10 Commandments for Atheists

Correct. The etymology of the word 'cult' begin with the Latin, 'cultus' meaning
care, cultivation, worship. The word 'cult' with the same meaning entered the English language in the early 1600s.

It wasn't until the 1930s and 1940s that a new definition of 'cult' began to emerge.

Yes, all religion has the qualities of care, cultivation, worship. Language changes, and aren't you delighted that you can now use the word 'cult' to denigrate and insult religion. The word for it is semantic change, some which is done for prejudicial purposes.

What say you? Do you like to use the second definition of the word 'cult' that evolved in the 1930s and 1940s to denote your own prejudice and denigration of religion?

I have never called your religion a cult have I?

If you think I have then quote the post.

I have little use for religions or gods. You see that as prejudice but since I have quite a bit of experience with different religions I have not prejudged any. In fact I have probably read the Bible OT and NT more times cover to cover than most Christians. And unlike most Christians I have read the Koran the Tao, Buddhist Sutras the writings of philosophers of varying bents .

My criticism of religion comes not from prejudice but from reasoned study.
n fact I have probably read the Bible OT and NT more times cover to cover than most Christians. And unlike most Christians I have read the Koran the Tao, Buddhist Sutras the writings of philosophers of varying bents .

My criticism of religion comes not from prejudice but from reasoned study.
Reminds me of people who are experts in rearing children--read a lot, did much reasoned study...but never had any children.
Reminds me of people who are experts in rearing children--read a lot, did much reasoned study...but never had any children.

You ASSume I have no experience with religion.

And there is no analogy between religion and raising a child.
And there is no analogy between religion and raising a child.
The purpose of religion is to know God, to develop a relationship with Him. You haven't even progressed so far as to hear His "voice" or develop any kind of relationship. That is exactly like people who have never had children telling people who have the reasoned logic on the way to rear a child.

You, who say you are a firm agnostic, are telling people who know God/have a relationship with Him, that you--with your study, logic, and reasoning--know best. Not only that, you recommend that anyone who hears the voice of God should consult a neurologist.

You, sir, haven't a clue. Nor do you want one, being so attached to your reasoned agnosticism. Here is another analogy for you: Those who cling to their limitations get to keep them. As you seem so happy being an agnostic, perhaps that is the limit best for you.
The purpose of religion is to know God, to develop a relationship with Him. You haven't even progressed so far as to hear His "voice" or develop any kind of relationship. That is exactly like people who have never had children telling people who have the reasoned logic on the way to rear a child.

You, who say you are a firm agnostic, are telling people who know God/have a relationship with Him, that you--with your study, logic, and reasoning--know best. Not only that, you recommend that anyone who hears the voice of God should consult a neurologist.

You, sir, haven't a clue. Nor do you want one, being so attached to your reasoned agnosticism. Here is another analogy for you: Those who cling to their limitations get to keep them. As you seem so happy being an agnostic, perhaps that is the limit best for you.

And if religious texts and attending religious services don't plant that seed of belief or foster that "relationship" what else does?

And I could easily say your religion is the limit you have chosen as your comfort zone.
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And if religious texts and attending religious services don't plant that seed of belief or foster that "relationship" what else does?
Actively seeking God and persisting in this until He is found.
And I could easily say your religion is the limit you have chosen as your comfort zone.
I read this and burst out laughing. You haven't a clue. God has this way of getting one way outside their comfort zone.
Yes I am agnostic as it is the only reasonable stance I can take and you forget that I also said if an entire pantheon of gods came to my house to introduce themselves that I still would not worship.

So not only do I not know if any gods exist, I really don't care if they do because I see no way that worshiping a god would improve my life.
Understand that 'worship' is acknowledgment of worth. Trust this: Should you ever meet God, acknowledgement of worth is the result. Ever hear the say, "worship the ground s/he walks on"? It means that one has found a good model for their own life, someone who has "been there" and has come back better.

Claiming you will not worship is basically a proclamation that you are the best, that it is totally impossible that you will ever meet anyone better. I can imagine you reading biographies like you read Bibles/scriptures. You read the biography and then claim you know that person better than anyone who ever knew them or worked with them or lived with them. Reading that biography made you the expert. Why, you know that person better than s/he knows him/herself!
Actively seeking God and persisting in this until He is found.

I read this and burst out laughing. You haven't a clue. God has this way of getting one way outside their comfort zone.

Understand that 'worship' is acknowledgment of worth. Trust this: Should you ever meet God, acknowledgement of worth is the result. Ever hear the say, "worship the ground s/he walks on"? It means that one has found a good model for their own life, someone who has "been there" and has come back better.

Claiming you will not worship is basically a proclamation that you are the best, that it is totally impossible that you will ever meet anyone better. I can imagine you reading biographies like you read Bibles/scriptures. You read the biography and then claim you know that person better than anyone who ever knew them or worked with them or lived with them. Reading that biography made you the expert. Why, you know that person better than s/he knows him/herself!

So chasing something that just doesn't ring true to you until it all of a sudden does? If any god wanted me to find it then i think it would have happened by now. Or should I pursue this particular thing forever?

And claiming that I will not worship is nothing but a declaration that I do not believe any god that humans have ever written about is actually worthy of that worship. it has nothing to do with me. I know I am nothing in comparison to the universe. I know the idea the self, the ego is a fantasy and that I was not brought into this universe but rather I came from this universe and that I am not separate from it and never will be.

I am not so full of myself that I think some god hand crafted my soul and it is unique compared to everything else in this universe and that if I only obey and worship this god that I will be me forever and ever.
So chasing something that just doesn't ring true to you until it all of a sudden does?
That would be like me spending my weekend panning for gold. I know people who do, with some success. I simply have no interest in panning for gold. As a child, I had a great interest in meeting/experiencing God. You don't. In fact, it appears you study all kinds of books to reason by logic why this is not the pursuit for you. You certainly will not find God in a book any more than you will open a biography and find an actual person.

Here is where we differ: You spend a lot of time on here explaining why no one should pursue God or even a religion. You haven't a really good thing to say about either one. On the other hand, I don't go to gold mining sites and say things to dismiss or denigrate panning for gold.
If any god wanted me to find it then i think it would have happened by now.
You have it backwards. If you wanted to find God, you would. God is not going force Himself on you any more than He is going to play your games. His ways are not our ways--any more than our ways are the ways of birds.
His ways are not our ways--any more than our ways are the ways of birds.

- translated as not a concern for christians ... the heavenly garden. or anything else.

4th century christianity, the desert religions prove their ineptitude - by their exclusivity to not only not understand the heavens but all other life made similarly by the heavens than a concern only for their own well being.
That would be like me spending my weekend panning for gold. I know people who do, with some success. I simply have no interest in panning for gold. As a child, I had a great interest in meeting/experiencing God. You don't. In fact, it appears you study all kinds of books to reason by logic why this is not the pursuit for you. You certainly will not find God in a book any more than you will open a biography and find an actual person.

Here is where we differ: You spend a lot of time on here explaining why no one should pursue God or even a religion. You haven't a really good thing to say about either one. On the other hand, I don't go to gold mining sites and say things to dismiss or denigrate panning for gold.

You have it backwards. If you wanted to find God, you would. God is not going force Himself on you any more than He is going to play your games. His ways are not our ways--any more than our ways are the ways of birds.

You certainly cannot find a god in the bible or any other religious text.

I don'ts think I have ever told anyone not to pursue anything but maybe you can quote the post where I did?

But tell me what do you mean by this

Actively seeking God and persisting in this until He is found.

That sounds exactly like panning for gold to me.

I went through my searching phase and it isn't the god of the bible that resonated with me. But you think that I should actively seek your god until I find find it. I wasn't specifically looking for gods to worship I was looking for my own purpose and understanding.
I don'ts think I have ever told anyone not to pursue anything but maybe you can quote the post where I did?
You think I am that interested in searching back through your posts? When you start telling people--anyone--they need medical attention, it says it all.
You think I am that interested in searching back through your posts? When you start telling people--anyone--they need medical attention, it says it all.

so you don't think if you hear voices in your head that aren't yours that it warrants medical attention?

I happen to believe it does.
That sounds exactly like panning for gold to me.
Which is probably why you never found God.
I went through my searching phase and it isn't the god of the bible that resonated with me. But you think that I should actively seek your god until I find find it. I wasn't specifically looking for gods to worship I was looking for my own purpose and understanding.
(Increased size added by me.) You answered your own question. You were searching for your own purpose. You were searching for your own understanding. And you wonder why you didn't find God in that search?
Which is probably why you never found God.

(Increased size added by me.) You answered your own question. You were searching for your own purpose. You were searching for your own understanding. And you wonder why you didn't find God in that search?

OK so then tell me what you mean when you say

Actively seeking God and persisting in this until He is found
and how that is not analogous to panning for gold?
You believed you needed to find a god so you found one.

I was just looking for answers and understanding and if a god was going to be the prime source of that I would have found a god.
You believed you needed to find a god so you found one.
Tell me more. How did I do that? And do I need to see a psychiatrists?
I was just looking for answers and understanding and if a god was going to be the prime source of that I would have found a god.
(size increase by me) And you wonder, when you were looking for something else, why you didn't find God? Where did you find answers....or, did you?
Tell me more. How did I do that? And do I need to see a psychiatrists?

(size increase by me) And you wonder, when you were looking for something else, why you didn't find God? Where did you find answers....or, did you?
Why didn't you? You found a false God.

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