Zelensky claims war with Russia was going during President Trump’s term.

You do cherry picking.

"While early polls in April reported that supporters of independence were a small minority, the Los Angeles Times reported that the later violence in Odessa and Mariupol turned many against the Ukrainian transitional government."

"2,252,867 voted in favour of self-rule, with 256,040 against, on a turnout of nearly 75%."

"The final results were that 96.2% voted for separation."

I means, when Kiev turned anti-Russian in 2014, the people were deprived of rights and they were burned to death for being Russian. No investigations took place when Ukrainian Russians were attacked. Nazi gangs controlled the streets with baseball bats, flails and guns, the police disappeared. Of course, the east developed a desire to break away from Ukraine.
A few days ago, you said you had reevaluated the situation and realized the Ukrainians didn't want to live under Russian rule, yet here you are back licking Putin's ass again. The referenda you are referring to were held only in towns tightly controlled by Russia not throughout the area and did not offer the option to remain in Ukraine. They are in stark contrast to every poll taken in the area before the Russian occupation. No honest person would cite them as evidence of the opinions of the Ukrainians under Russian occupation.
A few days ago, you said you had reevaluated the situation and realized the Ukrainians didn't want to live under Russian rule, yet here you are back licking Putin's ass again. The referenda you are referring to were held only in towns tightly controlled by Russia not throughout the area and did not offer the option to remain in Ukraine. They are in stark contrast to every poll taken in the area before the Russian occupation. No honest person would cite them as evidence of the opinions of the Ukrainians under Russian occupation.
This does not contradict what I said before. The same rights apply for all, whether you reject Kiev´s or Moscow´s rule, if you represent a majority, who am I, who is my little Chancellor, to decide for them? You also ignore parts of my post that say the reason for the new poll results is gruesome violence against Ukrainian Russians.







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LOL “Biden’s half”!

It’s funny you think the Biden half would ever question his idiotic policies.
They obviously don't!
And neither do Trump's half.
But the immediate concern over US foreign policy is that Biden is leading the world toward a nuclear war, while Trump would offer some breathing time by compromising with Russia.

I think that many Americans now understand the the war against Russia is for all the marbles, on account of the coming Russia alliance with China.

I think Trump must understand that too, if only because his handlers have told him.
This does not contradict what I said before. The same rights apply for all, whether you reject Kiev´s or Moscow´s rule, if you represent a majority, who am I, who is my little Chancellor, to decide for them? You also ignore parts of my post that say the reason for the new poll results is gruesome violence against Ukrainian Russians.







Ok, I get it, you lied when you said you had reevaluated the situation and realized the Ukrainians didn't want to be ruled by Russa.
So if Ukraine and Russia were already at war, then why are the Ukrainian shills always claiming the Russian invasion was “unprovoked”? Which is it? If they were already in a state of war, then Russia had every justification to invade.
Of course they did. After the Nazi Soros-sponsored coup organized by MIC and Colombia mafia.

Oh, Almaty treaty. You should catch up. It seems to be gaining popularity among your ilk.
That's a lie.
That which isn't a lie is that it's just another US led war of aggression.

The Ukraine hardly exists as a country anymore and Russia is not going to accept defeat. But the important question is on whether America will accept the loss.

We should all think of this war as the culmination of all America's wars of aggression. It's virtually the same war as the Vietnam war. It's America's attempt to win all its many wars that were against either Russia or China or both.

This war will decide the winner of all of America's wars that are left undecided.

America likely didn't think of it as the final war and would have considered it to be just another stepping stone toward the eventual defeat of Russia.

But Russia took it more seriously and understands now that it's the final war against US global hegemony.

China too fully understands now that it's the final war for them too. That's the reason why the China/Russia military alliance is certain. Only nuclear war can prevent the obvious fact that this is the last chance for America, Russia, and China.

Now back to debating which country is to blame!
Which side will America's god decide is the winner? LOL