1st Amendment vs. Bumper Sticker "FU Trump and FU You for Voting for Him"

Legality aside, I'm no lawyer.

Personally I don't give a shit about the woman's opinion bumpersticker, I don't even care about the curses and what not because in my mind it's just words so whatever. However, I'm a bit less "sound" on where I come down about the curse words... The question becomes does she have the right to expose another citizens children to her vulgarity? On the one hand, I say yes, on the other, I say no.... maybe...

There is kind of just too much cursing out there going on to really proclaim that this chick is really "exposing" any kids who happen to read it to something with "malicious intentions" [toward the kidos - adults have to suck it up ya know] It's like... have you seen this?!?

Potty-Mouthed Princesses Drop F-Bombs for Feminism by FCKH8.com

I gotta say I don't approve of that right there (and I let my kids swear), but that's the rub - it's not my /place/ to say those parents couldn't authorize/let their kids do that ya know? Just like someone shouldn't be telling me that I can't let my kids swear (though I taught them when and where it was appropriate, of course - they're adults now)

Is it "inciting"? No more than the media's blatant nuclear war against President Trump; calling him a racist, rapist, etc. 24 fucking 7 and shit. Kids are being exposed to that, in fact there's videos of young children talking about how much "they" hate President Trump [I have a very strong feeling that is actually their parents or the director's opinions, but that's beside the point here] So it's not like kids aren't being exposed to "incitement" and "vulgarity" and "adult" shit on a regular basis... on the other hand, a parent can turn off the TV or the internet, they can't exactly turn-off that...

I gotta admit I'm totally torn and find myself with no decisive opinion on it. o_O

How delightfully rare! TY for the topic, and the mental exercise, emilynghiem I value finding myself in such an unexpected conundrum :)

you were great until you argued that pointing out the truth about Donald is "inciting". That is not incitement. A president trying to gin up hate on twitter is "incitement". A president trying to gin up hate and make everyone who isn't white male straight and christian "other" and causing them to be targets of his "base" is incitement. And even that is probably protected speech at least up to a certain point.

You are not free from thoughts and facts that rile you. On that, you were absolutely correct. That said, as pointed out, there are limits even with that... such as defamation, obscenity and some types of commercial speech.

So next time, the driver should post a silly sounding sticker like yours.
And nobody would believe the complaints either!
You are an extremely boring person

and Trump is an extreme Moron and an orange POS

Donald Trump's UK visit 'postponed' as tensions with Theresa May rise over Britain First retweets
Source: International Businesss Times

US President Donald Trump's planned visit to Britain in January has reportedly been postponed as the leaders on both sides of the pond find themselves in an escalation of words.

Trump was set to go to the UK for a "working visit" in the New Year to formally open the new US Embassy in London. It was set to be a scaled down version of a state visit with no meeting with the Queen to allow Trump to come to the UK without the potential for mass protests.

Read more: Donald Trump's UK visit 'postponed' as tensions with Theresa May rise over Britain First retweets
No, it's NOT a free speech issue. I'm sick and damned tired of hearing people shout, "First Amendment!" to try to justify doing whatever they want, whenever they want, with no recognition of the rights of other people and demanding that there be no consequences whatsoever.

This is why communities have disorderly conduct laws: to delineate the point where your "freedom of speech" starts infringing on everyone else's freedoms.

Be sick and tired of it all you wish, but that doesn't change the fact that having a swear on your truck isn't aganist the law. It's tacky and vulgar, but shouldn't be aganist the law in the my opinion. Also, you're freedom isn't being infringed upon b/c you read curse words in public. Truck Nutz are crass as well. Should they be made illegal as well?
sooner or later you will be crossing the line and this is headed in that direction.

what if it was FUCK YOU N*****? different now? why? just words on a truck. or FUCK YOU GAY PEOPLE!

i'm pretty sure the vehicle would be torn to shreds and the social police will back that up. but if it's FUCK TRUMP nope. not the same.

just curious on how you'd see this also.
Legality aside, I'm no lawyer.

Personally I don't give a shit about the woman's opinion bumpersticker, I don't even care about the curses and what not because in my mind it's just words so whatever. However, I'm a bit less "sound" on where I come down about the curse words... The question becomes does she have the right to expose another citizens children to her vulgarity? On the one hand, I say yes, on the other, I say no.... maybe...

There is kind of just too much cursing out there going on to really proclaim that this chick is really "exposing" any kids who happen to read it to something with "malicious intentions" [toward the kidos - adults have to suck it up ya know] It's like... have you seen this?!?

Potty-Mouthed Princesses Drop F-Bombs for Feminism by FCKH8.com

I gotta say I don't approve of that right there (and I let my kids swear), but that's the rub - it's not my /place/ to say those parents couldn't authorize/let their kids do that ya know? Just like someone shouldn't be telling me that I can't let my kids swear (though I taught them when and where it was appropriate, of course - they're adults now)

Is it "inciting"? No more than the media's blatant nuclear war against President Trump; calling him a racist, rapist, etc. 24 fucking 7 and shit. Kids are being exposed to that, in fact there's videos of young children talking about how much "they" hate President Trump [I have a very strong feeling that is actually their parents or the director's opinions, but that's beside the point here] So it's not like kids aren't being exposed to "incitement" and "vulgarity" and "adult" shit on a regular basis... on the other hand, a parent can turn off the TV or the internet, they can't exactly turn-off that...

I gotta admit I'm totally torn and find myself with no decisive opinion on it. o_O

How delightfully rare! TY for the topic, and the mental exercise, emilynghiem I value finding myself in such an unexpected conundrum :)

you were great until you argued that pointing out the truth about Donald is "inciting". That is not incitement. A president trying to gin up hate on twitter is "incitement". A president trying to gin up hate and make everyone who isn't white male straight and christian "other" and causing them to be targets of his "base" is incitement. And even that is probably protected speech at least up to a certain point.

You are not free from thoughts and facts that rile you. On that, you were absolutely correct. That said, as pointed out, there are limits even with that... such as defamation, obscenity and some types of commercial speech.

There is no "truth about Donald" involved here. The bumper sticker is just cursing about Trump and his supporters. It'd be one thing if it said "Trump is a War Criminal For Bombing Syria" or something like that (not my opinion, just an example)....this is just giant cuss words aimed at people she disagrees with.
Legality aside, I'm no lawyer.

Personally I don't give a shit about the woman's opinion bumpersticker, I don't even care about the curses and what not because in my mind it's just words so whatever. However, I'm a bit less "sound" on where I come down about the curse words... The question becomes does she have the right to expose another citizens children to her vulgarity? On the one hand, I say yes, on the other, I say no.... maybe...

There is kind of just too much cursing out there going on to really proclaim that this chick is really "exposing" any kids who happen to read it to something with "malicious intentions" [toward the kidos - adults have to suck it up ya know] It's like... have you seen this?!?

Potty-Mouthed Princesses Drop F-Bombs for Feminism by FCKH8.com

I gotta say I don't approve of that right there (and I let my kids swear), but that's the rub - it's not my /place/ to say those parents couldn't authorize/let their kids do that ya know? Just like someone shouldn't be telling me that I can't let my kids swear (though I taught them when and where it was appropriate, of course - they're adults now)

Is it "inciting"? No more than the media's blatant nuclear war against President Trump; calling him a racist, rapist, etc. 24 fucking 7 and shit. Kids are being exposed to that, in fact there's videos of young children talking about how much "they" hate President Trump [I have a very strong feeling that is actually their parents or the director's opinions, but that's beside the point here] So it's not like kids aren't being exposed to "incitement" and "vulgarity" and "adult" shit on a regular basis... on the other hand, a parent can turn off the TV or the internet, they can't exactly turn-off that...

I gotta admit I'm totally torn and find myself with no decisive opinion on it. o_O

How delightfully rare! TY for the topic, and the mental exercise, emilynghiem I value finding myself in such an unexpected conundrum :)

you were great until you argued that pointing out the truth about Donald is "inciting". That is not incitement. A president trying to gin up hate on twitter is "incitement". A president trying to gin up hate and make everyone who isn't white male straight and christian "other" and causing them to be targets of his "base" is incitement. And even that is probably protected speech at least up to a certain point.

You are not free from thoughts and facts that rile you. On that, you were absolutely correct. That said, as pointed out, there are limits even with that... such as defamation, obscenity and some types of commercial speech.

There is no "truth about Donald" involved here. The bumper sticker is just cursing about Trump and his supporters. It'd be one thing if it said "Trump is a War Criminal For Bombing Syria" or something like that (not my opinion, just an example)....this is just giant cuss words aimed at people she disagrees with.
agreed. but is it their right to do this? when is expressing your views in plain view like that going to far and forcing parents to have conversations with children about what that is and why someone would do that? *IF* we can do this then it's open game on putting ANYTHING YOU WANT on your car and if the trump haters approve of this then they would HAVE to approve of

FUCK MUSLIMS AND FUCK YOU FOR COMING HERE also. fyi - i would be 100% against someone doing that, or against any group or people.

that includes trump. it's not defending trump, it's trying to get back to common decency.
Legality aside, I'm no lawyer.

Personally I don't give a shit about the woman's opinion bumpersticker, I don't even care about the curses and what not because in my mind it's just words so whatever. However, I'm a bit less "sound" on where I come down about the curse words... The question becomes does she have the right to expose another citizens children to her vulgarity? On the one hand, I say yes, on the other, I say no.... maybe...

There is kind of just too much cursing out there going on to really proclaim that this chick is really "exposing" any kids who happen to read it to something with "malicious intentions" [toward the kidos - adults have to suck it up ya know] It's like... have you seen this?!?

Potty-Mouthed Princesses Drop F-Bombs for Feminism by FCKH8.com

I gotta say I don't approve of that right there (and I let my kids swear), but that's the rub - it's not my /place/ to say those parents couldn't authorize/let their kids do that ya know? Just like someone shouldn't be telling me that I can't let my kids swear (though I taught them when and where it was appropriate, of course - they're adults now)

Is it "inciting"? No more than the media's blatant nuclear war against President Trump; calling him a racist, rapist, etc. 24 fucking 7 and shit. Kids are being exposed to that, in fact there's videos of young children talking about how much "they" hate President Trump [I have a very strong feeling that is actually their parents or the director's opinions, but that's beside the point here] So it's not like kids aren't being exposed to "incitement" and "vulgarity" and "adult" shit on a regular basis... on the other hand, a parent can turn off the TV or the internet, they can't exactly turn-off that...

I gotta admit I'm totally torn and find myself with no decisive opinion on it. o_O

How delightfully rare! TY for the topic, and the mental exercise, emilynghiem I value finding myself in such an unexpected conundrum :)

you were great until you argued that pointing out the truth about Donald is "inciting". That is not incitement. A president trying to gin up hate on twitter is "incitement". A president trying to gin up hate and make everyone who isn't white male straight and christian "other" and causing them to be targets of his "base" is incitement. And even that is probably protected speech at least up to a certain point.

You are not free from thoughts and facts that rile you. On that, you were absolutely correct. That said, as pointed out, there are limits even with that... such as defamation, obscenity and some types of commercial speech.

There is no "truth about Donald" involved here. The bumper sticker is just cursing about Trump and his supporters. It'd be one thing if it said "Trump is a War Criminal For Bombing Syria" or something like that (not my opinion, just an example)....this is just giant cuss words aimed at people she disagrees with.
agreed. but is it their right to do this? when is expressing your views in plain view like that going to far and forcing parents to have conversations with children about what that is and why someone would do that? *IF* we can do this then it's open game on putting ANYTHING YOU WANT on your car and if the trump haters approve of this then they would HAVE to approve of

FUCK MUSLIMS AND FUCK YOU FOR COMING HERE also. fyi - i would be 100% against someone doing that, or against any group or people.

that includes trump. it's not defending trump, it's trying to get back to common decency.
I don't know if it's their right to put that on their truck as large as it is. Bumper stickers would be more appropriate. I don't take issue with the message being on their vehicle, just the size of the display and the fact kids may see it.
Legality aside, I'm no lawyer.

Personally I don't give a shit about the woman's opinion bumpersticker, I don't even care about the curses and what not because in my mind it's just words so whatever. However, I'm a bit less "sound" on where I come down about the curse words... The question becomes does she have the right to expose another citizens children to her vulgarity? On the one hand, I say yes, on the other, I say no.... maybe...

There is kind of just too much cursing out there going on to really proclaim that this chick is really "exposing" any kids who happen to read it to something with "malicious intentions" [toward the kidos - adults have to suck it up ya know] It's like... have you seen this?!?

Potty-Mouthed Princesses Drop F-Bombs for Feminism by FCKH8.com

I gotta say I don't approve of that right there (and I let my kids swear), but that's the rub - it's not my /place/ to say those parents couldn't authorize/let their kids do that ya know? Just like someone shouldn't be telling me that I can't let my kids swear (though I taught them when and where it was appropriate, of course - they're adults now)

Is it "inciting"? No more than the media's blatant nuclear war against President Trump; calling him a racist, rapist, etc. 24 fucking 7 and shit. Kids are being exposed to that, in fact there's videos of young children talking about how much "they" hate President Trump [I have a very strong feeling that is actually their parents or the director's opinions, but that's beside the point here] So it's not like kids aren't being exposed to "incitement" and "vulgarity" and "adult" shit on a regular basis... on the other hand, a parent can turn off the TV or the internet, they can't exactly turn-off that...

I gotta admit I'm totally torn and find myself with no decisive opinion on it. o_O

How delightfully rare! TY for the topic, and the mental exercise, emilynghiem I value finding myself in such an unexpected conundrum :)

you were great until you argued that pointing out the truth about Donald is "inciting". That is not incitement. A president trying to gin up hate on twitter is "incitement". A president trying to gin up hate and make everyone who isn't white male straight and christian "other" and causing them to be targets of his "base" is incitement. And even that is probably protected speech at least up to a certain point.

You are not free from thoughts and facts that rile you. On that, you were absolutely correct. That said, as pointed out, there are limits even with that... such as defamation, obscenity and some types of commercial speech.

There is no "truth about Donald" involved here. The bumper sticker is just cursing about Trump and his supporters. It'd be one thing if it said "Trump is a War Criminal For Bombing Syria" or something like that (not my opinion, just an example)....this is just giant cuss words aimed at people she disagrees with.
agreed. but is it their right to do this? when is expressing your views in plain view like that going to far and forcing parents to have conversations with children about what that is and why someone would do that? *IF* we can do this then it's open game on putting ANYTHING YOU WANT on your car and if the trump haters approve of this then they would HAVE to approve of

FUCK MUSLIMS AND FUCK YOU FOR COMING HERE also. fyi - i would be 100% against someone doing that, or against any group or people.

that includes trump. it's not defending trump, it's trying to get back to common decency.
I don't know if it's their right to put that on their truck as large as it is. Bumper stickers would be more appropriate. I don't take issue with the message being on their vehicle, just the size of the display and the fact kids may see it.
to me - if thats what they want to do fine. but they are setting the standard for saying "its ok to do this to express my opinion like this"

they are NOT saying "it's ok to do this to trump".

given that, if they allow this then you can't in the same mindset stop FUCK N****** or FUCK MUSLIMS or anything else you're emotionally inclined to burst out. the problem is have is the people doing this would go into a shit fit rage if you did this to something THEY liked or approved of. guaranteed.

so the setup to hypocrisy is simply astounding to me as people continue to act 6 years old, claim it their right, then act 4 when someone else does it in return.
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Personally I give zero fucks about what an individual puts on their personal vehicle In this case there is a law against profanity. I do not agree with the law but it's there. If it bothered me enough and it was my vehicle then I would exercise my Constitutional right of a redress of grievances. peacefully.
sooner or later you will be crossing the line and this is headed in that direction.

what if it was FUCK YOU N*****? different now? why? just words on a truck. or FUCK YOU GAY PEOPLE!

i'm pretty sure the vehicle would be torn to shreds and the social police will back that up. but if it's FUCK TRUMP nope. not the same.

just curious on how you'd see this also.

No, it wouldn't be different to me. I prefer people to advertise their idiocy. It makes them easier to avoid.
Hmm I'm just gonna say this on the OT of the media's blatant twisting of Trump coverage because ya'll ain't gonna listen (Hate trumps love and good intentions in the real world after all.) Irrelevant but I'm not keen to let you partisan hacks leave that bullshit standing without saying a word - that's how we end up with the insanity of things like ANTIFA ya know.

OOM, I get ya with the kids seeing it, but come on now, you know as well as I do that any kids reading that are seeing the word fuck every day online, hearing it every day from their friends and music, on the TV, etc. I just don't know if we can fly it because it's been "normalized" - damn that slippery slope >.<

To the lefties;

Someone flying a Confederate flag because they see it as a modern symbol of the south.
A statue of an officially [government] recognized American "war hero" being pulled.
Someone wearing a Nazi arm band.

ALL of that shit was checked off as unacceptable by you folks. Do you people understand that you've turned into walking hypocrisies, ya'll realize what you are doing to your credibility? I mean, frankly, I got issues with hypocrites [and socialists and communists and fascists - or any "pussy footing" around them] so I'm honestly kinda okay with letting ya'll continue on into oblivion so I never have to worry about your fruit loop ideas threatening my kids and grandkids bank accounts, but... honestly, as American independent here, ya'll need to check your reflections and fix yo shit...

where is being a "provacateur" not protected by the first amendment, shill?

Where it violates laws to protect others from your behavior, obviously.

the first amendment does not protect you from provocative behavior.

The First Amendment concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons and organizations.

That one private person perceives another private person as a ‘provocateur’ has nothing whatsoever to do with the rights enshrined in the First Amendment.

And this case is clearly an example of government run afoul of the First Amendment, seeking to punish unpopular speech and dissent through force of law.

If you two would like to stroke each other in private, I can assure you the rest of us would prefer that as well, and will be happy to wait while you get a room.

Then you should probably go post somewhere where only ignorant twits who keep repeating the same rightwingnut talking points over and over and over congregate.

the feelings rest of "you", meaning rightwingnut thin-skinned snowflake swamp dwellers, are irrelevant to normal people.

Oh, don't worry, you and your butt buddies are doing an awesome job of fulfilling my "ignorant twit" quota, so I won't need to go anywhere else for that.

And I understand the desperate need you poor creatures have to congratulate each other on your brilliance rather than having to make points and carry a debate. No need to retreat to your safe space and use up the last page of your coloring book. Save it for later.
No, it's NOT a free speech issue. I'm sick and damned tired of hearing people shout, "First Amendment!" to try to justify doing whatever they want, whenever they want, with no recognition of the rights of other people and demanding that there be no consequences whatsoever.

This is why communities have disorderly conduct laws: to delineate the point where your "freedom of speech" starts infringing on everyone else's freedoms.

Be sick and tired of it all you wish, but that doesn't change the fact that having a swear on your truck isn't aganist the law. It's tacky and vulgar, but shouldn't be aganist the law in the my opinion. Also, you're freedom isn't being infringed upon b/c you read curse words in public. Truck Nutz are crass as well. Should they be made illegal as well?
sooner or later you will be crossing the line and this is headed in that direction.

what if it was FUCK YOU N*****? different now? why? just words on a truck. or FUCK YOU GAY PEOPLE!

i'm pretty sure the vehicle would be torn to shreds and the social police will back that up. but if it's FUCK TRUMP nope. not the same.

just curious on how you'd see this also.

Oh, they'll tell you they're just fine with that, so long as it's completely hypothetical.
No, it's NOT a free speech issue. I'm sick and damned tired of hearing people shout, "First Amendment!" to try to justify doing whatever they want, whenever they want, with no recognition of the rights of other people and demanding that there be no consequences whatsoever.

This is why communities have disorderly conduct laws: to delineate the point where your "freedom of speech" starts infringing on everyone else's freedoms.

Be sick and tired of it all you wish, but that doesn't change the fact that having a swear on your truck isn't aganist the law. It's tacky and vulgar, but shouldn't be aganist the law in the my opinion. Also, you're freedom isn't being infringed upon b/c you read curse words in public. Truck Nutz are crass as well. Should they be made illegal as well?
sooner or later you will be crossing the line and this is headed in that direction.

what if it was FUCK YOU N*****? different now? why? just words on a truck. or FUCK YOU GAY PEOPLE!

i'm pretty sure the vehicle would be torn to shreds and the social police will back that up. but if it's FUCK TRUMP nope. not the same.

just curious on how you'd see this also.

Oh, they'll tell you they're just fine with that, so long as it's completely hypothetical.

Thank goodness it is hypothetical. I am not sure the police switchboard could handle all my calls over a bumper sticker.

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