2 unarmed black men killed by cops. 2 different reactions. Why?

Foreigner Looking In.

Diamond Member
Jan 10, 2021
Last year, George Floyd was allegedly killed by cops. The video of his death went viral online, was shown on a loop in the media, the officers identified online, riots broke out, you know the rest.
Last week, another black man was killed by cops in the Bronx. Youtube put an age restriction of the video, few media figures covered it. BLM never mentioned it. Nor did Hollywood celebs. Nobody rioted and it's almost forgotten before the funeral has even taken place.

The video of the bronx killing is below.,

It's clear that the media, Celebs, and leftists are only concerned about cop killings when a Republican is in the Whitehouse.
Apart from that they dont tgive a shit. Big Tech even censors it.
The riots happened under Obama also when Eric Garner was killed. Not everything is about Trump.

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