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  • Thanks for the rep, I have a lot of powerful tea bagger enemies here. People like you bring some semblance of equalization to this "rep" game.
    u realize you can remove it within a certain time-frame. Go to user CP.
    See if u can pos-rep me.
    thanks Joe for the rep

    its not a big deal to me, in and of itself, but it is good to know that some others share my thoughts, and for letting me know that I really do thank you
    Thank God you gave me a neg rep. The day I get a positive one from a whiny, spoiled liberal like you who thinks others owe him whatever goods and services he covets today at their expense is the day I know I screwed up. Just a heads up though -probably not a good idea to insult the very people you intend to rob and victimize. No extra brownie points.
    I have to make admission that stuffing the willfully stupid back in thier mental caves is a selfish pleasure. :lol:

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