1/3 of U.S. honeybee colonies died last year

Here, try these-
U.S. honey production up 3% from 2015

Also, the chart from the first link-

They have been going up since 2006

Call off the bee-pocalypse: U.S. honeybee colonies hit a 20-year high

So if CCD is wiping out close to a third of all honeybee colonies a year, how are their numbers rising?
I cannot access that article, but it seems inconsistent with other reports, then again, it is the Washington Compost.

Colony collapse disorder - Wikipedia

The National Agriculture Statistics Service reported 2.44 million honey-producing hives were in the United States in February 2008, down from 4.5 million in 1980, and 5.9 million in 1947, though these numbers underestimate the total number of managed hives, as they exclude several thousand hives managed for pollination contracts only, and also do not include hives managed by beekeepers owning fewer than five hives. This under-representation may be offset by the practice of counting some hives more than once; hives that are moved to different states to produce honey are counted in each state's total and summed in total counts.[29]

Non-CCD winter losses as high as 50% have occurred in some years and regions (e.g., 2000–2001 in Pennsylvania). Normal winter losses are typically in the range of 15–25%. In many cases, beekeepers reporting significant losses of bees did not experience true CCD, but losses due to other causes.

In 2007 in the US, at least 24 different states[30] had reported at least one case of CCD.[31] In a 2007 survey of 384 responding beekeepers from 13 states, 23.8% met the specified criterion for CCD (that 50% or more of their dead colonies were found without bees and/or with very few dead bees in the hive or apiary).[31]

In the US in 2006–2007, CCD-suffering operations had a total loss of 45% compared to the total loss of 25% of all colonies experienced by non-CCD suffering beekeepers.[29][31]

A 2007–2008 survey of over 19% of all colonies revealed a total loss of 35.8%. Operations that pollinated almonds lost, on average, the same number of colonies as those that did not. The 37.9% of operations that reported having at least some of their colonies die with a complete lack of bees had a total loss of 40.8% of colonies compared to the 17.1% loss reported by beekeepers without this symptom. Large operations were more likely to have this symptom, suggesting a contagious condition may be a causal factor. About 60% of all colonies that were reported dead in this survey died without the presence of dead bees in the hive, thus possibly suffered from CCD.[29]

In 2010, the USDA reported that data on overall honey bee losses for the year indicate an estimated 34% loss, which is statistically similar to losses reported in 2007, 2008, and 2009.[22] In 2011, the loss was 30%.[32] In 2012–2013, CCD was blamed for the loss of about half of the US honey bee hives, far more than the 33% losses observed on average over previous years.​

I watched an X-Files episode the other night about honeybees being genetically engineered to carry the smallpox virus.

The basis for this is:

For the majority of DNA-based viruses, the nucleus (the central organelle of the cell containing the DNA) of the host cell is used by the virus for the viral replication process (viruses are often naked strands of DNA without the necessary biochemical 'machinery' required to replicate themselves). The poxvirus family is unique among the known DNA viruses because its entire multiplication process takes place in the cell's cytoplasm, completely outside of the nucleus. If the purpose of the virus is to introduce alien DNA into a cell, the use of a vector virus which had the least effect on nuclear processes, such as a poxvirus, would be the best choice. Note that the alien-human hybrids in the buried railcar, which Mulder found in "Anasazi", had smallpox vaccination scars, which may be indicative of how Dr. Klemper created them-- by introducing alien DNA into human hosts via smallpox vaccinations.

Other than a minor difference in the molecular structure (90% of the genes are identical), the main difference between the smallpox and the cowpox viruses is their relative virulence in humans. Whereas a smallpox infection can be fatal in a human being, a cowpox infection is comparatively asymptomatic. However, because of the morphological and immunological similarities between the two viruses, immunity to the cowpox virus confers resistance to the smallpox virus-- this observation is the basis of the smallpox vaccine. Throughout the series, we have seen the experiments of the Syndicate alternate between the use of the smallpox virus and the smallpox vaccine (cowpox virus). The reasons for the choice of vector would be based on ease of handling. All inoculation, gene-splicing, and tagging experiments (as seen in "Tunguska", "Anasazi", and "Herrenvolk" respectively) involved the smallpox vaccine, which could be synthesized with more ease and handled more safely than an equal amount of live smallpox viruses. When it came to a field test ("Zero Sum"), the Syndicate used the actual smallpox virus, presumably to test its virulence.

The transmission properties of the smallpox virus also make it ideal for the purposes of introducing alien DNA to a population. The smallpox virus is very specific to human beings and no non-human reservoirs for the disease exist, allowing for a highly-targeted dispersal. Furthermore, subclinical infections do not occur (and hence there are no such thing as smallpox carriers), which means that dispersal of the virus will result in 100% saturation of the target population. Finally, close contact is required for transmission of the disease (either through inhalation of respiratory droplets or contact with the skin lesions) which would simplify the identification of infected individuals. This would give the Syndicate the ability to track the spread of the virus and stop the dispersal if need be.

Poxviruses are very large in general, allowing them to be seen under a light microscope. Presumably this would translate to greater ease of manipulation, for the purposes of inserting another virus or a strand of alien DNA within the protein shell.
Finally, since smallpox was declared eradicated by the World Health Organization in the early eighties, regular vaccination is no longer done. This would reduce the chance of resistance to the disease in target populations.

Based on these observations, it seems that the smallpox virus is being used to introduce alien DNA or some kind of biological toxin to human populations, with bees as the delivery vehicle. The end result would be either the Syndicate's plan for 'inventing the future', helping humanity evolve with the assistance of alien DNA, or eradicating humanity to make room for the Colonists. As revealed to Mulder in "The X-Files: Fight the Future", at the advent of colonization, the President will declare a national emergency and the entire country will fall under the jurisdiction of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). It is at this time that the genetically-engineered bees would disperse an unknown biological entity on the unsuspecting population. Whether it is the Black Oil, which appears to be the colonizing force (according to the recent feature film), or a vaccine against the Black Oil, still remains to be seen.
The neighbors put in a couple of hives this year, so there are honey bees everywhere.

I didn't even realize I hadn't seen them in numbers in years until they showed up...
Plant a garden! You'll see amazing results if your neighbor has a hive. Talk with him/her though and make sure that they are using a barrier to getting the bees up above people quickly. Bee's prefer trees more than anything, but the biggest reason for them to get low is water. Be sure you don't have large quantities of water because the bees will use it. Particularly chlorinated water. The scent draws them like crazy.

Absolutely did. Put in a stand of Mexican sunflowers in part to feed the little bastards and the monarchs. Put in some milkweed also, which will work for them also.

I love seeing them and am totally on board with that plan.

I live on a river, so the bees have all the water their little hearts desire.

All the neighbors in the immediate vicinty are gardeners. These guys will do quite well I think.
Nice. Any thoughts of starting a colony or two yourself?[/QUOTE]

Yes, actually. Talking to the wife about that and discussing with the neighbors to see what sort of time commitment it requires.

She knows I'm crazy like that and once our little boy is old enough to participate odds are pretty good on that if the time/expense factors seem to work.
Here, try these-
U.S. honey production up 3% from 2015

Also, the chart from the first link-

They have been going up since 2006

Call off the bee-pocalypse: U.S. honeybee colonies hit a 20-year high

So if CCD is wiping out close to a third of all honeybee colonies a year, how are their numbers rising?
I cannot access that article, but it seems inconsistent with other reports, then again, it is the Washington Compost.

Colony collapse disorder - Wikipedia

The National Agriculture Statistics Service reported 2.44 million honey-producing hives were in the United States in February 2008, down from 4.5 million in 1980, and 5.9 million in 1947, though these numbers underestimate the total number of managed hives, as they exclude several thousand hives managed for pollination contracts only, and also do not include hives managed by beekeepers owning fewer than five hives. This under-representation may be offset by the practice of counting some hives more than once; hives that are moved to different states to produce honey are counted in each state's total and summed in total counts.[29]

Non-CCD winter losses as high as 50% have occurred in some years and regions (e.g., 2000–2001 in Pennsylvania). Normal winter losses are typically in the range of 15–25%. In many cases, beekeepers reporting significant losses of bees did not experience true CCD, but losses due to other causes.

In 2007 in the US, at least 24 different states[30] had reported at least one case of CCD.[31] In a 2007 survey of 384 responding beekeepers from 13 states, 23.8% met the specified criterion for CCD (that 50% or more of their dead colonies were found without bees and/or with very few dead bees in the hive or apiary).[31]

In the US in 2006–2007, CCD-suffering operations had a total loss of 45% compared to the total loss of 25% of all colonies experienced by non-CCD suffering beekeepers.[29][31]

A 2007–2008 survey of over 19% of all colonies revealed a total loss of 35.8%. Operations that pollinated almonds lost, on average, the same number of colonies as those that did not. The 37.9% of operations that reported having at least some of their colonies die with a complete lack of bees had a total loss of 40.8% of colonies compared to the 17.1% loss reported by beekeepers without this symptom. Large operations were more likely to have this symptom, suggesting a contagious condition may be a causal factor. About 60% of all colonies that were reported dead in this survey died without the presence of dead bees in the hive, thus possibly suffered from CCD.[29]

In 2010, the USDA reported that data on overall honey bee losses for the year indicate an estimated 34% loss, which is statistically similar to losses reported in 2007, 2008, and 2009.[22] In 2011, the loss was 30%.[32] In 2012–2013, CCD was blamed for the loss of about half of the US honey bee hives, far more than the 33% losses observed on average over previous years.​


But that is just one state, Minnesota, not the national stats that were brought up, so it does not rebut the fact that nationally bee populations are still in decline.
America’s beekeepers watched as a third of the country’s honeybee colonies were lost over the last year, part of a decade-long die-off experts said may threaten our food supply. The annual survey of roughly 5,000 beekeepers showed the 33% dip from April 2016 to April 2017. The decrease is small compared to the survey’s previous 10 years, when the decrease hovered at roughly 40%. From 2012 to 2013, nearly half of the nation’s colonies died. “I would stop short of calling this

1/3 of U.S. Honeybee Colonies Died Last Year

When the bees die mankind dies, and no their fkd up robotic little bees are not going to work as they sell that monsanto bs to these idiots who think they will be just as good. NOTHING CAN REPLACE NATURE nor WORK like nature.

Everything has balance and when it is disrupted things begin to collapse. .................Including people going fkn gay for the hell of it or turning into tranny's for the hell of it.

Well they should stop taking them around to places where they're exposed to diseases they aren't immune to.

If farmers want bees, they should cultivate them on-site.

Pesticides are bad, too, but a lot of it's just moving them around as is the practice.

I've had the same bees for 5 years now, before that there was an even bigger colony for 10 years, but they packed up and

left for some reason.
I watched an X-Files episode the other night about honeybees being genetically engineered to carry the smallpox virus.

The basis for this is:

For the majority of DNA-based viruses, the nucleus (the central organelle of the cell containing the DNA) of the host cell is used by the virus for the viral replication process (viruses are often naked strands of DNA without the necessary biochemical 'machinery' required to replicate themselves). The poxvirus family is unique among the known DNA viruses because its entire multiplication process takes place in the cell's cytoplasm, completely outside of the nucleus. If the purpose of the virus is to introduce alien DNA into a cell, the use of a vector virus which had the least effect on nuclear processes, such as a poxvirus, would be the best choice. Note that the alien-human hybrids in the buried railcar, which Mulder found in "Anasazi", had smallpox vaccination scars, which may be indicative of how Dr. Klemper created them-- by introducing alien DNA into human hosts via smallpox vaccinations.

Other than a minor difference in the molecular structure (90% of the genes are identical), the main difference between the smallpox and the cowpox viruses is their relative virulence in humans. Whereas a smallpox infection can be fatal in a human being, a cowpox infection is comparatively asymptomatic. However, because of the morphological and immunological similarities between the two viruses, immunity to the cowpox virus confers resistance to the smallpox virus-- this observation is the basis of the smallpox vaccine. Throughout the series, we have seen the experiments of the Syndicate alternate between the use of the smallpox virus and the smallpox vaccine (cowpox virus). The reasons for the choice of vector would be based on ease of handling. All inoculation, gene-splicing, and tagging experiments (as seen in "Tunguska", "Anasazi", and "Herrenvolk" respectively) involved the smallpox vaccine, which could be synthesized with more ease and handled more safely than an equal amount of live smallpox viruses. When it came to a field test ("Zero Sum"), the Syndicate used the actual smallpox virus, presumably to test its virulence.

The transmission properties of the smallpox virus also make it ideal for the purposes of introducing alien DNA to a population. The smallpox virus is very specific to human beings and no non-human reservoirs for the disease exist, allowing for a highly-targeted dispersal. Furthermore, subclinical infections do not occur (and hence there are no such thing as smallpox carriers), which means that dispersal of the virus will result in 100% saturation of the target population. Finally, close contact is required for transmission of the disease (either through inhalation of respiratory droplets or contact with the skin lesions) which would simplify the identification of infected individuals. This would give the Syndicate the ability to track the spread of the virus and stop the dispersal if need be.

Poxviruses are very large in general, allowing them to be seen under a light microscope. Presumably this would translate to greater ease of manipulation, for the purposes of inserting another virus or a strand of alien DNA within the protein shell.
Finally, since smallpox was declared eradicated by the World Health Organization in the early eighties, regular vaccination is no longer done. This would reduce the chance of resistance to the disease in target populations.

Based on these observations, it seems that the smallpox virus is being used to introduce alien DNA or some kind of biological toxin to human populations, with bees as the delivery vehicle. The end result would be either the Syndicate's plan for 'inventing the future', helping humanity evolve with the assistance of alien DNA, or eradicating humanity to make room for the Colonists. As revealed to Mulder in "The X-Files: Fight the Future", at the advent of colonization, the President will declare a national emergency and the entire country will fall under the jurisdiction of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). It is at this time that the genetically-engineered bees would disperse an unknown biological entity on the unsuspecting population. Whether it is the Black Oil, which appears to be the colonizing force (according to the recent feature film), or a vaccine against the Black Oil, still remains to be seen.



What the hell?

I watched an X-Files episode the other night about honeybees being genetically engineered to carry the smallpox virus.

I've had the same bees for 5 years now, before that there was an even bigger colony for 10 years, but they packed up and
left for some reason.



Or maybe they moved to the garden center of a store for a week and terrorized them before moving on. ;)

Them weren't my bees. :eusa_whistle:

That was a strange colony, I think they got overpopulated for their space or something. One time in a torrential downpour, a bunch came out and clung to a section of fence, thousands died.
America’s beekeepers watched as a third of the country’s honeybee colonies were lost over the last year, part of a decade-long die-off experts said may threaten our food supply. The annual survey of roughly 5,000 beekeepers showed the 33% dip from April 2016 to April 2017. The decrease is small compared to the survey’s previous 10 years, when the decrease hovered at roughly 40%. From 2012 to 2013, nearly half of the nation’s colonies died. “I would stop short of calling this

1/3 of U.S. Honeybee Colonies Died Last Year

When the bees die mankind dies, and no their fkd up robotic little bees are not going to work as they sell that monsanto bs to these idiots who think they will be just as good. NOTHING CAN REPLACE NATURE nor WORK like nature.

Everything has balance and when it is disrupted things begin to collapse. .................Including people going fkn gay for the hell of it or turning into tranny's for the hell of it.

More hyperbole?

The most essential staple food crops on the planet, like corn, wheat, rice, soybeans and sorghum, need no insect help at all; they are wind-pollinated or self-pollinating. Other staple food crops, like bananas and plantains, are sterile and propagated from cuttings, requiring no pollination of any form, ever. Further, foods such as root vegetables and salad crops will produce a useful food crop without pollination, though they may not set seed; and hybrids do not even require insect pollination to produce seeds for the next generation, because hybrid production is always human-pollinated. Many of the most desirable and common non-hybrid crops, like heirloom tomatoes, are self-pollinated, which is what makes their cultivar stable.

List of crop plants pollinated by bees - Wikipedia
It is no surprise that those crops are major GMO crops, controlled by the patent holders who own those genetics. Also, most GMO crops are not self-propagating, so seed must always be purchased from the big-ag companies that control them.
I watched an X-Files episode the other night about honeybees being genetically engineered to carry the smallpox virus.

The basis for this is:

For the majority of DNA-based viruses, the nucleus (the central organelle of the cell containing the DNA) of the host cell is used by the virus for the viral replication process (viruses are often naked strands of DNA without the necessary biochemical 'machinery' required to replicate themselves). The poxvirus family is unique among the known DNA viruses because its entire multiplication process takes place in the cell's cytoplasm, completely outside of the nucleus. If the purpose of the virus is to introduce alien DNA into a cell, the use of a vector virus which had the least effect on nuclear processes, such as a poxvirus, would be the best choice. Note that the alien-human hybrids in the buried railcar, which Mulder found in "Anasazi", had smallpox vaccination scars, which may be indicative of how Dr. Klemper created them-- by introducing alien DNA into human hosts via smallpox vaccinations.

Other than a minor difference in the molecular structure (90% of the genes are identical), the main difference between the smallpox and the cowpox viruses is their relative virulence in humans. Whereas a smallpox infection can be fatal in a human being, a cowpox infection is comparatively asymptomatic. However, because of the morphological and immunological similarities between the two viruses, immunity to the cowpox virus confers resistance to the smallpox virus-- this observation is the basis of the smallpox vaccine. Throughout the series, we have seen the experiments of the Syndicate alternate between the use of the smallpox virus and the smallpox vaccine (cowpox virus). The reasons for the choice of vector would be based on ease of handling. All inoculation, gene-splicing, and tagging experiments (as seen in "Tunguska", "Anasazi", and "Herrenvolk" respectively) involved the smallpox vaccine, which could be synthesized with more ease and handled more safely than an equal amount of live smallpox viruses. When it came to a field test ("Zero Sum"), the Syndicate used the actual smallpox virus, presumably to test its virulence.

The transmission properties of the smallpox virus also make it ideal for the purposes of introducing alien DNA to a population. The smallpox virus is very specific to human beings and no non-human reservoirs for the disease exist, allowing for a highly-targeted dispersal. Furthermore, subclinical infections do not occur (and hence there are no such thing as smallpox carriers), which means that dispersal of the virus will result in 100% saturation of the target population. Finally, close contact is required for transmission of the disease (either through inhalation of respiratory droplets or contact with the skin lesions) which would simplify the identification of infected individuals. This would give the Syndicate the ability to track the spread of the virus and stop the dispersal if need be.

Poxviruses are very large in general, allowing them to be seen under a light microscope. Presumably this would translate to greater ease of manipulation, for the purposes of inserting another virus or a strand of alien DNA within the protein shell.
Finally, since smallpox was declared eradicated by the World Health Organization in the early eighties, regular vaccination is no longer done. This would reduce the chance of resistance to the disease in target populations.

Based on these observations, it seems that the smallpox virus is being used to introduce alien DNA or some kind of biological toxin to human populations, with bees as the delivery vehicle. The end result would be either the Syndicate's plan for 'inventing the future', helping humanity evolve with the assistance of alien DNA, or eradicating humanity to make room for the Colonists. As revealed to Mulder in "The X-Files: Fight the Future", at the advent of colonization, the President will declare a national emergency and the entire country will fall under the jurisdiction of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). It is at this time that the genetically-engineered bees would disperse an unknown biological entity on the unsuspecting population. Whether it is the Black Oil, which appears to be the colonizing force (according to the recent feature film), or a vaccine against the Black Oil, still remains to be seen.

I wouldn't put it past these crazy SOB's do being doing something just like that. There are suppose to be quite a few x file shows that have factual truth to them.

I mean look at this bs here ..

Genetically Engineered Goats to "Carry" New Malaria Vaccine

Yes GMO is bad. God- made food is good. :321: Monsanto.

Monsanto makes me wanna go all Sonny Clark n stuff.

I have seeds from before Monsanto came to be.

America’s beekeepers watched as a third of the country’s honeybee colonies were lost over the last year, part of a decade-long die-off experts said may threaten our food supply. The annual survey of roughly 5,000 beekeepers showed the 33% dip from April 2016 to April 2017. The decrease is small compared to the survey’s previous 10 years, when the decrease hovered at roughly 40%. From 2012 to 2013, nearly half of the nation’s colonies died. “I would stop short of calling this

1/3 of U.S. Honeybee Colonies Died Last Year

When the bees die mankind dies, and no their fkd up robotic little bees are not going to work as they sell that monsanto bs to these idiots who think they will be just as good. NOTHING CAN REPLACE NATURE nor WORK like nature.

Everything has balance and when it is disrupted things begin to collapse. .................Including people going fkn gay for the hell of it or turning into tranny's for the hell of it.
And it has nothing to do with gorbal warming (aka: climate change) and everything to do with genetic engineering crops with toxins.

Not so fast...

How Climate Change is Messing with Bees | Smart News | Smithsonian

GOV. funded and pushed agenda those who go along with the global warming bs get finded that's all that bs is about.
Yes GMO is bad. God- made food is good. :321: Monsanto.

Monsanto makes me wanna go all Sonny Clark n stuff.

I have seeds from before Monsanto came to be.


Better hope they don't get infected as the wind blowing seeds from else where can contaminate other seeds/ crops
America’s beekeepers watched as a third of the country’s honeybee colonies were lost over the last year, part of a decade-long die-off experts said may threaten our food supply. The annual survey of roughly 5,000 beekeepers showed the 33% dip from April 2016 to April 2017. The decrease is small compared to the survey’s previous 10 years, when the decrease hovered at roughly 40%. From 2012 to 2013, nearly half of the nation’s colonies died. “I would stop short of calling this

1/3 of U.S. Honeybee Colonies Died Last Year

When the bees die mankind dies, and no their fkd up robotic little bees are not going to work as they sell that monsanto bs to these idiots who think they will be just as good. NOTHING CAN REPLACE NATURE nor WORK like nature.

Everything has balance and when it is disrupted things begin to collapse. .................Including people going fkn gay for the hell of it or turning into tranny's for the hell of it.

More hyperbole?

The most essential staple food crops on the planet, like corn, wheat, rice, soybeans and sorghum, need no insect help at all; they are wind-pollinated or self-pollinating. Other staple food crops, like bananas and plantains, are sterile and propagated from cuttings, requiring no pollination of any form, ever. Further, foods such as root vegetables and salad crops will produce a useful food crop without pollination, though they may not set seed; and hybrids do not even require insect pollination to produce seeds for the next generation, because hybrid production is always human-pollinated. Many of the most desirable and common non-hybrid crops, like heirloom tomatoes, are self-pollinated, which is what makes their cultivar stable.

List of crop plants pollinated by bees - Wikipedia
Did you know that social ground wasps will actually ruin the apples while they are still on the tree. They may pollinate some but not much and they are also destructive if there are too many of them. The larger and a smaller wasps and hornets actually eat aphids and other destructive pest and some of these can be beneficial.

interesting stuff! My daughter was a biology major and is now an Army officer. She is sitting next to me and gave me the info where to look for confirmation that this thread is much ado about nothing, like most of the OP's crap.

BFD and your daughter is just as fkn clueless as you why because she was taught to learn just what the LIBERAL UNIVERSITIES want them to learn. It isn't until they go off on their own start digging and learn how FKN OFF they were and then when they come forward with guess what happens to them.

Officers are nothing but paper pushers anyway .... Usually trendy liberal idiots just like you .

As if saying she's a alleged biologist lmfao makes it a sure fire thing. Meanwhile Science is wrong ALL THE FKN TIME BRAIN DEAD LIBTARD.

America’s beekeepers watched as a third of the country’s honeybee colonies were lost over the last year, part of a decade-long die-off experts said may threaten our food supply. The annual survey of roughly 5,000 beekeepers showed the 33% dip from April 2016 to April 2017. The decrease is small compared to the survey’s previous 10 years, when the decrease hovered at roughly 40%. From 2012 to 2013, nearly half of the nation’s colonies died. “I would stop short of calling this

1/3 of U.S. Honeybee Colonies Died Last Year

When the bees die mankind dies, and no their fkd up robotic little bees are not going to work as they sell that monsanto bs to these idiots who think they will be just as good. NOTHING CAN REPLACE NATURE nor WORK like nature.

Everything has balance and when it is disrupted things begin to collapse. .................Including people going fkn gay for the hell of it or turning into tranny's for the hell of it.
Someday, probably when we have a famine, we may wake up a realize that we need nature to provide us with our basic necessities and we will stop spraying so much poison to get rid of them.
But worrying about gay folks ain't going to get us to respect nature.
America’s beekeepers watched as a third of the country’s honeybee colonies were lost over the last year, part of a decade-long die-off experts said may threaten our food supply. The annual survey of roughly 5,000 beekeepers showed the 33% dip from April 2016 to April 2017. The decrease is small compared to the survey’s previous 10 years, when the decrease hovered at roughly 40%. From 2012 to 2013, nearly half of the nation’s colonies died. “I would stop short of calling this

1/3 of U.S. Honeybee Colonies Died Last Year

When the bees die mankind dies, and no their fkd up robotic little bees are not going to work as they sell that monsanto bs to these idiots who think they will be just as good. NOTHING CAN REPLACE NATURE nor WORK like nature.

Everything has balance and when it is disrupted things begin to collapse. .................Including people going fkn gay for the hell of it or turning into tranny's for the hell of it.

More hyperbole?

The most essential staple food crops on the planet, like corn, wheat, rice, soybeans and sorghum, need no insect help at all; they are wind-pollinated or self-pollinating. Other staple food crops, like bananas and plantains, are sterile and propagated from cuttings, requiring no pollination of any form, ever. Further, foods such as root vegetables and salad crops will produce a useful food crop without pollination, though they may not set seed; and hybrids do not even require insect pollination to produce seeds for the next generation, because hybrid production is always human-pollinated. Many of the most desirable and common non-hybrid crops, like heirloom tomatoes, are self-pollinated, which is what makes their cultivar stable.

List of crop plants pollinated by bees - Wikipedia
Did you know that social ground wasps will actually ruin the apples while they are still on the tree. They may pollinate some but not much and they are also destructive if there are too many of them. The larger and a smaller wasps and hornets actually eat aphids and other destructive pest and some of these can be beneficial.

interesting stuff! My daughter was a biology major and is now an Army officer. She is sitting next to me and gave me the info where to look for confirmation that this thread is much ado about nothing, like most of the OP's crap.

BFD and your daughter is just as fkn clueless as you why because she was taught to learn just what the LIBERAL UNIVERSITIES want them to learn. It isn't until they go off on their own start digging and learn how FKN OFF they were and then when they come forward with guess what happens to them.

Officers are nothing but paper pushers anyway .... Usually trendy liberal idiots just like you .

As if saying she's a alleged biologist lmfao makes it a sure fire thing. Meanwhile Science is wrong ALL THE FKN TIME BRAIN DEAD LIBTARD.


America’s beekeepers watched as a third of the country’s honeybee colonies were lost over the last year, part of a decade-long die-off experts said may threaten our food supply. The annual survey of roughly 5,000 beekeepers showed the 33% dip from April 2016 to April 2017. The decrease is small compared to the survey’s previous 10 years, when the decrease hovered at roughly 40%. From 2012 to 2013, nearly half of the nation’s colonies died. “I would stop short of calling this

1/3 of U.S. Honeybee Colonies Died Last Year

When the bees die mankind dies, and no their fkd up robotic little bees are not going to work as they sell that monsanto bs to these idiots who think they will be just as good. NOTHING CAN REPLACE NATURE nor WORK like nature.

Everything has balance and when it is disrupted things begin to collapse. .................Including people going fkn gay for the hell of it or turning into tranny's for the hell of it.

More hyperbole?

The most essential staple food crops on the planet, like corn, wheat, rice, soybeans and sorghum, need no insect help at all; they are wind-pollinated or self-pollinating. Other staple food crops, like bananas and plantains, are sterile and propagated from cuttings, requiring no pollination of any form, ever. Further, foods such as root vegetables and salad crops will produce a useful food crop without pollination, though they may not set seed; and hybrids do not even require insect pollination to produce seeds for the next generation, because hybrid production is always human-pollinated. Many of the most desirable and common non-hybrid crops, like heirloom tomatoes, are self-pollinated, which is what makes their cultivar stable.

List of crop plants pollinated by bees - Wikipedia
Did you know that social ground wasps will actually ruin the apples while they are still on the tree. They may pollinate some but not much and they are also destructive if there are too many of them. The larger and a smaller wasps and hornets actually eat aphids and other destructive pest and some of these can be beneficial.

interesting stuff! My daughter was a biology major and is now an Army officer. She is sitting next to me and gave me the info where to look for confirmation that this thread is much ado about nothing, like most of the OP's crap.

BFD and your daughter is just as fkn clueless as you why because she was taught to learn just what the LIBERAL UNIVERSITIES want them to learn. It isn't until they go off on their own start digging and learn how FKN OFF they were and then when they come forward with guess what happens to them.

Officers are nothing but paper pushers anyway .... Usually trendy liberal idiots just like you .

As if saying she's a alleged biologist lmfao makes it a sure fire thing. Meanwhile Science is wrong ALL THE FKN TIME BRAIN DEAD LIBTARD.


For what? Argument from authority?

Full alphabetic list of Fallacies
More hyperbole?

The most essential staple food crops on the planet, like corn, wheat, rice, soybeans and sorghum, need no insect help at all; they are wind-pollinated or self-pollinating. Other staple food crops, like bananas and plantains, are sterile and propagated from cuttings, requiring no pollination of any form, ever. Further, foods such as root vegetables and salad crops will produce a useful food crop without pollination, though they may not set seed; and hybrids do not even require insect pollination to produce seeds for the next generation, because hybrid production is always human-pollinated. Many of the most desirable and common non-hybrid crops, like heirloom tomatoes, are self-pollinated, which is what makes their cultivar stable.

List of crop plants pollinated by bees - Wikipedia
Did you know that social ground wasps will actually ruin the apples while they are still on the tree. They may pollinate some but not much and they are also destructive if there are too many of them. The larger and a smaller wasps and hornets actually eat aphids and other destructive pest and some of these can be beneficial.

interesting stuff! My daughter was a biology major and is now an Army officer. She is sitting next to me and gave me the info where to look for confirmation that this thread is much ado about nothing, like most of the OP's crap.

BFD and your daughter is just as fkn clueless as you why because she was taught to learn just what the LIBERAL UNIVERSITIES want them to learn. It isn't until they go off on their own start digging and learn how FKN OFF they were and then when they come forward with guess what happens to them.

Officers are nothing but paper pushers anyway .... Usually trendy liberal idiots just like you .

As if saying she's a alleged biologist lmfao makes it a sure fire thing. Meanwhile Science is wrong ALL THE FKN TIME BRAIN DEAD LIBTARD.


For what? Argument from authority?

Full alphabetic list of Fallacies

Trendy's big babies.
America’s beekeepers watched as a third of the country’s honeybee colonies were lost over the last year, part of a decade-long die-off experts said may threaten our food supply. The annual survey of roughly 5,000 beekeepers showed the 33% dip from April 2016 to April 2017. The decrease is small compared to the survey’s previous 10 years, when the decrease hovered at roughly 40%. From 2012 to 2013, nearly half of the nation’s colonies died. “I would stop short of calling this

1/3 of U.S. Honeybee Colonies Died Last Year

When the bees die mankind dies, and no their fkd up robotic little bees are not going to work as they sell that monsanto bs to these idiots who think they will be just as good. NOTHING CAN REPLACE NATURE nor WORK like nature.

Everything has balance and when it is disrupted things begin to collapse. .................Including people going fkn gay for the hell of it or turning into tranny's for the hell of it.

More hyperbole?

The most essential staple food crops on the planet, like corn, wheat, rice, soybeans and sorghum, need no insect help at all; they are wind-pollinated or self-pollinating. Other staple food crops, like bananas and plantains, are sterile and propagated from cuttings, requiring no pollination of any form, ever. Further, foods such as root vegetables and salad crops will produce a useful food crop without pollination, though they may not set seed; and hybrids do not even require insect pollination to produce seeds for the next generation, because hybrid production is always human-pollinated. Many of the most desirable and common non-hybrid crops, like heirloom tomatoes, are self-pollinated, which is what makes their cultivar stable.

List of crop plants pollinated by bees - Wikipedia

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He wasn't talking about conspiracies. He was referring to his Daughter joining Morning Joe and pushing propaganda out every morning to the public.. :badgrin:
Somebody nailed it about page2 or 3. The "working bees" have been horribly abused. Carted from state to state on trucks to work one type of crop after another. Exposed to pesticide and disease which spreads it to dozens of other local bee habitat. It's all the stressors on the population, but particularly men carting them from state to state in trucks. Stop transporting and enslaving them and the "general" collapse will wane away..

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