193 Countries to Fight Climate Change on our Dime...


Evil Mongering
Jun 19, 2009
West Mi
Yeah right. :lol: :eek:l: :looooooooooooooooooooooool:

So the unprecedented one cobbles together a limp-wristed "deal" where we shell out some stimulus spiffs to third world countries.

And does anyone here really believe these countries will use the money to fight climate change? Or global warming... or whatever the nom du jour is these days.


How are people so stupid? Greed. Plain and simple.
More like pad the Swiss and or Cayman Islands bank accounts of a lot of corrupt dictators. Anyone really dumb enough to believe Iran will use the money to build windmills? Or Robert Mugabe, or whatever thug is currently running The Congo, Or Chavez?
How much of that $100b is going to get kicked-back? Must be a lot. Where are the old bagmen like Ron Brown when we need them??

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