Zelenskyy Fires Regional Military Recruiting Officials Due To Corruption


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Gold Supporting Member
Jan 23, 2021
Not a Babylon Bee headline. From the article -

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that he has fired all the regional military recruitment bosses on Friday due to reported corruption.

Zelenskyy held a meeting with his National Security and Defense Council in order to discuss the corruption reports that had been emerging. The allegations involved military officials, mostly in the recruitment sector.

Already there are 112 criminal proceedings in motion against military recruiting officials according to the Ukrainian president.

“During the inspection of the territorial recruitment centres, law enforcement agencies exposed cases of corruption,” the presidency said.
The issues that Zelenskyy cited included “illicit enrichment, legalization of illegally obtained funds, unlawful benefit, illegal transportation of persons liable for military service across the border.”

“Every ‘military commissioner’ against whom there is a criminal investigation will be held accountable,” he said. “Officials who confused their shoulder straps with profit will definitely be brought to justice.”
As a result all officials in charge of recruitment across every region in the country were let go.

“We are dismissing all regional military commissars,” Zelenskyy said after the meeting with council.
Zelenskyy moved to replace the dismissed officials with soldiers who had been fighting on the front lines or have been injured in battle. He backed his decision by stating that the new hires “can be trusted with this recruitment system.”

“This system should be run by people who know exactly what war is and why cynicism and bribery in times of war constitutes high treason,” he said.

He's letting everyone know that he's the only one allowed to personally profit from the war.
Apart from the fact that there has been huge recruitment skullduggery ,the Nazi Midget needs to start preparing absurd reasons why their third army has been "unluckily" vanquished . He is even more desperate for reinforcements , be it men , boys , women or old people plus ordnance .And such silly stories might show the gullible how on top of matters Kyiv is .Frankly, Kyiv is like a mad house now and sanity no longer prevails , particularly with a Coke snorting Nazi midget in nominal charge
Not a Babylon Bee headline. From the article -

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that he has fired all the regional military recruitment bosses on Friday due to reported corruption.

Zelenskyy held a meeting with his National Security and Defense Council in order to discuss the corruption reports that had been emerging. The allegations involved military officials, mostly in the recruitment sector.

Already there are 112 criminal proceedings in motion against military recruiting officials according to the Ukrainian president.

The issues that Zelenskyy cited included “illicit enrichment, legalization of illegally obtained funds, unlawful benefit, illegal transportation of persons liable for military service across the border.”

As a result all officials in charge of recruitment across every region in the country were let go.

Zelenskyy moved to replace the dismissed officials with soldiers who had been fighting on the front lines or have been injured in battle. He backed his decision by stating that the new hires “can be trusted with this recruitment system.”

He's letting everyone know that he's the only one allowed to personally profit from the war.
Every time xiden is on the Oval Office corruption runs wild in Ukraine
Apart from the fact that there has been huge recruitment skullduggery ,the Nazi Midget needs to start preparing absurd reasons why their third army has been "unluckily" vanquished . He is even more desperate for reinforcements , be it men , boys , women or old people plus ordnance .And such silly stories might show the gullible how on top of matters Kyiv is .Frankly, Kyiv is like a mad house now and sanity no longer prevails , particularly with a Coke snorting Nazi midget in nominal charge
Yep. Nationalizing the media, getting rid of opposing parties, paranoid culling of the military. Familiar playbook for the end times of a corrupt dictator.
When is Zelensky going to get fired for his corruption?
He could at long last be nearing his nemesis .However , this is how bad the support situation still is :- Forbes have an article that describes the UAF as on the move and marching back to Mariupol-- bolstering the idea that the UAF offensive has some traction , and, by implication , that "good things are a coming" The village where the UAF is allegedly gaining ground is Urozhaine which has 15 houses and is nearly 100 miles from the Sea of Azov and Mariupol. The Ukeys are still in the grey zone and have not reached the Russian first defence line , let alone seen the second and third lines . So this is all co-ordinated drivel to persuade Gullibles that there are new positives and that gifts of a few more billion dollars would be well spent . Pure farce.
Not a Babylon Bee headline. From the article -

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that he has fired all the regional military recruitment bosses on Friday due to reported corruption.

Zelenskyy held a meeting with his National Security and Defense Council in order to discuss the corruption reports that had been emerging. The allegations involved military officials, mostly in the recruitment sector.

Already there are 112 criminal proceedings in motion against military recruiting officials according to the Ukrainian president.

The issues that Zelenskyy cited included “illicit enrichment, legalization of illegally obtained funds, unlawful benefit, illegal transportation of persons liable for military service across the border.”

As a result all officials in charge of recruitment across every region in the country were let go.

Zelenskyy moved to replace the dismissed officials with soldiers who had been fighting on the front lines or have been injured in battle. He backed his decision by stating that the new hires “can be trusted with this recruitment system.”

He's letting everyone know that he's the only one allowed to personally profit from the war.
Could we send him a few billion more to straighten this all out? :)

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