15 Years Into The Afghan War, Do Americans Know The Truth?...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
By Ron Paul

Last week marked the fifteenth anniversary of the US invasion of Afghanistan, the longest war in US history. There weren't any victory parades or photo-ops with Afghanistan's post-liberation leaders. That is because the war is ongoing. In fact, 15 years after launching a war against Afghanistan's Taliban government in retaliation for an attack by Saudi-backed al-Qaeda, the US-backed forces are steadily losing territory back to the Taliban.

What President Obama called "the good war" before he took office in 2008, has become the "forgotten war" some eight years later.

How many Americans know that we still have nearly 10,000 US troops in Afghanistan?

Do any Americans know that the Taliban was never defeated, but now holds more ground in Afghanistan than at any point since 2001?

Do they know the Taliban overran the provincial capital of Kunduz last week for a second time in a year and they threaten several other provincial capitals?

Do Americans know that we are still wasting billions on "reconstruction" and other projects in Afghanistan that are, at best, boondoggles? According to a recent audit by the independent US government body overseeing Afghan reconstruction, half a billion dollars was wasted on a contract for a US company to maintain Afghan military vehicles. The contractor "failed to meet program objectives," the audit found. Of course they still got paid, like thousands of others getting rich off of this failed war.

Do Americans know that their government has spent at least $60 billion to train and equip Afghan security forces, yet these forces are still not capable of fighting on their own...

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Fifteen Years Into the Afghan War, Do Americans Know the Truth?
"Perhaps Afghanistan is the “forgotten war” because to mention it would reveal how schizophrenic is US foreign policy. After all, we have been fighting for 15 years in Afghanistan in the name of defeating al-Qaeda, while we are directly and indirectly assisting a franchise of al-Qaeda to overthrow the Syrian government. How many Americans would applaud such a foreign policy? If they only knew, but thanks to a media only interested in promoting Washington’s propaganda, far too many Americans don’t know."
Will Americans ever demand an end to their Government's Permanent War agenda?
Its not as much of a "war" as target practice for drones. IMHO the Trump position of the US not being the "world's cop" has merit. We pay more for Defense than the next 10 countries combined. Europe takes August off on vacation while we work our asses off all year. Let everyone pay for their own defense.
Its not as much of a "war" as target practice for drones. IMHO the Trump position of the US not being the "world's cop" has merit. We pay more for Defense than the next 10 countries combined. Europe takes August off on vacation while we work our asses off all year. Let everyone pay for their own defense.

Time to end this Endless War. Let's stop trying to be an Empire, and come home. We don't belong in those lands. Period, end of story.
An ‘eroding stalemate’ in Afghanistan as Taliban widens its offensive

With winter approaching in Afghanistan, Taliban militants there seem more determined than ever to expand their influence across the country.

On Friday, the NATO-led mission in Afghanistan announced that it was sending Western advisers to Farah province, a rural area just northwest of Helmand Province, to buoy Afghan soldiers there battling the insurgent group.

[U.S. widens war in Afghanistan, authorizes new action against Taliban]

The newfound Western presence in Farah comes roughly a week after Taliban fighters began making concerted efforts to seize the city of Farah, the capital of the province. Around the same time, the Taliban began offensives near Helmand’s provincial capital of Lashkar Gah and also managed to enter the northern city of Kunduz before being pushed back to the city’s outskirts after more than a week of heavy fighting...

Its not as much of a "war" as target practice for drones. IMHO the Trump position of the US not being the "world's cop" has merit. We pay more for Defense than the next 10 countries combined. Europe takes August off on vacation while we work our asses off all year. Let everyone pay for their own defense.

Time to end this Endless War. Let's stop trying to be an Empire, and come home. We don't belong in those lands. Period, end of story.

Dr Paul isn't the first one to utter the notion...


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