1/3 of U.S. honeybee colonies died last year

Did you know that social ground wasps will actually ruin the apples while they are still on the tree. They may pollinate some but not much and they are also destructive if there are too many of them. The larger and a smaller wasps and hornets actually eat aphids and other destructive pest and some of these can be beneficial.

interesting stuff! My daughter was a biology major and is now an Army officer. She is sitting next to me and gave me the info where to look for confirmation that this thread is much ado about nothing, like most of the OP's crap.

BFD and your daughter is just as fkn clueless as you why because she was taught to learn just what the LIBERAL UNIVERSITIES want them to learn. It isn't until they go off on their own start digging and learn how FKN OFF they were and then when they come forward with guess what happens to them.

Officers are nothing but paper pushers anyway .... Usually trendy liberal idiots just like you .

As if saying she's a alleged biologist lmfao makes it a sure fire thing. Meanwhile Science is wrong ALL THE FKN TIME BRAIN DEAD LIBTARD.


For what? Argument from authority?

Full alphabetic list of Fallacies

Personal attack on my family. I have put the moron on ignore.

aww well maybe we can have a group hug , maybe someone who hasn't got you blocked can share this with you.

It wasn't a personal attack. If it was a personal attack you would know it. You can dish it out but you can take the same treatment you give to others esp. me. So that's your problem snowflake.
Somebody nailed it about page2 or 3. The "working bees" have been horribly abused. Carted from state to state on trucks to work one type of crop after another. Exposed to pesticide and disease which spreads it to dozens of other local bee habitat. It's all the stressors on the population, but particularly men carting them from state to state in trucks. Stop transporting and enslaving them and the "general" collapse will wane away..

That was me, and that's the reality of the situation. My bees are just hunky-dory, wanna pic?

The same goes for people. If you don't travel outside your usual circle, you won't get sick.

If you do and run into something your immune system isn't equipped to handle, well, you're going to get sick.
Somebody nailed it about page2 or 3. The "working bees" have been horribly abused. Carted from state to state on trucks to work one type of crop after another. Exposed to pesticide and disease which spreads it to dozens of other local bee habitat. It's all the stressors on the population, but particularly men carting them from state to state in trucks. Stop transporting and enslaving them and the "general" collapse will wane away..

That was me, and that's the reality of the situation. My bees are just hunky-dory, wanna pic?

The same goes for people. If you don't travel outside your usual circle, you won't get sick.

If you do and run into something your immune system isn't equipped to handle, well, you're going to get sick.

Oh those are great points. That is very true, when you eat local honey it helps with allergies/ immunity in the particular area one might live in.

And Flac. mentioned above transporting them from one state to another, I have to wonder wth is that doing to people just in general it's not normal for the bees is the first problem.

Whatever idiot stein dreamed up doing that we can be sure the reject had a PHD and thinks they know everything.

One can have ten PHD's , but one can never earn a PHD in common sense.
America’s beekeepers watched as a third of the country’s honeybee colonies were lost over the last year, part of a decade-long die-off experts said may threaten our food supply. The annual survey of roughly 5,000 beekeepers showed the 33% dip from April 2016 to April 2017. The decrease is small compared to the survey’s previous 10 years, when the decrease hovered at roughly 40%. From 2012 to 2013, nearly half of the nation’s colonies died. “I would stop short of calling this

1/3 of U.S. Honeybee Colonies Died Last Year

When the bees die mankind dies, and no their fkd up robotic little bees are not going to work as they sell that monsanto bs to these idiots who think they will be just as good. NOTHING CAN REPLACE NATURE nor WORK like nature.

Everything has balance and when it is disrupted things begin to collapse. .................Including people going fkn gay for the hell of it or turning into tranny's for the hell of it.

The honeybees being used for commercial use aren't even indigenous to North America, nor are the crops they pollinating. The bee keepers keep them pumped full of drugs to keep them alive from the insecticides needed to keep the non-indigenous crops alive. They also transport these bees around the country in horrid conditions so most die off then, the dead bees then infect the survivors, and more drugs are needed. So there is no "mystery" at all, it's an entire eco system being kept artificially alive.

The industry's best bet is to use Africanized bees as they are much more robust against natural diseases and insecticides, thus not needed the drugs to keep them alive artificially.

Yeah, but they bite with big teefs
Ah yes, those damned government regulations again. But endangering our food supply is not a wise thing to do.

I've wondered if that moron Monsanto created a species of pest that would intentionally survive pesticides so in turn he would making billions of his miracle round up spray , and two his magic seeds that bugs just oh never touch Frankenfruit , you know the genetically modified, then we have his seeds that will not grow again.

His bs are creating bs crops, killing farm animals etc. or at least genetically messing them up.

Another damn RWNJ who voted to let Monsanto coat his food with poison and not allow farmers to use seed savers.

How many of you damn brainless fools have a Roundup in your garden supples"

You need to be really glad we're not face to face because ibswaervto fucking god, id slap the stupid out of you.


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Watch it folks!

What we got here is a genuine message board badass!

America’s beekeepers watched as a third of the country’s honeybee colonies were lost over the last year, part of a decade-long die-off experts said may threaten our food supply. The annual survey of roughly 5,000 beekeepers showed the 33% dip from April 2016 to April 2017. The decrease is small compared to the survey’s previous 10 years, when the decrease hovered at roughly 40%. From 2012 to 2013, nearly half of the nation’s colonies died. “I would stop short of calling this

1/3 of U.S. Honeybee Colonies Died Last Year

When the bees die mankind dies, and no their fkd up robotic little bees are not going to work as they sell that monsanto bs to these idiots who think they will be just as good. NOTHING CAN REPLACE NATURE nor WORK like nature.

Everything has balance and when it is disrupted things begin to collapse. .................Including people going fkn gay for the hell of it or turning into tranny's for the hell of it.

The honeybees being used for commercial use aren't even indigenous to North America, nor are the crops they pollinating. The bee keepers keep them pumped full of drugs to keep them alive from the insecticides needed to keep the non-indigenous crops alive. They also transport these bees around the country in horrid conditions so most die off then, the dead bees then infect the survivors, and more drugs are needed. So there is no "mystery" at all, it's an entire eco system being kept artificially alive.

The industry's best bet is to use Africanized bees as they are much more robust against natural diseases and insecticides, thus not needed the drugs to keep them alive artificially.

View attachment 129183

The danger was overhyped when they first came out. If left alone they are fine. Professional bee keepers can remove them and use them. If they put some effort into it, they can breed a less aggressive stock.

Wrong. Africanized bees are very dangerous. I saw it many times in AZ and hoping I'm gone by the time they make it this far north.

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I hope you're still there
The neighbors put in a couple of hives this year, so there are honey bees everywhere.

I didn't even realize I hadn't seen them in numbers in years until they showed up...
Plant a garden! You'll see amazing results if your neighbor has a hive. Talk with him/her though and make sure that they are using a barrier to getting the bees up above people quickly. Bee's prefer trees more than anything, but the biggest reason for them to get low is water. Be sure you don't have large quantities of water because the bees will use it. Particularly chlorinated water. The scent draws them like crazy.

Our neighbor has bees. We had a beautiful veggie garden and my mouth was watering.
The rabbits, deer and other crappy critters left us some stubby vines
I've had the same bees for 5 years now, before that there was an even bigger colony for 10 years, but they packed up and
left for some reason.



Or maybe they moved to the garden center of a store for a week and terrorized them before moving on. ;)

Them weren't my bees. :eusa_whistle:

That was a strange colony, I think they got overpopulated for their space or something. One time in a torrential downpour, a bunch came out and clung to a section of fence, thousands died.

Maybe they was retard bees
America’s beekeepers watched as a third of the country’s honeybee colonies were lost over the last year, part of a decade-long die-off experts said may threaten our food supply. The annual survey of roughly 5,000 beekeepers showed the 33% dip from April 2016 to April 2017. The decrease is small compared to the survey’s previous 10 years, when the decrease hovered at roughly 40%. From 2012 to 2013, nearly half of the nation’s colonies died. “I would stop short of calling this

1/3 of U.S. Honeybee Colonies Died Last Year

When the bees die mankind dies, and no their fkd up robotic little bees are not going to work as they sell that monsanto bs to these idiots who think they will be just as good. NOTHING CAN REPLACE NATURE nor WORK like nature.

Everything has balance and when it is disrupted things begin to collapse. .................Including people going fkn gay for the hell of it or turning into tranny's for the hell of it.

More hyperbole?

The most essential staple food crops on the planet, like corn, wheat, rice, soybeans and sorghum, need no insect help at all; they are wind-pollinated or self-pollinating. Other staple food crops, like bananas and plantains, are sterile and propagated from cuttings, requiring no pollination of any form, ever. Further, foods such as root vegetables and salad crops will produce a useful food crop without pollination, though they may not set seed; and hybrids do not even require insect pollination to produce seeds for the next generation, because hybrid production is always human-pollinated. Many of the most desirable and common non-hybrid crops, like heirloom tomatoes, are self-pollinated, which is what makes their cultivar stable.

List of crop plants pollinated by bees - Wikipedia
Did you know that social ground wasps will actually ruin the apples while they are still on the tree. They may pollinate some but not much and they are also destructive if there are too many of them. The larger and a smaller wasps and hornets actually eat aphids and other destructive pest and some of these can be beneficial.

interesting stuff! My daughter was a biology major and is now an Army officer. She is sitting next to me and gave me the info where to look for confirmation that this thread is much ado about nothing, like most of the OP's crap.

BFD and your daughter is just as fkn clueless as you why because she was taught to learn just what the LIBERAL UNIVERSITIES want them to learn. It isn't until they go off on their own start digging and learn how FKN OFF they were and then when they come forward with guess what happens to them.

Officers are nothing but paper pushers anyway .... Usually trendy liberal idiots just like you .

As if saying she's a alleged biologist lmfao makes it a sure fire thing. Meanwhile Science is wrong ALL THE FKN TIME BRAIN DEAD LIBTARD.


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