Anti-labor laws and inferior public educational and training practices in the USA:
German governments' practices regarding labor organizations and vocational training are somewhat similar to many, (if not most) other Western European nations. Their labor organization representatives sit at...
The Federal Minimum Wage.
The U.S. Dollar (as all nations' currencies), is of variable value within time. That's why USA's Social Security retirement benefits are annually adjusted to a cost-price index).
Congressional Democrats had previously submitted a proposal, (H.R. 582, 1st session of...
Credible economists do not refute annual trade deficits detrimental affects upon their nation's GDP.
I believe you'll find creditable economists do not refute that due to USA's annual trade deficits, the nation's domestic production was less than otherwise; (i.e. the nation's domestic products...
Why is a federal minimum wage rate needed?
Our federal courts have upheld our Fair Labor Practices Act’s statutes, but there are still those that question the need for it to be federal law. The federal minimum wage rate limits lower wage rate states extents to deliberately or inadvertently...
Did the Congressional Budget Office deliberately less inform the Congress and the public?
Concerning Congressional Budget Office’s reports regarding the federal minimum wage rate:
To the extent of its purchasing power, our federal minimum wage rate reduces incidences and extent of poverty among...
Minimum wage rate and labors’ market prices.
Products “Market prices” are affecting by various factors. Enforcement of government laws affecting regarding trade or contracts regarding a product, is often such a price affecting factor. Those using the term ‘market rates” applicable to a legally...
CBO’s report on the congressional house’s passed H.R. 582, minimum wage rate proposal.
The last minimum wage bill that was proposed and considered in congress, was H.R. 582, “Raise the Wage Act”. It was passed by the Democratic majority house, then passed on to the Republican majority senate...
“Raise the Wage Act”, (H.R. 582) would have increased most USA’s wage-earning families’ incomes.
The last minimum wage bill that was proposed and considered in congress, was H.R. 258, “Raise the Wage Act”. It was passed by the Democratic majority house, then passed on to the Republican majority...
News shows keep playing clips of Trump saying this is the best economy ever.
Does anyone believe that?
And what evidence is there that this is the best economy ever?
I'm guessing because of all the damage they've caused.
Trump ran on no tax cuts for billionaires. How'd that work out?
Dairy Farmers going under.
Soy Farmers going under.
Millions losing healthcare.
Increasing wage gap.
The US is no longer the leader of the free world.
More jobs, sure...
The Opportunity Index: Ranking Opportunity in Metropolitan America – Third Way
To find job quality in each MSA, the Opportunity Index combines data from the Labor Department’s Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) and a modified version of the Economic Policy Institute’s Family Budget...
DanielPalos, you're referring to the fact that USA's imports and our trade deficits volumes are not of great proportion relative to our annual gross domestic products, (GDPs). But the amounts of nations' net trade balances effects upon their GDPs to some extents understate, (never overstate)...
A trade deficit indicates the nation consumed more than it produced.
A trade deficit indicates the nation consumed more than it produced. Annual trade deficits are always net detrimental to their nation's GDP and thus to their numbers of jobs.
I'm among the proponents of the improved trade...
Minimum wage is an issue of character.
The essence of personal and political opposition to the FMW rate.
The federal minimum wage, (FMW) rate is of net social and economic benefit to our nation. It has never been among the major causes of the U.S. dollar’s inflation; on the contrary, it’s...
USA goods could be competitively priced:
It's paradoxical that those choosing to purchase foreign products (usually correctly) believe they're acting in their individual best interests, but annual trade deficits are net detrimental to their nation's economy.
Purchasers of foreign goods gain no...
Excerpted from Wikipedia’s “Balance of Trade” article:
“Trade balances effects upon their nation's GDPs.
Exports directly contribute and imports directly reduce their nation's balance of trade (i.e. net exports). A trade surplus is positive net balance of trade, and a trade deficit is a...
Many here complain about income inequality. I can only assume these are the people who believe they are getting the shaft and need to blame someone else for their poor choices. I say this because men and women of reason typically take charge of their situation and change it for the better...
Do you know the old Tenessee Ford song of I owe my soul to the company store?
You load sixteen tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go
I owe my soul to the company store…
Full lyrics on Google Play Music
In those days...
Neither Trump nor Sanders will remedy USA’s global trade deficits.
Trump & Sanders at least acknowledge USA’s chronic trade deficits extents of harm to USA’s economy; no candidates dare propose explicit answers.
All nations, enterprises and people behave in what they perceive to be their...
USA’s chronic trade deficits.
Annual trade deficits are ALWAYS immediately detrimental to their nations’ economies.
There are only two presidential candidates that do actually reject and/or effectively avoid giving any credence to the problem of USA’s chronic global annual trade deficits...