supreme court

  1. deanrd

    Supreme Court ruling: Carpenter versus the United States.

    Supreme Court says warrant necessary for phone location data The US Supreme Court has ruled in favor of digital privacy. In a 5-4 decision on Friday the justices decided that police need warrants to gather phone location data as evidence for trials. The Supreme Court reversed and remanded the...
  2. TheProgressivePatriot

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Liberal Lioness of The Supreme Court

    Also known as the notorious RBG, Justice Ginsburg, at 85 is showing no sign of slowing down or letting up on opposing the conservatives on the high court. On Monday, she delivered a scathing dissenting opinion on the narrowly decided labor relations case. Ruth Bader Ginsburg takes off the...
  3. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Pres. Trump scores another major victory; SCOTUS grants TRO of Frisco court order re: DACA

    Supreme Court lifts orders to disclose DACA cancellation records A sharply divided Supreme Court on Friday lifted orders the Trump administration was facing to turn over more records detailing the decision to terminate the Obama-era program that offers quasi-legal status and work permits to...
  4. P@triot

    What a sad indictment on progressivism

    So actually reading what is written on a legal document and accepting the words exactly as they are is now considered “Originalism” and “Textualism” by the left? Seriously? “Textualism”? :eusa_doh: Words have absolutely no meaning to the left. If they did, they couldn’t make a case for their...
  5. P@triot

    President Trump doesn't expect Ginsburg OR Sotomayor to make it through his 1st term

    Wow. Ginsburg isn’t all that surprising, but Sotomayor was just appointed. Wouldn’t have even considered her. If it were to come to fruition, appointing 4 Supreme Court Justices would certainly protect the republic for an entire generation. It’s critical that President Trump at least appoint...
  6. cnelsen

    The left's reaction to the SC decision permitting travel ban

    For leftists, it is always more immigration and any attempt to even slow it down is met with ferocious leftist resistance. The reaction to the Supreme Court decision re-installing modestly a portion of Trump's temporary travel ban is typical of their over-the-top hysteria and zealotry. For...
  7. OKTexas

    Will Ginsburg Have To Recuse Herself On Travel Suspension

    After all the negative comments RGB made during the election about Trump can she objectively hear this case? In interviews with the Associated Press and the New York Times she remarked, “I can’t imagine what the country would be with Donald Trump as our president. For the country, it could be...
  8. MindWars

    Roger Stone: Resignation of Justice Kennedy imminent exclusive from the White house

    President Trump has been informed of Justice Anthony Kennedy’s impending resignation, meaning that the president will soon make his second pick for the Supreme Court, according to White House sources speaking with Trump insider Roger Stone. Roger Stone: Resignation of Justice Kennedy Imminent –...
  9. P@triot

    The future of the Supreme Court

    The future will be very bright for this nation and for the Supreme Court if this comes to fruition and if President Trump nominates qualified justices like he did with Neil Gorsuch. I still say he needs to appoint Ted Cruz. Trump has great news for conservatives about the future of the Supreme...
  10. P@triot

    Mission Accomplished

    On November 20, 2016, I said the following (post #329): While it wasn't Ted Cruz, it appears that President Trump nominated someone just as qualified and just as committed to protecting and upholding the U.S. Constitution in Neil Gorsuch. This election was entirely about the Supreme Court for...
  11. American_Jihad

    Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch is about to become a reality

    Ya never know he might do some silly things like chief justice John Roberts did with that STUPID healthcare B/S... SENATE REPUBLICANS NUKE THE SCOTUS FILIBUSTER Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch is about to become a reality. April 7, 2017 Matthew Vadum Senate Majority Leader Mitch...
  12. Y

    Senator Patty (lying b!tch) Murray on PBS

    Senator Patty (lying b!tch) Murray D-WA was interviewed by Judy Woodruff on The PBS News Hour tonight (4/6/2017) and lied through her teeth to every question asked of her. She used the attached fallacies of rhetoric to answer every one. She thinks she is clever and that everyone else is...
  13. P@triot

    Former Obama Administration attorney supports Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court

    Unlike those that Barack Obama nominated, Neil Gorsuch is not a political activist. He is a true impartial judge. Former Clerk Explains Her Support for Gorsuch
  14. Y

    Gorsuch confirmation hearings

    The Gorsuch confirmation hearings will begin tomorrow (Monday 3/20/2017). The first day will be occupied by opening statements (speeches) made by each of the 20 members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Then on Tuesday (3/21/2017) the DEM's will begin to pepper Gorsuch with questions. A vote...
  15. S

    Filibuster Republican Court Nominee

    Filibuster the Republican Supreme Court Nominee: The Republican Party’s Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell and their judiciary committee members deliberately prevented the U.S. Senate from discussing and voting upon the Democratic president’s nominee for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court...
  16. ding

    President Trump's Vision for the next Supreme Court Justice

    Constitution Appoint justices to the United States Supreme Court who will uphold our laws and our Constitution. The replacement for Justice Scalia will be a person of similar views and principles who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. Defend the rule of law and the...
  17. P@triot

    The Supreme Court

    There is tremendous hope and potential for the future of this country based on how many Supreme Court Justices Donald Trump gets to appoint and who he chooses. His list appears very encouraging and getting them approved shouldn't be much of an issue with a Republican-controlled Senate. Who on...
  18. Chuz Life

    CDZ Why President Trump will have no 'Choice' but to ban Abortion.

    First of all, let's be clear. It is understood that the President alone does not have the power nor the authority to "ban abortion" on their own. Please don't read too far into the title of this thread. That said, on inauguration day, January 20, 2017 - When President Elect Donald Trump is...
  19. MindWars

    The great American screwjob

    Learn how globalist policies have taken advantage of America on so many levels Could it be an illegal alien canvasing your neighborhood begging you to vote for Hillary Clinton, the criminal candidate that will fight for the 750,000 illegals under DACA that has already been struck down by the...
  20. MindWars

    Podesta Emailed About an Assassination Three Days Before Supreme Court Justice Scalia’s Suspicious D

    We already knw Scalia was taken out on purpose. It is the leftist mind controlled lunatics who can't seem to get themselves unstuck from the Government teet , and adoring them as if they are their ever loving parents. News Flash the Government does not give a damn about you , nor your family...
  21. P@triot

    This is why liberals have replaced the Constitution with the Supreme Court

    The Constitution legally restricts the communist desires of the liberal ideology - and they know it. However, if they can stack the Supreme Court with like-minded communists that ignore the Constitution, and the proclaim that the Supreme Court is the highest law in the land instead of the U.S...
  22. washamericom

    i don't like the executives to use the USSC as a tool.

    i've heard both sides do it, and it's outrageous. they are above reproach. but they are kind of still picked with politics in mind. thoughts ?
  23. American_Jihad

    'You're Supposed to be Demonstrating What Good Citizens You'd Make'

    That's how rude they are, load them into buses and take them straight to the border... Rep. King to Angry Immigrant Activists: 'You're Supposed to be Demonstrating What Good Citizens You'd Make' "Are you an example of the America we can expect?" 4.18.2016 News Trey Sanchez Rep. Steve...
  24. Slade3200

    What's wrong with the GOP? Vote on Supreme Court Justice

    I have yet to hear a non-political non-BS reason for the GOP's hold out from meeting and voting on a Supreme Court Nominee. If there was a president Trump and the same situation presented itself in 4 years is there any doubt that they would flip a 180 and support a vote for the nominee?? If the...
  25. Chuz Life

    I am "Chuz Life" - Ask me Anything

    I tried this once in another thread with mixed results. I left that site in a never ending search for something better. I thought I would try the same here to see how it goes. Fire away!
  26. American_Jihad

    There’s ample precedent for rejecting lame duck supreme court nominees

    RIP Justice Antonin Scalia... There’s Ample Precedent For Rejecting Lame Duck Supreme Court Nominees February 13, 2016 By Gabriel Malor Historically, many Supreme Court nominations made in a President’s final year in office are rejected by the Senate. That started with John Quincy Adams...
  27. American_Jihad

    Will Democrats' gain 5 million new voters with the stroke of a pen?

    For the jackass it's always about the VOTE... High Court To Hear Amnesty Challenge Will Democrats' gain 5 million new voters with the stroke of a pen? January 21, 2016 Matthew Vadum The Supreme Court has decided to hear 26 states' challenge to President Obama's unpopular and...

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