11 Facts About Obamacare That No Conservative Knows About, Cares About, Or Will Read

So what if I can't afford 6.3% of My income? I make over 29,000 and have a Family of 4. We currently have no Coverage and struggle to make payments on all our bills each month.

So tell me how Obama Care is going to help me come up with 6.3% of my income to pay for Insurance please.

Did you not read about the $4000 in tax credits to help you afford health care coverage?

Can YOU say Manipulation? What is it with you leftists and the pandering. Is control over citizens and thier liberty that important to you so the moochers that don't lift a fucking finger can continue stealing goodies at the expense of others?
Tell you what guys, why don't you go find me some links to reputable data sources that shows what you're asserting is going to happen. Seriously, go rustle up some real, hard data that shows how everyone's taxes are going to skyrocket.

I'll wait here.

Tell you what, when you can respond to us with a logical answer on your flawed links, we'll talk.
Tell you what guys, why don't you go find me some links to reputable data sources that shows what you're asserting is going to happen. Seriously, go rustle up some real, hard data that shows how everyone's taxes are going to skyrocket.

I'll wait here.

Tell you what, when you can respond to us with a logical answer on your flawed links, we'll talk.

Why the fuck do I need to explain to you what was already explained both in my analysis, and more importantly in the links themselves. All you Conservatives have done is shout "LIAR!" but without offering anything to show that what I posted wasn't the truth.

I have shown you actual data that shows that taxes will not go up significantly. You all have offered conjecture based on your false supposition that Conservatives understand finance better than Liberals.

So again, go find some actual data to back up your claims that the ACA is going to raise everyone's taxes or shut the fuck up. It's that simple.
Wow. You think you have the power to strike down an entire act of Congress. You're one crazy dude.

You can't have it both ways, "dude".

Either fess up and admit that the mandate is a tax and suffer the consequences, come election day.....

OR insist that it is NOT a tax and repeal it yourselves before we do in November.


Its a tax penalty.

It's a deception designed to avoid political accountability and thwart the democratic will of the people. Thanks to Roberts, it "worked".
You can't have it both ways, "dude".

Either fess up and admit that the mandate is a tax and suffer the consequences, come election day.....

OR insist that it is NOT a tax and repeal it yourselves before we do in November.


Its a tax penalty.

It's a deception designed to avoid political accountability and thwart the democratic will of the people. Thanks to Roberts, it "worked".

There's no deception. Its a public law you imbecile. Its only a deception to people who can't read and comprehend written English. My Lord you right wingers love to whine and bitch.
Its a tax penalty.

It's a deception designed to avoid political accountability and thwart the democratic will of the people. Thanks to Roberts, it "worked".

There's no deception. Its a public law you imbecile. Its only a deception to people who can't read and comprehend written English. My Lord you right wingers love to whine and bitch.

Teabaggers have to steep their tea in SOMETHING. Apparently it's tears.
Its a tax penalty.

It's a deception designed to avoid political accountability and thwart the democratic will of the people. Thanks to Roberts, it "worked".

There's no deception. Its a public law you imbecile. Its only a deception to people who can't read and comprehend written English. My Lord you right wingers love to whine and bitch.

No, Obama and Congress vigorously denied that the penalty was a tax. They deliberately left the "tax" terminology out of the bill. They did this to fool the electorate, because they knew they would piss off their constituents if it were widely believed that they were implementing new taxes. You can claim that this is because voters are stupid - but it's the way the system works. The Democrats didn't call it a tax because they new voters didn't want a tax.
It's a deception designed to avoid political accountability and thwart the democratic will of the people. Thanks to Roberts, it "worked".

There's no deception. Its a public law you imbecile. Its only a deception to people who can't read and comprehend written English. My Lord you right wingers love to whine and bitch.

No, Obama and Congress vigorously denied that the penalty was a tax. They deliberately left the "tax" terminology out of the bill. They did this to fool the electorate, because they knew they would piss off their constituents if it were widely believed that they were implementing new taxes. You can claim that this is because voters are stupid - but it's the way the system works. The Democrats didn't call it a tax because they new voters didn't want a tax.

Tell you what guys, why don't you go find me some links to reputable data sources that shows what you're asserting is going to happen. Seriously, go rustle up some real, hard data that shows how everyone's taxes are going to skyrocket.

I'll wait here.

Your turn, Derpty-Derp.

Where are your links showing that the middle class WON'T see an increase?

I already did. But since you got to post from a Right Wing site, you can read this:

Infographic: Obamacare Is a Tax Cut for Middle-Class Families


Okay, I clicked the Politifact link.
It was addressing a remark by Tub-o-Limbaw that the mandate was the largest tax increase in history.
No one here has made that ridiculous claim.
Only that it IS a tax increase.

And that is supported in your link:

While the health care law certainly is, on the whole, a tax increase, it’s not the largest in American history -- and as such -- cannot be the largest in the history of the world. (Luckily, there's enough U.S.-based research that we don't have to explore the tax increases of the Roman Empire, adjusted for inflation.)
You can't have it both ways, "dude".

Either fess up and admit that the mandate is a tax and suffer the consequences, come election day.....

OR insist that it is NOT a tax and repeal it yourselves before we do in November.


Its a tax penalty.

It's a deception designed to avoid political accountability and thwart the democratic will of the people. Thanks to Roberts, it "worked".

I don't believe that it thwarted the democratic will of the people.

I feel that it has energized it.
(R) voter turn out is going to be HUGE
Your turn, Derpty-Derp.

Where are your links showing that the middle class WON'T see an increase?

I already did. But since you got to post from a Right Wing site, you can read this:

Infographic: Obamacare Is a Tax Cut for Middle-Class Families

PolitiFact | Limbaugh, GOP have it wrong: Health care law is not the largest tax increase ever

Okay, I clicked the Politifact link.
It was addressing a remark by Tub-o-Limbaw that the mandate was the largest tax increase in history.
No one here has made that ridiculous claim.
Only that it IS a tax increase.

And that is supported in your link:

While the health care law certainly is, on the whole, a tax increase, it’s not the largest in American history -- and as such -- cannot be the largest in the history of the world. (Luckily, there's enough U.S.-based research that we don't have to explore the tax increases of the Roman Empire, adjusted for inflation.)

Okay, we can call it a tax increase. That's fine by me, actually. I realized that I really don't give a fuck about paying higher taxes if it's for the greater good.


Here's the thing, Conserva...I "DO" mind paying higher taxes when I pay those taxes to a bloated, inefficient entity that wastes most of the money that I give them...I actually mind that a whole bunch. I'm one of those people that gets annoyed when people like you demand that we ALL pay more for "THE GREATER GOOD". I already pay enough in taxes. You want to have more money for "THE GREATER GOOD"? Tell the idiots in Washington to stop wasting the money I "DO" send them.

Here's the thing, Conserva...I "DO" mind paying higher taxes when I pay those taxes to a bloated, inefficient entity that wastes most of the money that I give them...I actually mind that a whole bunch. I'm one of those people that gets annoyed when people like you demand that we ALL pay more for "THE GREATER GOOD". I already pay enough in taxes. You want to have more money for "THE GREATER GOOD"? Tell the idiots in Washington to stop wasting the money I "DO" send them.

That's fine, buddy. You're allowed to not want to help out your fellow man. You're allowed to think about life selfishly. You're allowed to think you pay enough. That's fine. This is a system where if your guy wins, he'll do the shit you want him to do. If my guy wins, he'll do that shit.

I mean...are you mad, bro?
This is a system where if your guy wins, he'll do the shit you want him to do. If my guy wins, he'll do that shit.

But that system only works if there are dependable limits on the shit "your guy" and "my guy" can do. Otherwise democracy becomes untenable. If I can't trust that my life, liberty and property are safe - even if your guy wins - then I can't trust democracy, and I won't be willing to play nice when your guy wins.

That's really what's poisoning the well of today's politics. We've tossed aside so many constitutional limitations that seeing an opposition candidate elected is a terrifying prospect. They can do virtually anything, mandate our behavior in countless ways and micro-manage our lives toward values we might not agree with at all. Democracy can't last for long when government has that kind of power.
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Here's the thing, Conserva...I "DO" mind paying higher taxes when I pay those taxes to a bloated, inefficient entity that wastes most of the money that I give them...I actually mind that a whole bunch. I'm one of those people that gets annoyed when people like you demand that we ALL pay more for "THE GREATER GOOD". I already pay enough in taxes. You want to have more money for "THE GREATER GOOD"? Tell the idiots in Washington to stop wasting the money I "DO" send them.

That's fine, buddy. You're allowed to not want to help out your fellow man. You're allowed to think about life selfishly. You're allowed to think you pay enough. That's fine. This is a system where if your guy wins, he'll do the shit you want him to do. If my guy wins, he'll do that shit.

I mean...are you mad, bro?

That post right there, Conserva...is why so many people really dislike progressives. I tell you that I'm angry that my government wastes the tax dollars that I send them and you accuse me of being selfish and not wanting to help out my fellow man.
This is a system where if your guy wins, he'll do the shit you want him to do. If my guy wins, he'll do that shit.

But that system only works if there are dependable limits the shit "your guy" and "my guy" can do. Otherwise democracy becomes untenable. If I can't trust that my life, liberty and property are safe - even if your guy wins - then I can't trust democracy, and I won't be willing to play nice when your guy wins.

That's really what's poisoning the well of today's politics. We've tossed aside so many constitutional limitations that seeing an opposition candidate elected is a terrifying prospect. They can do virtually anything, mandate our behavior in countless ways and micro-manage our lives toward values we might not agree with at all. Democracy can't last for long when government has that kind of power.

Very well articulated, Dblack...thank you.
Tell you what guys, why don't you go find me some links to reputable data sources that shows what you're asserting is going to happen. Seriously, go rustle up some real, hard data that shows how everyone's taxes are going to skyrocket.

I'll wait here.

Tell you what, when you can respond to us with a logical answer on your flawed links, we'll talk.

Why the fuck do I need to explain to you what was already explained both in my analysis, and more importantly in the links themselves. All you Conservatives have done is shout "LIAR!" but without offering anything to show that what I posted wasn't the truth.

I have shown you actual data that shows that taxes will not go up significantly. You all have offered conjecture based on your false supposition that Conservatives understand finance better than Liberals.

So again, go find some actual data to back up your claims that the ACA is going to raise everyone's taxes or shut the fuck up. It's that simple.

So you admit they will go up, so you agree with me, should have just said so. I know they will go up also, when you take away the Cafeteria Plan, when you raise the caps, when a small business owner who has one employee, which are mostly middle income people, can't write off their premiums anymore. When large corporations start paying less of medical premiums, because they can no longer write off the expense, when the insurance companys have to increase premiums to offset costs because the government is going to raise their taxes, this results in the middle class paying a higher tax, directly or indirectly.

That isn't a liberal or conservative understanding, that is economics 101.

Glad you at least agree the taxes will go up.

Here's the thing, Conserva...I "DO" mind paying higher taxes when I pay those taxes to a bloated, inefficient entity that wastes most of the money that I give them...I actually mind that a whole bunch. I'm one of those people that gets annoyed when people like you demand that we ALL pay more for "THE GREATER GOOD". I already pay enough in taxes. You want to have more money for "THE GREATER GOOD"? Tell the idiots in Washington to stop wasting the money I "DO" send them.

That's fine, buddy. You're allowed to not want to help out your fellow man. You're allowed to think about life selfishly. You're allowed to think you pay enough. That's fine. This is a system where if your guy wins, he'll do the shit you want him to do. If my guy wins, he'll do that shit.

I mean...are you mad, bro?

That post right there, Conserva...is why so many people really dislike progressives. I tell you that I'm angry that my government wastes the tax dollars that I send them and you accuse me of being selfish and not wanting to help out my fellow man.

Very well put, I want to help my fellow man, I volunteer my time and donate goods and money every year. I also want my own government to act wisely when spending the people's money.
Wow. You think you have the power to strike down an entire act of Congress. You're one crazy dude.

You can't have it both ways, "dude".

Either fess up and admit that the mandate is a tax and suffer the consequences, come election day.....

OR insist that it is NOT a tax and repeal it yourselves before we do in November.


Its a tax penalty.

It's a tax, not a penalty. If you don't have children, you pay a higher tax, than of you did, is that a penalty?
If you don't have a mortgage and can't write off the interest, is that a penalty?

A penalty is only issued if you do not pay your taxes on time. If you have ever received a bill from the IRS, it includes the word penalty on their bill.

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