17th Amendment: Good Motive, Bad Result


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The 17th Amendment (popular election of U.S. Senators) was passed in the name of democracy: Senators should be elected by the people they represent, not be appointed by partisan state legislatures. Unfortunately, this has turned this body into a forum for national special interests, rather than representing individual states. Now, campaign contributions flow in from across the country, as a battle for political party control has assumed paramount importance. As a result, the very reason for having a Senate at all (state representation) has been all but extinguished.

Under the current system, why should the voters of one particular state have up to 100 times the proportionate representation of voters in another state? The entire premise of creating the Senate in the first place was to insure that individual state interests were equally represented in the federal legislature. What better way to determine those interests other than to have them decided by those states' elected legislatures?

The only beneficial aspect of popular election of Senators is that that their districts are not subject to gerrymandering. However, this is part of a much larger issue than merely Senatorial selection. The basic question is whether we want to retain a modicum of individual state representation at the federal level, or do we want a system based purely on rule by a majority of popular votes? If the latter, why even have a Senate whose disproportionate representation violates this principle?

Today, the U.S. Senate is little more than a procedural roadblock wherein a minority of Senators can demand payoffs to their special interests as the price for allowing legislation to proceed through legitimate channels. Isn't it time to repeal the 17th Amendment and return the Senate to its Constitutional role?
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Good luck with telling Americans that you trust their state legislatures to choose Senators, more than you trust them.
Repealing the seventh amendment will not eradicate our big government problems; it'll just shift the government business model. Really this thread should be 'The Constitution, Good Motive, Tarnished' The Constitution has been relegated to almost nothing at this point.
Good luck with telling Americans that you trust their state legislatures to choose Senators, more than you trust them.
You may be right in states like New York, California Massachusetts and Illinois, but the smaller blue states would likely go for it if they understood the original intent of the Senate.

I don't trust my State Representatives to select my Senator
Good luck with telling Americans that you trust their state legislatures to choose Senators, more than you trust them.
To tell them that would be to lie to them.

They elect their state legislatures to begin with. I guess they don't trust themselves after all.
Ironically, the filibuster made more sense before the 17th Amendment: It required a greater consensus among the states on important issues. Now it merely magnifies the power of special interest groups to derail any legislation they don't like.
It would be cheaper to buy the necessary couple of state seats in a swing state than it would be to buy a senator. Hence, repealing the 17th makes things worse.
It would be cheaper to buy the necessary couple of state seats in a swing state than it would be to buy a senator. Hence, repealing the 17th makes things worse.

Not really. You would have to buy not only a majority in both chambers (except Nebraska), but also a majority in favor of your particular candidate. Local issues predominate these elections (which is what they should do), which make outside influence that much less effective. Besides, how could the Senate be any more dysfunctional than it is under the current system?
The 17th amendment has made it almost impossible to rid our selves of bad senators.

Things kept on a local level are much more controllable than on a Federal Level...

Also..this amendment has taken the peoples eyes off their state legislature...Those corrupt legislatures are getting away with murder..

FOR INSTANCE...the Californian Legislature has been OVER 65% LIBERAL DEMOCRAT FOR 40 YEARS. Hows that working for them? Not so good..

ALSO...they cannot get rid of the powerful Jews that control their gov...such as NANCY PELOUSI....Senator DIANE GUN GRABBING FEINSTEIN..AND Senator BARBARA BOXER....all Jews...I would have to say Jews are far too over represented in the California gov...

If there were not 17th amendment..it would have come to the attention of the Californians..that their legislature..was corrupt....as they would be working with them to get rid of those useless Anti American hags in the California Senate....which would also expose that Anti Constitutional treasoner..Pelosi to light as well..

But as things are today...no one sees the legislature..or how they work...and the hags are still in office...destroying California...one piece at a time..
America has a constitution...Isnt it treason to try to change America from a Constitutional Republic..to a socialist communist Democracy?

This is treason...They swore to uphold the American Constitution..and they are not doing so...They are trying to destroy all our freedoms.

KOL NIDRE..the bastards are liars...their religion gives them permission to lie to us..in order to circumvent us..and take over our country..as was done to Russia..Ukraine...Germany...France...and all of Europe at one time or another...

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