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  • Maybe you think I'm dumb. That's fine, but what lie are you talking about? I'm curious to know.
    Leaving a comment such as the one you did is a sign of someone seriously emotionally disturbed. Have you consider therapy? Even if you have, and it failed to fix you, keep going before you find yourself in a padded cell, or with a roommate even more disturbed than you.
    Thanks for the Rep. Ask Zeke what the Serbians did to us that deserved 72 days of terror bombing. Ask Zeke what Libya and Syria did to us.
    Hey hey fuckhead. I see you couldn't answer my question either. What was the action Iraq took against us to justify invading Iraq. I read that you think you are a pretty smart guy. Don't know why you think that but.... go ahead and try and answer. I saw that Kosh couldn't even make shit up. Maybe you can.
    i do not see how you can discuss the standards of this board with your recent posts....wanting people to die??
    You want to see disgusting? Look in the mirror. Anyone who writes "suck my dick fag boy" is uber disgusting, vulgar, uneducated and in the parlance of the locker room a dirt bag. That seems to describe you to a T.
    You posted this message on my page, "suck my dick fag boy"; clearly you wanted to ask Warrior (aka: warbler) for a date but lack the skill to properly post such a message. Please be advised he is currently 'engaged' (in the manner you hoped warrior would engage you) with Rabbi.

    Soon a new circle jerk for right wing "fags" will once again appear as a new thread - I recommend you friend the two above so as to not miss this event. BTW, you have more in common with Warrior and Rabbi then you likely know, both are rather dumb, arrogant, vulgar and want others to believe they are real men who are attracted to women.
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