has already been corrected.

Do try to get over it, Nazi.

By the way, there was just one typo. “Reveal.” It was supposed to be “reveals.”

“Misbehavior” was spelled correctly, as was IslamoNazi.

Is your hero Dr. Mengele; or do you prefer the Nazi concentration camp guards who murdered Jews and others for sport?
BREAKING , Hooty Tooties score yet again

An oil tanker is on fire in the Gulf of Aden, its operator says, after Houthis said they hit it with a missile.
The movement said it had targeted the Marlin Luanda on Friday evening.
Operator Trafigura told the BBC the strike caused a fire in one of the ship's cargo tanks and firefighting equipment was being used to contain it.
US officials told the BBC's US partner CBS the tanker was hit by an anti-ship ballistic missile and a naval ship was responding to its distress signal.
There were no injuries reported, the US officials said.
It is the latest attack on commercial shipping by the Houthis in and around the Red Sea.

  • The UK Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) said that the incident happened 60 nautical miles south-east of Aden.
The UKMTO said authorities had been informed and were responding to the latest strike, and warned other vessels to transit with caution and report any suspicious activity.
Trafigura confirmed the vessel had been struck and military ships were on their way to provide assistance.
"Firefighting equipment on board is being deployed to suppress and control the fire caused in one cargo tank on the starboard side," a Trafigura spokesperson said.
"The safety of the crew is our foremost priority. We remain in contact with the vessel and are monitoring the situation carefully."
The oil tanker is flagged with the Marshall Islands.
Houthi military spokesman Yaha Sarea said the group used "a number of appropriate naval missiles" and Friday's strike was "direct".
Since November, the Iran-backed Houthis have launched dozens of attacks on commercial vessels travelling through the Red Sea, one of the world's busiest shipping lanes in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, where Israel is fighting Hamas.
The US and UK have launched air strikes on the group in response to its attacks, prompting the Houthis to warn they would increase their attacks on shipping.
Dull Nazi will be dull.

I did have a typo. But it has already been corrected.

Do try to get over it, Nazi.
Think as a plank .
Four errors and no idea what the simple meaning of Nazi is .
You truly are Wrongagain
Hooties are are a real hoot.
US and UK humiliated .
Never under-estimate the little chappies

British Oil Tanker Carrying Russian Naphta On Fire In The Red Sea After Houthi Missile Strike​

FRIDAY, JAN 26, 2024 - 10:20 PM
The British fuel tanker operated on behalf of trading giant Trafigura, was on fire after it was struck by a missile as it transited the Red Sea, in the most significant attack yet by Yemen’s Houthi rebels on an oil-carrying vessel.
Yemen's Houthis said on Friday their naval forces carried out an operation targeting "the British oil tanker Marlin Luanda" in the Gulf of Aden causing a fire to break out. They used "a number of appropriate naval missiles, the strike was direct," the Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Sarea said in a statement.

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