Zionist Nazis demand Obama attack Iran!!!

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Israel presses Obama against Iran
Sat, 06 Dec 2008 19:32:53 GMT

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak advises Obama and the "free world" to move against Iran.
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has demanded that the Obama administration "face up to Iran", amid Israeli preparations for war.

In a Saturday phone conversation, Barak said the time is ticking for newly-appointed US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert Gates to dissuade Tehran from enriching uranium.

He called for the international community to work side by side in order to free the world of "challenges such as the Islamic Republic's nuclear activities".

"The free world has many challenges on the agenda, from Iran to radical Islamic terrorism, and tight international cooperation is needed to face these issues," Barak was quoted as saying.

The Israeli demand comes shortly after a Thursday report published by The Jerusalem Post, which confirmed hat Tel Aviv is planning a solo attack on Iranian nuclear facilities.

Israeli threats against the Islamic Republic reached a new height in November, fueling speculations that Tel Aviv intends to stage its third attack on Middle Eastern countries over nuclear allegations.

Israeli intelligence sources told the Times late in November that the prospect of military action against Iran had significantly increased.

Israeli Air Force Commander General Ido Nehushtan also announced that his forces were ready to follow any order to bring Iran's nuclear program to a halt.

IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei in a recently released report said, however, that the agency "has been able to continue to verify the non-diversion of declared nuclear material in Iran," adding that there has been 'no indication' of Iran conducting nuclear reprocessing activities.

The report also urges Iran to increase its cooperation with the agency over the "alleged studies" of weaponization attributed to Tehran by Western countries.

Tehran has been accused of launching a "green salt project, high explosives testing, and the missile re-entry vehicle project".

Iranian officials say the allegations are based on "fabricated data" and have requested the UN nuclear watchdog to provide Tehran with the original documents.

The International Atomic Energy Agency, however, says it is in no "position" to do so due to US reluctance to provide the agency with the original copies of the documents.

Because, of course, Iran's propaganda arm is sooooooooooooooo truthful...



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What a lying freak....
Because, of course, Iran's propaganda arm is sooooooooooooooo truthful...




What a lying freak....

Recently The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel is drawing up plans to attack Iran's nuclear facilities and is prepared to launch a strike without backing from the U.S. Officials in the Israeli Defense Ministry told the paper that while they prefer to act in consultation with the U.S., they are preparing plans that would allow them to act alone.

Israel lacks 'gumption' to strike Iran? (OneNewsNow.com)

there seems to be plenty of confirmation of this from other news sources
it's pretty ironic to see someone lash out at Iran's propaganda while the fallacious "b-b-but he said that jews must be driven into the sea!" line waits on a trembling tongue at every corner.

bottom line: The US should not be attacking Iran by proxy for the sake of israel's sabre rattling.
it's pretty ironic to see someone lash out at Iran's propaganda while the fallacious "b-b-but he said that jews must be driven into the sea!" line waits on a trembling tongue at every corner.

bottom line: The US should not be attacking Iran by proxy for the sake of israel's sabre rattling.

Israel should blow the shit out of Iran sooner rather than later. Blow up Tehran with 3 or 4 nukes and add a 5th one for good measure. Iran will be paralyzed and won't be able to strike back.
Israel should blow the shit out of Iran sooner rather than later. Blow up Tehran with 3 or 4 nukes and add a 5th one for good measure. Iran will be paralyzed and won't be able to strike back.

clearly, with your attitude regarding the loss of iranian life the globe should be as concerned for potential life lost in israel. It's a good thing jewish life is more valuable than iranian life, eh?


LET israel do more than hide behind the pantleg of the US. Hell, if israel wants to be honest about their nuclear capabilities then watch what happens no more than 10 years after nuking a muslim nation.
Israel should blow the shit out of Iran sooner rather than later. Blow up Tehran with 3 or 4 nukes and add a 5th one for good measure. Iran will be paralyzed and won't be able to strike back.
dude, that was be an asinine response
not everyone in Tehran supports the moron that is the figurehead
Israel should blow the shit out of Iran sooner rather than later. Blow up Tehran with 3 or 4 nukes and add a 5th one for good measure. Iran will be paralyzed and won't be able to strike back.
Once Israel does something like you suggest. The whole world will see Israel for the fascist state that it is.

Every nation will turn against the nazi monsters who rule the rouge nation of Israel.

The best part will be that American citizens will demand that the United States government cut Israel loose from all fundings and weapon sales.

Soon after, a weakened Israel will fall, and the Zionist rulers will be arrested and tried by the World Court for genocidal crimes against humanity.
dude, that was be an asinine response
not everyone in Tehran supports the moron that is the figurehead

shhhhhh... thats pure, unadulterated antisemitism you just posted. It's true that not every israeli is a zionist - which would invalidate a nuke attack by iran at israel.. But, if you DARE suggest that everyone in tehran doesn't deserve to die in a raging nuclear holocaust then you might as well have just said that you want to see dead jews floating in the Mediterranean sea.

THIS is the difference between antisemitism and antizionism.
First off if your going to do a sneak attack its not broadcasted in the Press!

"Yes we are attacking here, yes right, at 5:30 CST 12/12. OK now go make a press release!" :banghead:
Israel should blow the shit out of Iran sooner rather than later. Blow up Tehran with 3 or 4 nukes and add a 5th one for good measure. Iran will be paralyzed and won't be able to strike back.

NO! Israel should not attack Iran, especially not with a preemptive nuclear attack! In fact, I applaud Obama for saying he will have direct talks with Iran, that will be a positive first step.

What people are ignoring is that Alamdouchebag is doing for the Iranian conservative movement that GWB did to the Republicans, make them so unpopular they get voted out of office. Currently the reformers took over the Parliament and the Iranian Presidential election is coming up soon. A reformer, like Khatami, will take over! Expect things to change!
Once Israel does something like you suggest. The whole world will see Israel for the fascist state that it is.
First, Israel has had nukes for a while and has done anything with them!
Second, no one in Israel is talking about a preemptive nuclear strike on Iran. They are talking about taking out the Iranian nuclear facility aka like they did in Iraq!

The best part will be that American citizens will demand that the United States government cut Israel loose from all fundings and weapon sales.
As they should if anyone preemptively nuclearly strikes another country!

Soon after, a weakened Israel will fall, and the Zionist rulers will be arrested and tried by the World Court for genocidal crimes against humanity.
I bet you just jizzed in your pants thinking about that! :eusa_snooty:
First, Israel has had nukes for a while and has done anything with them!
Second, no one in Israel is talking about a preemptive nuclear strike on Iran. They are talking about taking out the Iranian nuclear facility aka like they did in Iraq!

As they should if anyone preemptively nuclearly strikes another country!

I bet you just jizzed in your pants thinking about that! :eusa_snooty:

This post has so many things wrong with it.

First of all, the alleged nuclear facilities in Iran are hardened, underground facilities, which would require nothing short of a nuclear strike to penetrate deep enough to have any impact.

"nuclearly"? Bush, is that you?
This post has so many things wrong with it.

First of all, the alleged nuclear facilities in Iran are hardened, underground facilities, which would require nothing short of a nuclear strike to penetrate deep enough to have any impact.

How the hell do you know where the nuclear facilities are or the extent of them? I saw great story before the Iraq war on Sadam's nuclear plants. I for one don't see any need to rush to attacking Iran! I also see this as a lot of smoke and mirrors!

"nuclearly"? Bush, is that you?
Sorry I had a sales call and I typed to fast! In the financial arena you don't want to pass up to many willing able and ready buyer, since your a supporter of Ron Paul, hopefully you respect that!
How the hell do you know where the nuclear facilities are or the extent of them? I saw great story before the Iraq war on Sadam's nuclear plants. I for one don't see any need to rush to attacking Iran! I also see this as a lot of smoke and mirrors!
I can only go on what the media chooses to report to us, based on what our government claims. As I understand it, they are hardened, underground facilities that conventional weapons would have no affect on.

Whether or not that's actually true is anyone's guess. I'm certainly not one to trust the MSM blindly, but I'm not exactly capable of doing that particular kind of fact-finding on my own. I'd rather stay out of Iran, you know?

It's good to see someone who's as pro-Israel as you, say that you'd rather not see us rush to attack Iran, though.
I can only go on what the media chooses to report to us, based on what our government claims. As I understand it, they are hardened, underground facilities that conventional weapons would have no affect on.

Whether or not that's actually true is anyone's guess. I'm certainly not one to trust the MSM blindly, but I'm not exactly capable of doing that particular kind of fact-finding on my own. I'd rather stay out of Iran, you know?

It's good to see someone who's as pro-Israel as you, say that you'd rather not see us rush to attack Iran, though.

that is rather refreshing. Now, if he learns to outgrow his opinion of Palis...
I can only go on what the media chooses to report to us, based on what our government claims. As I understand it, they are hardened, underground facilities that conventional weapons would have no affect on.

Whether or not that's actually true is anyone's guess. I'm certainly not one to trust the MSM blindly, but I'm not exactly capable of doing that particular kind of fact-finding on my own. I'd rather stay out of Iran, you know?

It's good to see someone who's as pro-Israel as you, say that you'd rather not see us rush to attack Iran, though.

You would be surprised there are many many people in Israel that do not want a strike on Iran! If Iran gets a nuke then there would be M.A.D.! If Iran nukes Israel, then Israel, US possibly Britian and France will counter-nuclear strike Iran. The great Persian empire would be up in smoke! I don't think Ayatollahs (who command the military and would make the call on such an attack) are motivated enough sacrifice Iran for the sake of destroying Israel! It just big talk from a little man!

I personally would question my support of Israel if they attack! I would outright denounce Israel and bring my children to the nearest Buddhist temple (in my opinion the best religion out there by far) to convert it they preemptively nuclear strike any country!

I didn't support Obama, but I think his ideas of talking first is the right track! I personally believe Israel should have direct talks with Hamas as they do with Fatah! In every conflict the ones that were shooting the guns are usually the ones that end up at the peace table! For better or for worse Hamas is in power. Funny the only thing keeping them from taking the West Bank is the IDF. Start talks with the ones that have power. Talk might lead to nothing, but if could lead to something. Silence always leads to nothing!

Nixon was praised for opening dialog with China! Reagan was praised for opening dialog with the USSR!

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