1933 Parallels with 2020 Progressive-Leftist-Globalist Ideology

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
I have been warning about this. Those who refuse to learn history are determined to repeat it. This man here, gives a factual review & Comparison of the policies of The Democratic Socialist Party of Germany during it's rise to today's current policies of The Democrat Party who should actually rename themselves the same.

What you had during the rise of Nazi Party were promises of "Free Stuff", Government takeover of Healthcare, A War against Capitalism and small businesses, Gun Control,Fraudulent Elections, violence and intimidation, destruction of monuments and much more.

This is a quick recap of all of that and serves as stimulus for discussion.

Are we on the cusp of 1933?

Totally agree.....BUT......

I have pointed out in another thread that it is their 200,000 vs approximately 15o million.

We have to CHOSE to be their victims. It's a choice....to be free....or not to be free

If the Conservative Right has victim mentality built in, then they win.
The way the sheep in America are content to let the government run their lives I’m afraid the choice has been made for us.
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Totally agree.....BUT......

I have pointed out in another thread that it is their 200,000 vs approximately 15o million.

We have to CHOSE to be their victims. It's a choice....to be free....or not to be free

If the Conservative Right has victim mentality built in, then tyrants win by default.
If you watch the video it details exactly how The Nazi Party took over The Wiemar Democratic Republic of Germany, and this mirrors exactly what The Democrat Party had been doing ,and plan on continuing on doing.
I have been warning about this. Those who refuse to learn history are determined to repeat it. This man here, gives a factual review & Comparison of the policies of The Democratic Socialist Party of Germany during it's rise to today's current policies of The Democrat Party who should actually rename themselves the same.

What you had during the rise of Nazi Party were promises of "Free Stuff", Government takeover of Healthcare, A War against Capitalism and small businesses, Gun Control,Fraudulent Elections, violence and intimidation, destruction of monuments and much more.

This is a quick recap of all of that and serves as stimulus for discussion.

Are we on the cusp of 1933?

1. hitler ; minorities are savages and ignorant, inferior to aryans

trump ; minorities are rapists and murders

cons on message boards, minorities are scum, savages, criminals rapists and are INFERIOR to whites

2. hitler; communists are our mortal enemies

trump; communists and marxists and socialists democrats, liberals and rinos are our mortal enemies

cons on message board ; all liberals and democrats are marxist scum and we should kill them all

3. hitler basically staged a coup, took control of the government and had himself installed for.....ever!

trump is doing the same thing here

so, you are right, there are great similarities between 1933 germany and today in America
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I have been warning about this. Those who refuse to learn history are determined to repeat it. This man here, gives a factual review & Comparison of the policies of The Democratic Socialist Party of Germany during it's rise to today's current policies of The Democrat Party who should actually rename themselves the same.

What you had during the rise of Nazi Party were promises of "Free Stuff", Government takeover of Healthcare, A War against Capitalism and small businesses, Gun Control,Fraudulent Elections, violence and intimidation, destruction of monuments and much more.

This is a quick recap of all of that and serves as stimulus for discussion.

Are we on the cusp of 1933?

1. hitler ; minorities are savages and ignorant, inferior to aryans

trump ; minorities are rapists and murders

cons on message boards, minorities are scum, savages, criminals rapists and are INFERIOR to whites

2. hitler; communists are our mortal enemies

trump; communists and marxists and socialists democrats, liberals and rinos are our mortal enemies

cons on message board ; all liberals and democrats are marxist scum and we should kill them all

3. hitler basically staged a coup, took control of the government and had himself install for.....ever!

trump is doing the same thing here

so, you are right, there are great similarities between 1933 germany and today in America

Wrong idiot,Biden is doing the same thing here.

You can try and resist it all you like, but we will have a global government. You will be disarmed, You will do as your told, you will accept everything we are doing and you have been for 100 years.

I'll bet you even wear a fuckin mask when you go out.
I have been warning about this. Those who refuse to learn history are determined to repeat it. This man here, gives a factual review & Comparison of the policies of The Democratic Socialist Party of Germany during it's rise to today's current policies of The Democrat Party who should actually rename themselves the same.

What you had during the rise of Nazi Party were promises of "Free Stuff", Government takeover of Healthcare, A War against Capitalism and small businesses, Gun Control,Fraudulent Elections, violence and intimidation, destruction of monuments and much more.

This is a quick recap of all of that and serves as stimulus for discussion.

Are we on the cusp of 1933?

I would suggest you take a new reread of the history you so marvelously misconstrue
I have been warning about this. Those who refuse to learn history are determined to repeat it. This man here, gives a factual review & Comparison of the policies of The Democratic Socialist Party of Germany during it's rise to today's current policies of The Democrat Party who should actually rename themselves the same.

What you had during the rise of Nazi Party were promises of "Free Stuff", Government takeover of Healthcare, A War against Capitalism and small businesses, Gun Control,Fraudulent Elections, violence and intimidation, destruction of monuments and much more.

This is a quick recap of all of that and serves as stimulus for discussion.

Are we on the cusp of 1933?

1. hitler ; minorities are savages and ignorant, inferior to aryans

trump ; minorities are rapists and murders

cons on message boards, minorities are scum, savages, criminals rapists and are INFERIOR to whites

2. hitler; communists are our mortal enemies

trump; communists and marxists and socialists democrats, liberals and rinos are our mortal enemies

cons on message board ; all liberals and democrats are marxist scum and we should kill them all

3. hitler basically staged a coup, took control of the government and had himself installed for.....ever!

trump is doing the same thing here

so, you are right, there are great similarities between 1933 germany and today in America

Solid post. All you’ll get is name calling and “no you are” responses.
I don't think they were trying to cancel Christmas because of sniffles...

In Nazi Germany they decided to invade other nations - a mistake.

In democratic US America, the democrats decide to invade their own nation - fatal mistake.

Clown world shit show to be sure.
I have been warning about this. Those who refuse to learn history are determined to repeat it. This man here, gives a factual review & Comparison of the policies of The Democratic Socialist Party of Germany during it's rise to today's current policies of The Democrat Party who should actually rename themselves the same.

What you had during the rise of Nazi Party were promises of "Free Stuff", Government takeover of Healthcare, A War against Capitalism and small businesses, Gun Control,Fraudulent Elections, violence and intimidation, destruction of monuments and much more.

This is a quick recap of all of that and serves as stimulus for discussion.

Are we on the cusp of 1933?

1. hitler ; minorities are savages and ignorant, inferior to aryans

trump ; minorities are rapists and murders

cons on message boards, minorities are scum, savages, criminals rapists and are INFERIOR to whites

2. hitler; communists are our mortal enemies

trump; communists and marxists and socialists democrats, liberals and rinos are our mortal enemies

cons on message board ; all liberals and democrats are marxist scum and we should kill them all

3. hitler basically staged a coup, took control of the government and had himself installed for.....ever!

trump is doing the same thing here

so, you are right, there are great similarities between 1933 germany and today in America

Solid post. All you’ll get is name calling and “no you are” responses.

That's all I get. I never get a factual rebuttal of anything I post.
USMB should remove topically unresponsive posts that is trolling.
I don't think they were trying to cancel Christmas because of sniffles...

In Nazi Germany they decided to invade other nations - a mistake.

In democratic US America, the democrats decide to invade their own nation - fatal mistake.

Clown world shit show to be sure.
Let's remember that Hitler never really wanted armed conflict. He tried to take over Europe one piece at a time and was successful doing that until he started getting resistance, and when he felt the resistance was coming, in order to achieve his goals, HE RUSHED into armed conflict so as to surprise and overwhelm his enemies.

Kind of like our fraudulent election. It was a blitzkrieg upon the voting public at the last possible moment.
I have been warning about this. Those who refuse to learn history are determined to repeat it. This man here, gives a factual review & Comparison of the policies of The Democratic Socialist Party of Germany during it's rise to today's current policies of The Democrat Party who should actually rename themselves the same.

What you had during the rise of Nazi Party were promises of "Free Stuff", Government takeover of Healthcare, A War against Capitalism and small businesses, Gun Control,Fraudulent Elections, violence and intimidation, destruction of monuments and much more.

This is a quick recap of all of that and serves as stimulus for discussion.

Are we on the cusp of 1933?

1. hitler ; minorities are savages and ignorant, inferior to aryans

trump ; minorities are rapists and murders

cons on message boards, minorities are scum, savages, criminals rapists and are INFERIOR to whites

2. hitler; communists are our mortal enemies

trump; communists and marxists and socialists democrats, liberals and rinos are our mortal enemies

cons on message board ; all liberals and democrats are marxist scum and we should kill them all

3. hitler basically staged a coup, took control of the government and had himself installed for.....ever!

trump is doing the same thing here

so, you are right, there are great similarities between 1933 germany and today in America

You are wrong on every single point. Nazis and Communists were not enemies, in fact they were officially allies. They were competitors in two versions of totalitarianism, and like The Democrats today and their internal alliances, there was infighting between the Communists and Socialists, two sides of the same coin.

In WWII this infighting lead to Russia and Germany going from being allies, to infighting with each other, with Stalin being a little more sly than Hitler deciding to ally himself with his former enemies, because he knew he could not take Hitler on by himself.

"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden



"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden

21 Reasons why the DemNazis are the same as Them Nazis

1.) Genocide 60 Million Babies murdered- Check
2.) Oppression of Natural Freedoms - Check
3.) They want to ban guns - Check
4.) Opposed to free speech and aggressive with censorship - Check
5.) Cheat in elections - Check
6.) Above the law - Check
7.) Demand uniformity of the populace in thought and action - Check
8.) Dissent is verboten and will be crushed or silenced - Check
9.) Resorts to crime or violence to as leverage to force change - Check
10.) AntiSemetic - Check
11.) AntiChristian - Check
12.) Anti-Israel - Check
13.) Anti-American - Check
14.) Rules by oppressive decree than legislative action - Check
15.) Implements their own agendas rather than do the will of the people - Check
16.) Blood Thirsty and war like, and hungry for power over others at all costs - Check
17.) Creates Hit Lists of their competitors, foes, enemies and carries out attacks to punish them for daring to disagree, vote a certain way, or choosing to live differently than the average DemNazi is told to live - Check
18.) Gains power through Fraud & Deception, Intimidation & Lies and not by any legitimate means - Check
19.) Promotes social controls, believes in getting rid of undesirables by killing them, and believes in population control and depopulation - Check
20.) Believes in Re-educating the populace with revisionist history, promoting their agenda and suppressing truth - Check
21.) They want to segregate people in groups by their differences and not bring them together in unity by those things they have in common - Check
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I wasn't aware the United States lost half her territory, did Mexico annex all the lands west of the Mississippi by force of arms recently? ...
I'm pretty sure the United States is allowed to have her own military right now ...
We are "printing" money like crazy, but we only risk hyperinflation ... that actually hasn't happened yet ...

I understand that Canada as deployed 90% of their military capability along the US border ... but it doesn't seem likely we'll be invaded, they'll stay west of the Mississippi and invade Mexican territory ...

Germans were literally starving to death in 1933 ... something about unknown in the United States in 2020 ...

In too many ways does this analogy break down ... a wealthy and content population rarely revolts ...
I wasn't aware the United States lost half her territory, did Mexico annex all the lands west of the Mississippi by force of arms recently? ...
I'm pretty sure the United States is allowed to have her own military right now ...
We are "printing" money like crazy, but we only risk hyperinflation ... that actually hasn't happened yet ...

I understand that Canada as deployed 90% of their military capability along the US border ... but it doesn't seem likely we'll be invaded, they'll stay west of the Mississippi and invade Mexican territory ...

Germans were literally starving to death in 1933 ... something about unknown in the United States in 2020 ...

In too many ways does this analogy break down ... a wealthy and content population rarely revolts ...
The Nazi Party in Germany was founding in 1920, and what do yah know the Modern DemNazi party technically is founded 100 years later in 2020.

The Nazis really came to power in 1925, & increased their hold in 1929, so if there was any starvation it was caused by The Nazi restrictions on businesses. Their main method of acquiring power was through fraudulent elections, just like we see today. Ask Bernie Sanders about that. It was only in 1933 that Hitler came to power illegitimately just like Joe Biden is trying to do now.
Totally agree.....BUT......

I have pointed out in another thread that it is their 200,000 vs approximately 15o million.

We have to CHOSE to be their victims. It's a choice....to be free....or not to be free

If the Conservative Right has victim mentality built in, then tyrants win by default.
Essentially they take advantage of our belief in The Golden Rule.

They do not believe in The Golden Rule. Lying, cheating, & theft are virtues in their cause.

They also believe we won't fight back because of our belief in turning the other cheek.

Jesus said when he left The Apostles to go out and buy a sword, so we are to fight, and hold ground until he returns.
I wasn't aware the United States lost half her territory, did Mexico annex all the lands west of the Mississippi by force of arms recently? ...
I'm pretty sure the United States is allowed to have her own military right now ...
We are "printing" money like crazy, but we only risk hyperinflation ... that actually hasn't happened yet ...

I understand that Canada as deployed 90% of their military capability along the US border ... but it doesn't seem likely we'll be invaded, they'll stay west of the Mississippi and invade Mexican territory ...

Germans were literally starving to death in 1933 ... something about unknown in the United States in 2020 ...

In too many ways does this analogy break down ... a wealthy and content population rarely revolts ...

All Artificially Manufactured.

I have been warning about this. Those who refuse to learn history are determined to repeat it. This man here, gives a factual review & Comparison of the policies of The Democratic Socialist Party of Germany during it's rise to today's current policies of The Democrat Party who should actually rename themselves the same.

What you had during the rise of Nazi Party were promises of "Free Stuff", Government takeover of Healthcare, A War against Capitalism and small businesses, Gun Control,Fraudulent Elections, violence and intimidation, destruction of monuments and much more.

This is a quick recap of all of that and serves as stimulus for discussion.

Are we on the cusp of 1933?

1. hitler ; minorities are savages and ignorant, inferior to aryans

trump ; minorities are rapists and murders

cons on message boards, minorities are scum, savages, criminals rapists and are INFERIOR to whites

2. hitler; communists are our mortal enemies

trump; communists and marxists and socialists democrats, liberals and rinos are our mortal enemies

cons on message board ; all liberals and democrats are marxist scum and we should kill them all

3. hitler basically staged a coup, took control of the government and had himself installed for.....ever!

trump is doing the same thing here

so, you are right, there are great similarities between 1933 germany and today in America

You are wrong on every single point. Nazis and Communists were not enemies, in fact they were officially allies. They were competitors in two versions of totalitarianism, and like The Democrats today and their internal alliances, there was infighting between the Communists and Socialists, two sides of the same coin.

In WWII this infighting lead to Russia and Germany going for allies to infighting within each other, with Stalin being a little more sly than Hitler deciding to ally himself with his former enemies, because he knew he could not take Hitler on by himself.

"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden

View attachment 422166
View attachment 422167
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden

21 Reasons why the DemNazis are the same as Them Nazis

1.) Genocide 60 Million Babies murdered- Check
2.) Oppression of Natural Freedoms - Check
3.) They want to ban guns - Check
4.) Opposed to free speech and aggressive with censorship - Check
5.) Cheat in elections - Check
6.) Above the law - Check
7.) Demand uniformity of the populace in thought and action - Check
8.) Dissent is verboten and will be crushed or silenced - Check
9.) Resorts to crime or violence to as leverage to force change - Check
10.) AntiSemetic - Check
11.) AntiChristian - Check
12.) Anti-Israel - Check
13.) Anti-American - Check
14.) Rules by oppressive decree than legislative action - Check
15.) Implements their own agendas rather than do the will of the people - Check
16.) Blood Thirsty and war like, and hungry for power over others at all costs - Check
17.) Creates Hit Lists of their competitors, foes, enemies and carries out attacks to punish them for daring to disagree, vote a certain way, or choosing to live differently than the average DemNazi is told to live - Check
18.) Gains power through Fraud & Deception, Intimidation & Lies and not by any legitimate means - Check
19.) Promotes social controls, believes in getting rid of undesirables by killing them, and believes in population control and depopulation - Check
20.) Believes in Re-educating the populace with revisionist history, promoting their agenda and suppressing truth - Check
21.) They want to segregate people in groups by their differences and not bring them together in unity by those things they have in common - Check

:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

you just took trolls taxman and citygator to school handing their assets to them on a platter checkmating them.

they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301: Best damn post on this thread,bar none, no contest.
Totally agree.....BUT......

I have pointed out in another thread that it is their 200,000 vs approximately 15o million.

We have to CHOSE to be their victims. It's a choice....to be free....or not to be free

If the Conservative Right has victim mentality built in, then they win.
The way the sheep in America are content to let the government run their lives I’m afraid the choice has been made for us.
We still have a choice. It takes prayer and belief that The Courts of Heaven will hear our prayer and dispense justice against such unchecked fraud.
I have been warning about this. Those who refuse to learn history are determined to repeat it. This man here, gives a factual review & Comparison of the policies of The Democratic Socialist Party of Germany during it's rise to today's current policies of The Democrat Party who should actually rename themselves the same.

What you had during the rise of Nazi Party were promises of "Free Stuff", Government takeover of Healthcare, A War against Capitalism and small businesses, Gun Control,Fraudulent Elections, violence and intimidation, destruction of monuments and much more.

This is a quick recap of all of that and serves as stimulus for discussion.

Are we on the cusp of 1933?

1. hitler ; minorities are savages and ignorant, inferior to aryans

trump ; minorities are rapists and murders

cons on message boards, minorities are scum, savages, criminals rapists and are INFERIOR to whites

2. hitler; communists are our mortal enemies

trump; communists and marxists and socialists democrats, liberals and rinos are our mortal enemies

cons on message board ; all liberals and democrats are marxist scum and we should kill them all

3. hitler basically staged a coup, took control of the government and had himself installed for.....ever!

trump is doing the same thing here

so, you are right, there are great similarities between 1933 germany and today in America

You are wrong on every single point. Nazis and Communists were not enemies, in fact they were officially allies. They were competitors in two versions of totalitarianism, and like The Democrats today and their internal alliances, there was infighting between the Communists and Socialists, two sides of the same coin.

In WWII this infighting lead to Russia and Germany going for allies to infighting within each other, with Stalin being a little more sly than Hitler deciding to ally himself with his former enemies, because he knew he could not take Hitler on by himself.

"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden

View attachment 422166
View attachment 422167
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden

21 Reasons why the DemNazis are the same as Them Nazis

1.) Genocide 60 Million Babies murdered- Check
2.) Oppression of Natural Freedoms - Check
3.) They want to ban guns - Check
4.) Opposed to free speech and aggressive with censorship - Check
5.) Cheat in elections - Check
6.) Above the law - Check
7.) Demand uniformity of the populace in thought and action - Check
8.) Dissent is verboten and will be crushed or silenced - Check
9.) Resorts to crime or violence to as leverage to force change - Check
10.) AntiSemetic - Check
11.) AntiChristian - Check
12.) Anti-Israel - Check
13.) Anti-American - Check
14.) Rules by oppressive decree than legislative action - Check
15.) Implements their own agendas rather than do the will of the people - Check
16.) Blood Thirsty and war like, and hungry for power over others at all costs - Check
17.) Creates Hit Lists of their competitors, foes, enemies and carries out attacks to punish them for daring to disagree, vote a certain way, or choosing to live differently than the average DemNazi is told to live - Check
18.) Gains power through Fraud & Deception, Intimidation & Lies and not by any legitimate means - Check
19.) Promotes social controls, believes in getting rid of undesirables by killing them, and believes in population control and depopulation - Check
20.) Believes in Re-educating the populace with revisionist history, promoting their agenda and suppressing truth - Check
21.) They want to segregate people in groups by their differences and not bring them together in unity by those things they have in common - Check

:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

you just took trolls taxman and citygator to school handing their assets to them on a platter checkmating them.

they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301: Best damn post on this thread,bar none, no contest.

Thank you Brother

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