10 Radical New Rules That Are Changing America


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
10 Radical New Rules That Are Changing America
Americans privately fear these rules while publicly appearing to accept them.
Victor Davis Hanson: The 10 Radical New Rules That Are Changing America — The Patriot Post
1 Apr 2021 ~~ By Victor David Hanson

There are 10 new ideas that are changing America, maybe permanently.
1) Money is a construct. It can be created from thin air. Annual deficits and aggregate national debt no longer matter much.​
2) Laws are not necessarily binding anymore. Joe Biden took an oath to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” But he has willfully rendered federal immigration laws null and void. Some rioters are prosecuted for violating federal laws, others not so much. Arrests, prosecutions and trials are all fluid. Ideology governs when a law is still considered a law.​
3) Racialism is now acceptable. We are defined first by our ethnicity or religion, and only secondarily — if at all — by an American commonality. The explicit exclusion of whites from college dorms, safe spaces and federal aid programs is now noncontroversial. It is unspoken payback for perceived past sins, or a type of “good” racism. Falsely being called a racist makes one more guilty than falsely calling someone else a racist.​
4) The immigrant is mostly preferable to the citizen. The newcomer, unlike the host, is not stained by the sins of America’s founding and history. Most citizens currently must follow quarantine rules and social distancing, stay out of school and obey all the laws.​
Americans privately fear these rules while publicly appearing to accept them. They still could be transitory and invite a reaction. Or they are already near-permanent and institutionalized.
The answer determines whether a constitutional republic continues as once envisioned, or warps into something never imagined by those who created it.

As usual Professor Hanson is quite accurate and astute in his assessement of today's political atmosphere and positions.
The warping has begun. In a few years, this country will be something no one in their right mind ever imagined it would become.
I believe one of Trump’s failings was not having control of his own social media channels. I don’t believe he ever imagined that free speech would be turned off in America by conglomerate Techies like Twitter, Facebook and Google..
Trump helped make Twitter universal and then the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists shut him off.
This has become One helluva sleigh ride. All most of us can do is to hang on tight to the most secure point that can be reached on the sleigh, and hope it does not go over a cliff on the way down.
Sometimes it is hard to distinguish pessimism from reality.
Many of those heMcCarthy wanted investigated were TRAITORS to this country. Some of these people were actively engaged in espionage for the Soviet Union. They also manipulated U.S. foreign policy to the benefit of the communists.
For example, they maneuvered to cut off aid to the Chinese nationalists in order to betray China to Mao Zedong's communists. This betrayal and abandonment left mainland China in the hands of the Communists and the nationalists fled to the island of Taiwan.
More than 50 years later, the betrayal continues and is still in existence but it has now penetrated deep into the fabric of society - Hollywood, Sports, Technology, Education and even our government ( I am looking at folks like Eric Swalwell ).
Equity and not Equality is becoming the mantra of the Porgessive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left which equates to visions of Venezuela as the future for America under PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist Oligarchy.
10 Radical New Rules That Are Changing America
Americans privately fear these rules while publicly appearing to accept them.
Victor Davis Hanson: The 10 Radical New Rules That Are Changing America — The Patriot Post
1 Apr 2021 ~~ By Victor David Hanson

There are 10 new ideas that are changing America, maybe permanently.
1) Money is a construct. It can be created from thin air. Annual deficits and aggregate national debt no longer matter much.​
2) Laws are not necessarily binding anymore. Joe Biden took an oath to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” But he has willfully rendered federal immigration laws null and void. Some rioters are prosecuted for violating federal laws, others not so much. Arrests, prosecutions and trials are all fluid. Ideology governs when a law is still considered a law.​
3) Racialism is now acceptable. We are defined first by our ethnicity or religion, and only secondarily — if at all — by an American commonality. The explicit exclusion of whites from college dorms, safe spaces and federal aid programs is now noncontroversial. It is unspoken payback for perceived past sins, or a type of “good” racism. Falsely being called a racist makes one more guilty than falsely calling someone else a racist.​
4) The immigrant is mostly preferable to the citizen. The newcomer, unlike the host, is not stained by the sins of America’s founding and history. Most citizens currently must follow quarantine rules and social distancing, stay out of school and obey all the laws.​
Americans privately fear these rules while publicly appearing to accept them. They still could be transitory and invite a reaction. Or they are already near-permanent and institutionalized.
The answer determines whether a constitutional republic continues as once envisioned, or warps into something never imagined by those who created it.

As usual Professor Hanson is quite accurate and astute in his assessement of today's political atmosphere and positions.
The warping has begun. In a few years, this country will be something no one in their right mind ever imagined it would become.
I believe one of Trump’s failings was not having control of his own social media channels. I don’t believe he ever imagined that free speech would be turned off in America by conglomerate Techies like Twitter, Facebook and Google..
Trump helped make Twitter universal and then the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists shut him off.
This has become One helluva sleigh ride. All most of us can do is to hang on tight to the most secure point that can be reached on the sleigh, and hope it does not go over a cliff on the way down.
Sometimes it is hard to distinguish pessimism from reality.
Many of those heMcCarthy wanted investigated were TRAITORS to this country. Some of these people were actively engaged in espionage for the Soviet Union. They also manipulated U.S. foreign policy to the benefit of the communists.
For example, they maneuvered to cut off aid to the Chinese nationalists in order to betray China to Mao Zedong's communists. This betrayal and abandonment left mainland China in the hands of the Communists and the nationalists fled to the island of Taiwan.
More than 50 years later, the betrayal continues and is still in existence but it has now penetrated deep into the fabric of society - Hollywood, Sports, Technology, Education and even our government ( I am looking at folks like Eric Swalwell ).
Equity and not Equality is becoming the mantra of the Porgessive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left which equates to visions of Venezuela as the future for America under PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist Oligarchy.

Yawn, yes we know, the sky is falling...again....
10 Radical New Rules That Are Changing America
Americans privately fear these rules while publicly appearing to accept them.
Victor Davis Hanson: The 10 Radical New Rules That Are Changing America — The Patriot Post
1 Apr 2021 ~~ By Victor David Hanson

There are 10 new ideas that are changing America, maybe permanently.
1) Money is a construct. It can be created from thin air. Annual deficits and aggregate national debt no longer matter much.​
2) Laws are not necessarily binding anymore. Joe Biden took an oath to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” But he has willfully rendered federal immigration laws null and void. Some rioters are prosecuted for violating federal laws, others not so much. Arrests, prosecutions and trials are all fluid. Ideology governs when a law is still considered a law.​
3) Racialism is now acceptable. We are defined first by our ethnicity or religion, and only secondarily — if at all — by an American commonality. The explicit exclusion of whites from college dorms, safe spaces and federal aid programs is now noncontroversial. It is unspoken payback for perceived past sins, or a type of “good” racism. Falsely being called a racist makes one more guilty than falsely calling someone else a racist.​
4) The immigrant is mostly preferable to the citizen. The newcomer, unlike the host, is not stained by the sins of America’s founding and history. Most citizens currently must follow quarantine rules and social distancing, stay out of school and obey all the laws.​
Americans privately fear these rules while publicly appearing to accept them. They still could be transitory and invite a reaction. Or they are already near-permanent and institutionalized.
The answer determines whether a constitutional republic continues as once envisioned, or warps into something never imagined by those who created it.

As usual Professor Hanson is quite accurate and astute in his assessement of today's political atmosphere and positions.
The warping has begun. In a few years, this country will be something no one in their right mind ever imagined it would become.
I believe one of Trump’s failings was not having control of his own social media channels. I don’t believe he ever imagined that free speech would be turned off in America by conglomerate Techies like Twitter, Facebook and Google..
Trump helped make Twitter universal and then the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists shut him off.
This has become One helluva sleigh ride. All most of us can do is to hang on tight to the most secure point that can be reached on the sleigh, and hope it does not go over a cliff on the way down.
Sometimes it is hard to distinguish pessimism from reality.
Many of those heMcCarthy wanted investigated were TRAITORS to this country. Some of these people were actively engaged in espionage for the Soviet Union. They also manipulated U.S. foreign policy to the benefit of the communists.
For example, they maneuvered to cut off aid to the Chinese nationalists in order to betray China to Mao Zedong's communists. This betrayal and abandonment left mainland China in the hands of the Communists and the nationalists fled to the island of Taiwan.
More than 50 years later, the betrayal continues and is still in existence but it has now penetrated deep into the fabric of society - Hollywood, Sports, Technology, Education and even our government ( I am looking at folks like Eric Swalwell ).
Equity and not Equality is becoming the mantra of the Porgessive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left which equates to visions of Venezuela as the future for America under PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist Oligarchy.

In plain English, some woke Dems want to reinstitute racial segregation, although this time in favor of non-Caucasians.

Okey dokey!

I suspect that some Caucasians might be delighted if that means that Caucasians will be forced to live in Caucasian-only neighborhoods, forced to work only with other Caucasians, and forced to go to school only with other Caucasians.
10 Radical New Rules That Are Changing America
Americans privately fear these rules while publicly appearing to accept them.
Victor Davis Hanson: The 10 Radical New Rules That Are Changing America — The Patriot Post
1 Apr 2021 ~~ By Victor David Hanson

There are 10 new ideas that are changing America, maybe permanently.
1) Money is a construct. It can be created from thin air. Annual deficits and aggregate national debt no longer matter much.​
2) Laws are not necessarily binding anymore. Joe Biden took an oath to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” But he has willfully rendered federal immigration laws null and void. Some rioters are prosecuted for violating federal laws, others not so much. Arrests, prosecutions and trials are all fluid. Ideology governs when a law is still considered a law.​
3) Racialism is now acceptable. We are defined first by our ethnicity or religion, and only secondarily — if at all — by an American commonality. The explicit exclusion of whites from college dorms, safe spaces and federal aid programs is now noncontroversial. It is unspoken payback for perceived past sins, or a type of “good” racism. Falsely being called a racist makes one more guilty than falsely calling someone else a racist.​
4) The immigrant is mostly preferable to the citizen. The newcomer, unlike the host, is not stained by the sins of America’s founding and history. Most citizens currently must follow quarantine rules and social distancing, stay out of school and obey all the laws.​
Americans privately fear these rules while publicly appearing to accept them. They still could be transitory and invite a reaction. Or they are already near-permanent and institutionalized.
The answer determines whether a constitutional republic continues as once envisioned, or warps into something never imagined by those who created it.

As usual Professor Hanson is quite accurate and astute in his assessement of today's political atmosphere and positions.
The warping has begun. In a few years, this country will be something no one in their right mind ever imagined it would become.
I believe one of Trump’s failings was not having control of his own social media channels. I don’t believe he ever imagined that free speech would be turned off in America by conglomerate Techies like Twitter, Facebook and Google..
Trump helped make Twitter universal and then the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists shut him off.
This has become One helluva sleigh ride. All most of us can do is to hang on tight to the most secure point that can be reached on the sleigh, and hope it does not go over a cliff on the way down.
Sometimes it is hard to distinguish pessimism from reality.
Many of those heMcCarthy wanted investigated were TRAITORS to this country. Some of these people were actively engaged in espionage for the Soviet Union. They also manipulated U.S. foreign policy to the benefit of the communists.
For example, they maneuvered to cut off aid to the Chinese nationalists in order to betray China to Mao Zedong's communists. This betrayal and abandonment left mainland China in the hands of the Communists and the nationalists fled to the island of Taiwan.
More than 50 years later, the betrayal continues and is still in existence but it has now penetrated deep into the fabric of society - Hollywood, Sports, Technology, Education and even our government ( I am looking at folks like Eric Swalwell ).
Equity and not Equality is becoming the mantra of the Porgessive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left which equates to visions of Venezuela as the future for America under PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist Oligarchy.

Yawn, yes we know, the sky is falling...again....

Yep, thanks Dementia Joe...dumbass.
There are 10 new ideas that are changing America, maybe permanently.
1) Money is a construct. It can be created from thin air. Annual deficits and aggregate national debt no longer matter much.
"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney

'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan
10 Radical New Rules That Are Changing America
Americans privately fear these rules while publicly appearing to accept them.
Victor Davis Hanson: The 10 Radical New Rules That Are Changing America — The Patriot Post
1 Apr 2021 ~~ By Victor David Hanson

There are 10 new ideas that are changing America, maybe permanently.
1) Money is a construct. It can be created from thin air. Annual deficits and aggregate national debt no longer matter much.​
2) Laws are not necessarily binding anymore. Joe Biden took an oath to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” But he has willfully rendered federal immigration laws null and void. Some rioters are prosecuted for violating federal laws, others not so much. Arrests, prosecutions and trials are all fluid. Ideology governs when a law is still considered a law.​
3) Racialism is now acceptable. We are defined first by our ethnicity or religion, and only secondarily — if at all — by an American commonality. The explicit exclusion of whites from college dorms, safe spaces and federal aid programs is now noncontroversial. It is unspoken payback for perceived past sins, or a type of “good” racism. Falsely being called a racist makes one more guilty than falsely calling someone else a racist.​
4) The immigrant is mostly preferable to the citizen. The newcomer, unlike the host, is not stained by the sins of America’s founding and history. Most citizens currently must follow quarantine rules and social distancing, stay out of school and obey all the laws.​
Americans privately fear these rules while publicly appearing to accept them. They still could be transitory and invite a reaction. Or they are already near-permanent and institutionalized.
The answer determines whether a constitutional republic continues as once envisioned, or warps into something never imagined by those who created it.

As usual Professor Hanson is quite accurate and astute in his assessement of today's political atmosphere and positions.
The warping has begun. In a few years, this country will be something no one in their right mind ever imagined it would become.
I believe one of Trump’s failings was not having control of his own social media channels. I don’t believe he ever imagined that free speech would be turned off in America by conglomerate Techies like Twitter, Facebook and Google..
Trump helped make Twitter universal and then the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists shut him off.
This has become One helluva sleigh ride. All most of us can do is to hang on tight to the most secure point that can be reached on the sleigh, and hope it does not go over a cliff on the way down.
Sometimes it is hard to distinguish pessimism from reality.
Many of those heMcCarthy wanted investigated were TRAITORS to this country. Some of these people were actively engaged in espionage for the Soviet Union. They also manipulated U.S. foreign policy to the benefit of the communists.
For example, they maneuvered to cut off aid to the Chinese nationalists in order to betray China to Mao Zedong's communists. This betrayal and abandonment left mainland China in the hands of the Communists and the nationalists fled to the island of Taiwan.
More than 50 years later, the betrayal continues and is still in existence but it has now penetrated deep into the fabric of society - Hollywood, Sports, Technology, Education and even our government ( I am looking at folks like Eric Swalwell ).
Equity and not Equality is becoming the mantra of the Porgessive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left which equates to visions of Venezuela as the future for America under PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist Oligarchy.

Yawn, yes we know, the sky is falling...again....
It is you who are persecuting people now. Western Europe is more totalitarian then us at this point. Canada is now moving ahead with their agendas. We have it in pockets of this nation. And anyone who spouts words that are not approved by the Prog agendists will be demeaned, destroyed, fired. Reportedly, if she was legit...A pregnant women with a 1 year old in a Dallas Catholic Church was forcebly removed for not wearing a mask with the so called Priest and Ushers helping to remove her. And she was social distancing.
There are 10 new ideas that are changing America, maybe permanently.
1) Money is a construct. It can be created from thin air. Annual deficits and aggregate national debt no longer matter much.
"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney

'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan
Whenthe debts started a gain, a lot of thebad debts were squeezed out by then Fed Chairman Volcker with double digit
There are 10 new ideas that are changing America, maybe permanently.
1) Money is a construct. It can be created from thin air. Annual deficits and aggregate national debt no longer matter much.
"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney

'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan
Deficits continued and restarted after Fed Chairman Paul Volker raised the prime rate to double digits for a couple of years. A lot of bad debts were liquidated. There was a chance for real social program reform. Promises were mad by the then Prog leadership that reneged on them. Decisions with programs made many decades ago and longer can turn more and more ominous as the costs keep increasing.
We are going to be just another average nation under the thumb of Super Power China....you will be carrying Yen instead of dollars before Joe is done.....

You are already a sub-average nation, on the verge of 2nd tier status, because of the Trump Presidency. Biden is dragging you back to first world status. Cleaning up Donnie's mess, and getting those white supremacist thugs out of the corridors of power.
There are 10 new ideas that are changing America, maybe permanently.
1) Money is a construct. It can be created from thin air. Annual deficits and aggregate national debt no longer matter much.
"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney

'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan
We are going to be just another average nation under the thumb of Super Power China....you will be carrying Yen instead of dollars before Joe is done.....

You are already a sub-average nation, on the verge of 2nd tier status, because of the Trump Presidency. Biden is dragging you back to first world status. Cleaning up Donnie's mess, and getting those white supremacist thugs out of the corridors of power.
10 Radical New Rules That Are Changing America
Americans privately fear these rules while publicly appearing to accept them.
Victor Davis Hanson: The 10 Radical New Rules That Are Changing America — The Patriot Post
1 Apr 2021 ~~ By Victor David Hanson

There are 10 new ideas that are changing America, maybe permanently.
1) Money is a construct. It can be created from thin air. Annual deficits and aggregate national debt no longer matter much.​
2) Laws are not necessarily binding anymore. Joe Biden took an oath to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” But he has willfully rendered federal immigration laws null and void. Some rioters are prosecuted for violating federal laws, others not so much. Arrests, prosecutions and trials are all fluid. Ideology governs when a law is still considered a law.​
3) Racialism is now acceptable. We are defined first by our ethnicity or religion, and only secondarily — if at all — by an American commonality. The explicit exclusion of whites from college dorms, safe spaces and federal aid programs is now noncontroversial. It is unspoken payback for perceived past sins, or a type of “good” racism. Falsely being called a racist makes one more guilty than falsely calling someone else a racist.​
4) The immigrant is mostly preferable to the citizen. The newcomer, unlike the host, is not stained by the sins of America’s founding and history. Most citizens currently must follow quarantine rules and social distancing, stay out of school and obey all the laws.​
Americans privately fear these rules while publicly appearing to accept them. They still could be transitory and invite a reaction. Or they are already near-permanent and institutionalized.
The answer determines whether a constitutional republic continues as once envisioned, or warps into something never imagined by those who created it.

As usual Professor Hanson is quite accurate and astute in his assessement of today's political atmosphere and positions.
The warping has begun. In a few years, this country will be something no one in their right mind ever imagined it would become.
I believe one of Trump’s failings was not having control of his own social media channels. I don’t believe he ever imagined that free speech would be turned off in America by conglomerate Techies like Twitter, Facebook and Google..
Trump helped make Twitter universal and then the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists shut him off.
This has become One helluva sleigh ride. All most of us can do is to hang on tight to the most secure point that can be reached on the sleigh, and hope it does not go over a cliff on the way down.
Sometimes it is hard to distinguish pessimism from reality.
Many of those heMcCarthy wanted investigated were TRAITORS to this country. Some of these people were actively engaged in espionage for the Soviet Union. They also manipulated U.S. foreign policy to the benefit of the communists.
For example, they maneuvered to cut off aid to the Chinese nationalists in order to betray China to Mao Zedong's communists. This betrayal and abandonment left mainland China in the hands of the Communists and the nationalists fled to the island of Taiwan.
More than 50 years later, the betrayal continues and is still in existence but it has now penetrated deep into the fabric of society - Hollywood, Sports, Technology, Education and even our government ( I am looking at folks like Eric Swalwell ).
Equity and not Equality is becoming the mantra of the Porgessive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left which equates to visions of Venezuela as the future for America under PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist Oligarchy.

Yawn, yes we know, the sky is falling...again....
What is good about any one of the four points he made? Can you handle that?
We are going to be just another average nation under the thumb of Super Power China....you will be carrying Yen instead of dollars before Joe is done.....

You are already a sub-average nation, on the verge of 2nd tier status, because of the Trump Presidency. Biden is dragging you back to first world status. Cleaning up Donnie's mess, and getting those white supremacist thugs out of the corridors of power.

STFU canuck.
No one,and I mean no one gives a fuck about canaduh.
We are going to be just another average nation under the thumb of Super Power China....you will be carrying Yen instead of dollars before Joe is done.....

You are already a sub-average nation, on the verge of 2nd tier status, because of the Trump Presidency. Biden is dragging you back to first world status. Cleaning up Donnie's mess, and getting those white supremacist thugs out of the corridors of power.

The Trump presidency gave America back to American. The stuttering fuck is bankrupting America. Go back to Canada and inflict yourself on Canadians. Dumbass.

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