Bull Ring 1stRambo: Justifying Sexism vs. Blaming Racism on Whites


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
I just had to mess with my buddy 1stRambo, where we NORMALLY agree on critical conservative points that matter most, while disagreeing on others. EG, We agree on exposing liberal corruption of politics and govt (even where we disagree on which solutions are possible or workable).

But on a thread for siding with pastoral criticisms, blaming women for being "whores and predators" """Vote Roy Moore Alabama"""

I just can't resist holding 1stRambo to account:
"""Vote Roy Moore Alabama"""

If there was a section for "messing with Sasquatch"
I'm sure this thread belongs there!

But my point I want to challenge 1stRambo on
A. if it's NOT okay for blacks to blame whites for racism
and to justify black reactions (even criminal) to white oppression
because whites are the predominant cultural norm
B. why is it okay for 1stRambo to side with pastors
blaming women and the prevalent "culture of whores"
for men losing control and causing rapes, harassment, and objectifying of women?

If blacks are still responsible for criminal behavior,
even in a society where the govt and country was founded
by whites, including white property owners, white Christian
and white Constitutionalist and Federalist philosophies and leaders,

Why shouldn't men still be held responsible for abusive behavior,
even in a society that sexualizes and objectifies women.

1stRambo: Do you like it when blacks blame racist
reactions on whites for inciting them and "making them lose control"?

But you see no problem with men blaming
"loss of control" on women for inciting them?

Go for it! Bash on me or whoever you blame,
this thread is yours to tell me how one situation or the other
is justified or not, what makes them different or the same.

Let's reach an understanding on this. Please enlighten me and explain
"how the world is". But be fair to both cases, of racism and sexism.

Explain how people's reactions are the fault of the people they are reacting to.
Or how each person is still responsible for our own reactions. Explain away!
I just had to mess with my buddy 1stRambo, where we NORMALLY agree on critical conservative points that matter most, while disagreeing on others. EG, We agree on exposing liberal corruption of politics and govt (even where we disagree on which solutions are possible or workable).

But on a thread for siding with pastoral criticisms, blaming women for being "whores and predators" """Vote Roy Moore Alabama"""

I just can't resist holding 1stRambo to account:
"""Vote Roy Moore Alabama"""

If there was a section for "messing with Sasquatch"
I'm sure this thread belongs there!

But my point I want to challenge 1stRambo on
A. if it's NOT okay for blacks to blame whites for racism
and to justify black reactions (even criminal) to white oppression
because whites are the predominant cultural norm
B. why is it okay for 1stRambo to side with pastors
blaming women and the prevalent "culture of whores"
for men losing control and causing rapes, harassment, and objectifying of women?

If blacks are still responsible for criminal behavior,
even in a society where the govt and country was founded
by whites, including white property owners, white Christian
and white Constitutionalist and Federalist philosophies and leaders,

Why shouldn't men still be held responsible for abusive behavior,
even in a society that sexualizes and objectifies women.

1stRambo: Do you like it when blacks blame racist
reactions on whites for inciting them and "making them lose control"?

But you see no problem with men blaming
"loss of control" on women for inciting them?

Go for it! Bash on me or whoever you blame,
this thread is yours to tell me how one situation or the other
is justified or not, what makes them different or the same.

Let's reach an understanding on this. Please enlighten me and explain
"how the world is". But be fair to both cases, of racism and sexism.

Explain how people's reactions are the fault of the people they are reacting to.
Or how each person is still responsible for our own reactions. Explain away!

Dear Emily :boohoo:

Yo, WOW, a lot for a small brain? :bye1:

I`ll answer you very easy, to all your questions in one answer: I hate to say this to my buddy, but, here we go!

You remind me of somebody who shouldn`t be in Washington? Mitch McConnell or John McCain, to the Left of Moderate, I know, OUCH! You sound like them tooooooo, blame others for their own shortcomings! I never said I blame all women, just some, also, if I said anything about blacks being unhappy?

They should kiss the White Mans butt for being alive, mainly because if they stayed in Africa back in the days, they might not be alive today, because some tribe might have wiped their tribe out, another words, no Ancestors! That last answer should`ve answered your hilarious questions on blacks! You should look at History, as History, people need to learn how to live with it!!!

P.S.: Factual Truth and a Court settles all crimes, it`s the best way to do it, unless you have a better way?


I just had to mess with my buddy 1stRambo, where we NORMALLY agree on critical conservative points that matter most, while disagreeing on others. EG, We agree on exposing liberal corruption of politics and govt (even where we disagree on which solutions are possible or workable).

But on a thread for siding with pastoral criticisms, blaming women for being "whores and predators" """Vote Roy Moore Alabama"""

I just can't resist holding 1stRambo to account:
"""Vote Roy Moore Alabama"""

If there was a section for "messing with Sasquatch"
I'm sure this thread belongs there!

But my point I want to challenge 1stRambo on
A. if it's NOT okay for blacks to blame whites for racism
and to justify black reactions (even criminal) to white oppression
because whites are the predominant cultural norm
B. why is it okay for 1stRambo to side with pastors
blaming women and the prevalent "culture of whores"
for men losing control and causing rapes, harassment, and objectifying of women?

If blacks are still responsible for criminal behavior,
even in a society where the govt and country was founded
by whites, including white property owners, white Christian
and white Constitutionalist and Federalist philosophies and leaders,

Why shouldn't men still be held responsible for abusive behavior,
even in a society that sexualizes and objectifies women.

1stRambo: Do you like it when blacks blame racist
reactions on whites for inciting them and "making them lose control"?

But you see no problem with men blaming
"loss of control" on women for inciting them?

Go for it! Bash on me or whoever you blame,
this thread is yours to tell me how one situation or the other
is justified or not, what makes them different or the same.

Let's reach an understanding on this. Please enlighten me and explain
"how the world is". But be fair to both cases, of racism and sexism.

Explain how people's reactions are the fault of the people they are reacting to.
Or how each person is still responsible for our own reactions. Explain away!

Dear Emily :boohoo:

Yo, WOW, a lot for a small brain? :bye1:

I`ll answer you very easy, to all your questions in one answer: I hate to say this to my buddy, but, here we go!

You remind me of somebody who shouldn`t be in Washington? Mitch McConnell or John McCain, to the Left of Moderate, I know, OUCH! You sound like them tooooooo, blame others for their own shortcomings! I never said I blame all women, just some, also, if I said anything about blacks being unhappy?

They should kiss the White Mans butt for being alive, mainly because if they stayed in Africa back in the days, they might not be alive today, because some tribe might have wiped their tribe out, another words, no Ancestors! That last answer should`ve answered your hilarious questions on blacks! You should look at History, as History, people need to learn how to live with it!!!

P.S.: Factual Truth and a Court settles all crimes, it`s the best way to do it, unless you have a better way?


View attachment 165641

Hi 1stRambo
THANK YOU for both answering and answering honestly.
Appreciate that, for few people are willing to stand up for what they say and believe.
At least you do, thanks!

1. I'm glad you don't blame "all women" but wasn't your thread
about blaming the women YOU consider "whores" for crimes
committing against such women?

That's what I was comparing.

2. Are you saying ALL Blacks owe the White man?
That NONE of the Blacks or Black tribes can progress on their own?

The Native Americans went through war, slavery, tribal genocides, etc.
and they have their own learning curve of progress long before the White man.

The White lineage, even in American history which includes wars and slavery etc.,
goes through a pattern of ups and downs while progressing on a learning curve of social spiritual and political development.

Same with the Asians and the Blacks.

In fact, all tribes and all people go through a process to reach "peace and justice"
if you believe the Bible applies to all people.

Do you believe that Black tribes are not able to complete this same process on their own?

If so, isn't that true of ALL tribes including Whites, that ALL of us rely on one another
as equals in CHRIST JESUS, and only Jesus claims greater credit than any man or group.
And NONE of the other people or groups can claim superiority over any others,
for we are all EQUAL in Christ Jesus when we are made perfect, new and whole.

If you are going to say Blacks depend or owe Whites,
can't you also say that Whites depend on Blacks for their part.
And Asians and Native Americans, and ALL tribes and nations
have their purpose and process they contribute to the whole of humanity?

3. So comparing these two, if you don't blame 'all women" but just
the ones you blame as whores, do you blame "all blacks' or
just the ones who depend on whites? What are you saying there?

Thanks 1stRambo
I appreciate your honest talk so I get to know you fully.
Sorry your candidate didn't win in Alabama,
but I trust the right message will still reach the public audience.

We still need to correct the serious problems that were brought up during
the campaign REGARDLESS who wins which office.
All leaders are still needed for govt reform and economic rebuilding.

Yours truly, Emily
I just had to mess with my buddy 1stRambo, where we NORMALLY agree on critical conservative points that matter most, while disagreeing on others. EG, We agree on exposing liberal corruption of politics and govt (even where we disagree on which solutions are possible or workable).

But on a thread for siding with pastoral criticisms, blaming women for being "whores and predators" """Vote Roy Moore Alabama"""

I just can't resist holding 1stRambo to account:
"""Vote Roy Moore Alabama"""

If there was a section for "messing with Sasquatch"
I'm sure this thread belongs there!

But my point I want to challenge 1stRambo on
A. if it's NOT okay for blacks to blame whites for racism
and to justify black reactions (even criminal) to white oppression
because whites are the predominant cultural norm
B. why is it okay for 1stRambo to side with pastors
blaming women and the prevalent "culture of whores"
for men losing control and causing rapes, harassment, and objectifying of women?

If blacks are still responsible for criminal behavior,
even in a society where the govt and country was founded
by whites, including white property owners, white Christian
and white Constitutionalist and Federalist philosophies and leaders,

Why shouldn't men still be held responsible for abusive behavior,
even in a society that sexualizes and objectifies women.

1stRambo: Do you like it when blacks blame racist
reactions on whites for inciting them and "making them lose control"?

But you see no problem with men blaming
"loss of control" on women for inciting them?

Go for it! Bash on me or whoever you blame,
this thread is yours to tell me how one situation or the other
is justified or not, what makes them different or the same.

Let's reach an understanding on this. Please enlighten me and explain
"how the world is". But be fair to both cases, of racism and sexism.

Explain how people's reactions are the fault of the people they are reacting to.
Or how each person is still responsible for our own reactions. Explain away!

Dear Emily :boohoo:

Yo, WOW, a lot for a small brain? :bye1:

I`ll answer you very easy, to all your questions in one answer: I hate to say this to my buddy, but, here we go!

You remind me of somebody who shouldn`t be in Washington? Mitch McConnell or John McCain, to the Left of Moderate, I know, OUCH! You sound like them tooooooo, blame others for their own shortcomings! I never said I blame all women, just some, also, if I said anything about blacks being unhappy?

They should kiss the White Mans butt for being alive, mainly because if they stayed in Africa back in the days, they might not be alive today, because some tribe might have wiped their tribe out, another words, no Ancestors! That last answer should`ve answered your hilarious questions on blacks! You should look at History, as History, people need to learn how to live with it!!!

P.S.: Factual Truth and a Court settles all crimes, it`s the best way to do it, unless you have a better way?


View attachment 165641

Hi 1stRambo
THANK YOU for both answering and answering honestly.
Appreciate that, for few people are willing to stand up for what they say and believe.
At least you do, thanks!

1. I'm glad you don't blame "all women" but wasn't your thread
about blaming the women YOU consider "whores" for crimes
committing against such women?

That's what I was comparing.

2. Are you saying ALL Blacks owe the White man?
That NONE of the Blacks or Black tribes can progress on their own?

The Native Americans went through war, slavery, tribal genocides, etc.
and they have their own learning curve of progress long before the White man.

The White lineage, even in American history which includes wars and slavery etc.,
goes through a pattern of ups and downs while progressing on a learning curve of social spiritual and political development.

Same with the Asians and the Blacks.

In fact, all tribes and all people go through a process to reach "peace and justice"
if you believe the Bible applies to all people.

Do you believe that Black tribes are not able to complete this same process on their own?

If so, isn't that true of ALL tribes including Whites, that ALL of us rely on one another
as equals in CHRIST JESUS, and only Jesus claims greater credit than any man or group.
And NONE of the other people or groups can claim superiority over any others,
for we are all EQUAL in Christ Jesus when we are made perfect, new and whole.

If you are going to say Blacks depend or owe Whites,
can't you also say that Whites depend on Blacks for their part.
And Asians and Native Americans, and ALL tribes and nations
have their purpose and process they contribute to the whole of humanity?

3. So comparing these two, if you don't blame 'all women" but just
the ones you blame as whores, do you blame "all blacks' or
just the ones who depend on whites? What are you saying there?

Thanks 1stRambo
I appreciate your honest talk so I get to know you fully.
Sorry your candidate didn't win in Alabama,
but I trust the right message will still reach the public audience.

We still need to correct the serious problems that were brought up during
the campaign REGARDLESS who wins which office.
All leaders are still needed for govt reform and economic rebuilding.

Yours truly, Emily

Dear Emily,

Yo, you remember what I said about women, about how they dress? Well, I hate to say it, but a Democrat agrees with me, watch and read: :bye1:

Democrat calls some women’s clothing 'invitation' to harassment



P.S.: "Hope The Truth Doesn`t Hurt Friend" :wink_2:



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