15 Years Later: The Brutal Murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

A chilling act of brutality largely ignored by national media because of racial implications

You probably have not heard the names Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.
But I remember those names, and the tears that were brought to my eyes when I heard about what happened to them.
On January 7, 2007, the young white couple—Channon was 21, her boyfriend Chris was 23—was abducted, beaten, raped, tortured, and murdered. Chris eventually shot to death before being set on fire, and Channon left to die with a plastic bag over her head in a trash can. The perpetrators were all black.
If you have not heard their story, it’s because the racial nature of that black-on-white crime was uncomfortable for the national media a decade ago. Even now, it’s uncomfortable, as the delayed and reluctant coverage of the Chicago tortures showed.
Here is their story.
The Victims
Channon and Christopher were, according to reports, the kind of kids their parents always hoped for: kind, compassionate, ambitious . . . . They were nice kids.
Channon and Chris had been dating only a couple of months when they were savagely, viciously attacked and murdered.

The Crimes​

This is the second of only two news stories about human beings that has made me cry. Reading about what this bright, beautiful young couple endured was shattering, and I wept in horror, sympathy, compassion, sorrow, and disbelief.
The Blaze reports on what happened to Christopher Newsom:
“It turns out that the couple had made it to dinner, but when they arrived at the apartment complex where Christian’s best friends lived, they were carjacked by multiple assailants,” he said. “What followed was one of the most heinous, gruesome, senseless hate crimes, ever.”​
It was at this point in the program that Beck advised parents to have their children leave the room or pause the show and watch it at a later time due to the graphic details of the story.​
Newsom was gagged with a sock in his mouth, his ankles were bound with his own belt, his hands were tied behind his back, his face was covered with a bandana and his head covered with a sweatshirt that his five assailants had tied around his neck with shoestrings.​
He was then violently raped with an object and beaten.​
“One can only imagine the horror Christopher experienced as he was then forced to walk barefoot to the nearby railroad tracks, where he was shot in the neck in the back,” Beck said solemnly. “But the shots didn’t kill him — he fell to the ground and was paralyzed.”​
“That’s when the assailants stood over him, placed the gun against his head and fired, killing him execution style,” he added. Newsom was shot a total of three times.​

The Legal Cases and Trials

From the start, this case was plagued by scandal, delay, and retrials.

The Media​

From the start, the mainstream media didn’t want to touch this case. Everything about it ran counter to their cherished narrative, so as they do with all inconvenient facts and evidence, they tried to ignore it. This ostrich stance sparked both national and international outrage.
The Daily Mail addressed the problem in 2009.
But, even though the killings happened in January, 2007, they have attracted very little national and international coverage.​
That’s because they do not fit into the conventional contours of an attack in America’s Deep South, where a shameful history of racial intolerance has meant assaults by whites on blacks have historically been regarded in the context of race.​
In this case, the races were reversed: the victims were white and the four men and one woman charged in connection with the murders are black.​
NBC News also reported on the charges against the media for failing to cover this case.
In a powerful demonstration of the way the Internet has opened up the mainstream media to intensive second-guessing, bloggers are charging that news outlets have ignored the rape and murder of a young Knoxville couple because of the racial implications of the story.​
The two victims were white; the five defendants are black.​
“Oh, that’s right, the victims were WHITE!” several conservative blogs have observed.​
Or as National Review columnist Jack Dunphy commented online: “Uh oh, we’re not supposed to talk about such things, are we.”​
. . . . Local media in Knoxville have covered developments in the carjacking case since the bodies were found, and The Associated Press ran stories that were transmitted nationally. But the killings have received scant attention from other media outlets.​
And that is still par for the course. “If it bleeds, it leads” is often touted as a journalistic mantra, but the truth is that black people who make white people bleed are often simply ignored, downplayed, or bizarrely “justified” in some bizarro world where white people can’t be victims of crimes perpetrated by black people.
Something is very broken in our national media, and there is no place this is more evident than in the selective reporting of black on white vs. white on black crime.

Those calling for diversity cannot be allowed to retain institutional racism, sexism, etc. Whether it is denying human life, unworthy of life or judging people not by their content of their character but by the “color of their skin”,
If anyone here thinks that the MSM has become better or even has a different slant because of crimes like this one, all you have to do is to read about a “Flash mob” destroying malls and hurting Asian, Brown or White people. You will hear the perpetrators called every name in the MSM hand book but black. They will be called teens, youths, angry teens, youngsters and almost any non-racial identifier. This goes on today among all of the liberal MSM. Just look at the Chicago kidnapping and torture of the handicapped white boy by four subhuman Blacks. The MSM has done backflips to not call it what it was, brutal terrorism.
The MSM raises a massive hue and cry for the very rare examples of White ( or white Hispanic ) on black violence but ignores the fact that 90% of violence between Blacks and Whites is Black on White and there is a difference in type of violence with Black on White violence being far more brutal and deadly.
Black-on-White crime and murder is ignored by the MSM because these crimes don’t fit the biased media’s narrative. The MSM lies by omission. The national media has embedded a false reality in our minds with this narrative: White Americans are racist oppressors. Blacks and other non-whites are their perennial victims. This is a lie and the lie occurs whenever the MSM fails to report the truth of ongoing crimes of Black-on-White crime.

That is an absolutely HORRIFIC story. And you’re right…..I never heard their names before.

Compare that to the massive media coverage of that girl who was strangled by her boyfriend out in the desert. Because he was white, the media covered him non-stop.

But this case? And the ANIMALS who savaged this nice young couple? Not a word.

Another example of the anti-white bias sweeping the country.
You probably have not heard the names Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.

Everyone has heard of this case.

But I bet you ain't heard of the name Megan Williams.

She was black woman also in 2007 who was a 20 year old black female wgo was abducted by six white men and women, raped, stabbed, made to eat rat droppings, drink from a toilet, threatened with death if she tried to escape and tortured for around a week.

Yet there was no round the clock commentary on CNN. No calls for protests or help for Ms. Williams or her family in this time of need.

But I remember those names, and the tears that were brought to my eyes when I heard about what happened to them.

Why are you crying ? Would have made it better if they would have been killed, raped and tortured by white people ? Because trust me I can post many stories of white people doing fked up sh*t to each other this year








On January 7, 2007, the young white couple—Channon was 21, her boyfriend Chris was 23—was abducted, beaten, raped, tortured, and murdered. Chris eventually shot to death before being set on fire, and Channon left to die with a plastic bag over her head in a trash can. The perpetrators were all black.

And this is what happened to them.

Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom murders:
  • Lemaricus Davidson: death by lethal injection
  • Letalvis Cobbins: life without parole
  • George Thomas: life without parole
  • (the other two were accessories and got prison terms less than life)
Black killers of whites are arrested, charged, convicted and if they are in a state which allows it, have a better chance of getting the death penalty.

The other difference is that with the exception of a few literally insane people, blacks don’t line up to defend a black person who killed, raped, torturted an unamed white person and try to prove that the white person deserved it. Whereas conservative/racist whites do with blks

If you have not heard their story, it’s because the racial nature of that black-on-white crime was uncomfortable for the national media a decade ago. Even now, it’s uncomfortable, as the delayed and reluctant coverage of the Chicago tortures showed.

And how many blk people were hacking into their personal accounts in order to “prove” that they “deserved” to be killed ?

Channon and Christopher were, according to reports, the kind of kids their parents always hoped for: kind, compassionate, ambitious . . . . They were nice kids.

And what were these nice kids doing in a black neighbourhood at night on their own free will ?

I have family from Tennesse. I know things about this case and Channon Christian that you REALLY don't want me to say. It was unfortunate what happened and wrong. But I'm not going to say what this white couple was doing in a black neighbourhood at night. I'll leave that up to your imagination.

Channon and Chris had been dating only a couple of months when they were savagely, viciously attacked and murdered.

Can you show me any murders that aren't savage ?

That’s because they do not fit into the conventional contours of an attack in America’s Deep South, where a shameful history of racial intolerance has meant assaults by whites on blacks have historically been regarded in the context of race.

So you want white people to die at the hands of blacks - Is that it ?
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You're an idiot. There are thousands of intrarracial crimes each year, and none if then get covered. You have a white Victimhood complex. Imagine having white privilege and still longing for the need to be a victim.

A chilling act of brutality largely ignored by national media because of racial implications

You probably have not heard the names Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.
But I remember those names, and the tears that were brought to my eyes when I heard about what happened to them.
On January 7, 2007, the young white couple—Channon was 21, her boyfriend Chris was 23—was abducted, beaten, raped, tortured, and murdered. Chris eventually shot to death before being set on fire, and Channon left to die with a plastic bag over her head in a trash can. The perpetrators were all black.
If you have not heard their story, it’s because the racial nature of that black-on-white crime was uncomfortable for the national media a decade ago. Even now, it’s uncomfortable, as the delayed and reluctant coverage of the Chicago tortures showed.
Here is their story.
The Victims
Channon and Christopher were, according to reports, the kind of kids their parents always hoped for: kind, compassionate, ambitious . . . . They were nice kids.
Channon and Chris had been dating only a couple of months when they were savagely, viciously attacked and murdered.

The Crimes​

This is the second of only two news stories about human beings that has made me cry. Reading about what this bright, beautiful young couple endured was shattering, and I wept in horror, sympathy, compassion, sorrow, and disbelief.
The Blaze reports on what happened to Christopher Newsom:
“It turns out that the couple had made it to dinner, but when they arrived at the apartment complex where Christian’s best friends lived, they were carjacked by multiple assailants,” he said. “What followed was one of the most heinous, gruesome, senseless hate crimes, ever.”​
It was at this point in the program that Beck advised parents to have their children leave the room or pause the show and watch it at a later time due to the graphic details of the story.​
Newsom was gagged with a sock in his mouth, his ankles were bound with his own belt, his hands were tied behind his back, his face was covered with a bandana and his head covered with a sweatshirt that his five assailants had tied around his neck with shoestrings.​
He was then violently raped with an object and beaten.​
“One can only imagine the horror Christopher experienced as he was then forced to walk barefoot to the nearby railroad tracks, where he was shot in the neck in the back,” Beck said solemnly. “But the shots didn’t kill him — he fell to the ground and was paralyzed.”​
“That’s when the assailants stood over him, placed the gun against his head and fired, killing him execution style,” he added. Newsom was shot a total of three times.​

The Legal Cases and Trials

From the start, this case was plagued by scandal, delay, and retrials.

The Media​

From the start, the mainstream media didn’t want to touch this case. Everything about it ran counter to their cherished narrative, so as they do with all inconvenient facts and evidence, they tried to ignore it. This ostrich stance sparked both national and international outrage.
The Daily Mail addressed the problem in 2009.
But, even though the killings happened in January, 2007, they have attracted very little national and international coverage.​
That’s because they do not fit into the conventional contours of an attack in America’s Deep South, where a shameful history of racial intolerance has meant assaults by whites on blacks have historically been regarded in the context of race.​
In this case, the races were reversed: the victims were white and the four men and one woman charged in connection with the murders are black.​
NBC News also reported on the charges against the media for failing to cover this case.
In a powerful demonstration of the way the Internet has opened up the mainstream media to intensive second-guessing, bloggers are charging that news outlets have ignored the rape and murder of a young Knoxville couple because of the racial implications of the story.​
The two victims were white; the five defendants are black.​
“Oh, that’s right, the victims were WHITE!” several conservative blogs have observed.​
Or as National Review columnist Jack Dunphy commented online: “Uh oh, we’re not supposed to talk about such things, are we.”​
. . . . Local media in Knoxville have covered developments in the carjacking case since the bodies were found, and The Associated Press ran stories that were transmitted nationally. But the killings have received scant attention from other media outlets.​
And that is still par for the course. “If it bleeds, it leads” is often touted as a journalistic mantra, but the truth is that black people who make white people bleed are often simply ignored, downplayed, or bizarrely “justified” in some bizarro world where white people can’t be victims of crimes perpetrated by black people.
Something is very broken in our national media, and there is no place this is more evident than in the selective reporting of black on white vs. white on black crime.

Those calling for diversity cannot be allowed to retain institutional racism, sexism, etc. Whether it is denying human life, unworthy of life or judging people not by their content of their character but by the “color of their skin”,
If anyone here thinks that the MSM has become better or even has a different slant because of crimes like this one, all you have to do is to read about a “Flash mob” destroying malls and hurting Asian, Brown or White people. You will hear the perpetrators called every name in the MSM hand book but black. They will be called teens, youths, angry teens, youngsters and almost any non-racial identifier. This goes on today among all of the liberal MSM. Just look at the Chicago kidnapping and torture of the handicapped white boy by four subhuman Blacks. The MSM has done backflips to not call it what it was, brutal terrorism.
The MSM raises a massive hue and cry for the very rare examples of White ( or white Hispanic ) on black violence but ignores the fact that 90% of violence between Blacks and Whites is Black on White and there is a difference in type of violence with Black on White violence being far more brutal and deadly.
Black-on-White crime and murder is ignored by the MSM because these crimes don’t fit the biased media’s narrative. The MSM lies by omission. The national media has embedded a false reality in our minds with this narrative: White Americans are racist oppressors. Blacks and other non-whites are their perennial victims. This is a lie and the lie occurs whenever the MSM fails to report the truth of ongoing crimes of Black-on-White crime.

I remember this story.
You're an idiot. There are thousands of intrarracial crimes each year, and none if then get covered. You have a white Victimhood complex. Imagine having white privilege and still longing for the need to be a victim.

Yeah, the overwhelming majority are black on white.
You probably have not heard the names Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.

Everyone has heard of this case.

But I bet you ain't heard of the name Megan Williams.

She was black woman also in 2007 who was a 20 year old black female wgo was abducted by six white men and women, raped, stabbed, made to eat rat droppings, drink from a toilet, threatened with death if she tried to escape and tortured for around a week.

Yet there was no round the clock commentary on CNN. No calls for protests or help for Ms. Williams or her family in this time of need.

But I remember those names, and the tears that were brought to my eyes when I heard about what happened to them.

Why are you crying ? Would have made it better if they would have been killed, raped and tortured by white people ? Because trust me I can post many stories of white people doing fked up sh*t to each other this year








On January 7, 2007, the young white couple—Channon was 21, her boyfriend Chris was 23—was abducted, beaten, raped, tortured, and murdered. Chris eventually shot to death before being set on fire, and Channon left to die with a plastic bag over her head in a trash can. The perpetrators were all black.

And this is what happened to them.

Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom murders:
  • Lemaricus Davidson: death by lethal injection
  • Letalvis Cobbins: life without parole
  • George Thomas: life without parole
  • (the other two were accessories and got prison terms less than life)
Black killers of whites are arrested, charged, convicted and if they are in a state which allows it, have a better chance of getting the death penalty.

The other difference is that with the exception of a few literally insane people, blacks don’t line up to defend a black person who killed, raped, torturted an unamed white person and try to prove that the white person deserved it. Whereas conservative/racist whites do with blks

If you have not heard their story, it’s because the racial nature of that black-on-white crime was uncomfortable for the national media a decade ago. Even now, it’s uncomfortable, as the delayed and reluctant coverage of the Chicago tortures showed.

And how many blk people were hacking into their personal accounts in order to “prove” that they “deserved” to be killed ?

Channon and Christopher were, according to reports, the kind of kids their parents always hoped for: kind, compassionate, ambitious . . . . They were nice kids.

And what were these nice kids doing in a black neighbourhood at night on their own free will ?

I have family from Tennesse. I know things about this case and Channon Christian that you REALLY don't want me to say. It was unfortunate what happened and wrong. But I'm not going to say what this white couple was doing in a black neighbourhood at night. I'll leave that up to your imagination.

Channon and Chris had been dating only a couple of months when they were savagely, viciously attacked and murdered.

Can you show me any murders that aren't savage ?

That’s because they do not fit into the conventional contours of an attack in America’s Deep South, where a shameful history of racial intolerance has meant assaults by whites on blacks have historically been regarded in the context of race.

So you want white people to die at the hands of blacks - Is that it ?
You are an idiot racist.

This williams is another Twana Barley---bitch recanted much of her story in 2009 hun. Another made up black want to be a victim bullshit that you race hos still pimp.

You are an idiot racist.

This williams is another Twana Barley---bitch recanted much of her story in 2009 hun. Another made up black want to be a victim bullshit that you race hos still pimp.

Here you go PAUL--what actually happened. (Notice that the real criminal here was the black adoptive mom.)

That is an absolutely HORRIFIC story. And you’re right…..I never heard their names before.

Compare that to the massive media coverage of that girl who was strangled by her boyfriend out in the desert. Because he was white, the media covered him non-stop.

But this case? And the ANIMALS who savaged this nice young couple? Not a word.

Another example of the anti-white bias sweeping the country.

I have. The story was all over the news.
You're an idiot. There are thousands of intrarracial crimes each year, and none if then get covered. You have a white Victimhood complex. Imagine having white privilege and still longing for the need to be a victim.
The fact is more whites are killed by blacks every year then blacks by whites 2 times as many.

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