Dont Taz Me Bro
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  • I dont give a shit what any of these other people say, and we do not see eye to eye politically, but i say you are fair enough with me.

    and really, who cares if a mod exerts bias, in the responsibility of being mod, we are all human, none of us are perfect, and if I got to work with or around bias, that is part of the challenge in being articulate and accurate with my comments and threads

    mod on, brother
    What's going on with you man? You've turned this whole modding thing into a power trip simulator. I've been monitoring your activity and you appear to only target conservative posts / posters. Also, a lot of your posts are during normal business hours, yet you state that you work at a bank? Maybe you should be doing your real job instead of abusing your mod role.
    Created new thread in Latin America, could you remove this thread for me?
    I disagree with closing the Vindman thread.
    While Alexander is not running for Congress, his identical twin Yevgeny, is.

    Clearly Yevgeny was likely also involved in the impeachment attempt.
    Burisma Holdings still has never been investigated.

    The Ukraine cost us trillions over what we cannot possibly gain from.
    A suggestion: add a comment emoticon of a question mark to indicate "I don't understand what you're trying to say"
    that way your emoticons you receive skyrockets, good idea, we finally agree
    Does this mean you're going to start blocking thread derailers and attackers in my threads? Of course not, that would mean you were actually moderating fair and balanced
    Re Hot Water and Storms: Grazzi. BtW, I haven't the faintest idea how to get back to a conversation
    Hello, I don't believe we met yet. I just flew in on my Firebolt earlier this week. Nice to meet you. So far, all of the staff has been wonderful to me. :) (Not all of the members, but all of the staff at least.)
    Great. then link this to the "already threads." Thank you very much.
    Will You? Winco.
    What makes a thread "political", honest question? The threads I posted are about public policy or proposed public policy, as far as I'm aware of, that's political.

    Please enlighten me, or move the thread to the correct forum and reopen it.
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