Zakaria: Pakistan - friends without benefits


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
A great article from one of the most intelligent journalists at CNN:

Zakaria: Pakistan - friends without benefits

By Fareed Zakaria

It is difficult to find a country on the planet that is more anti-American than Pakistan. In a Pew survey this year, only 12% of Pakistanis expressed a favorable view of the U.S. That number has probably dipped even lower in the wake of the NATO air attack on a Pakistani army post that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers.

Pakistan’s leaders are only slightly better disposed since they continue to support militias in Afghanistan that wage war on Americans. Populist rage and official duplicity have built up even though over the past decade, Washington has lavished Pakistan’s government with praise and aid, the latter totaling $20 billion.

It is time to recognize that the U.S.’s Pakistan policy is just not working. I write this as someone who has consistently supported engaging with the Pakistani government as the best of bad options. But the evidence that this engagement is working is thin - and gets thinner with every passing month.
Zakaria: Pakistan – friends without benefits – Global Public Square - Blogs

One of Rick Perry's more lucid comments was that we should cut this country off. I agree 100%.
Well some would argue they've been a benefit in helping root out Terrorists but i can't support that argument. They obviously hid Bin Laden for years. They hid him while we were giving them $Billions in aid & weapons. That is partly on us though. We gave them all the Taxpayer cash and weapons. And this cash and these weapons may very well be used against us someday. So our foreign policy is a terrible disaster. It's time to bring our troops and our money home. The War has been won. And besides,we're broke anyway.
Well some would argue they've been a benefit in helping root out Terrorists but i can't support that argument. They obviously hid Bin Laden for years. They hid him while we were giving them $Billions in aid & weapons. That is partly on us though. We gave them all the Taxpayer cash and weapons. And this cash and these weapons may very well be used against us someday. So our foreign policy is a terrible disaster. It's time to bring our troops and our money home. The War has been won. And besides,we're broke anyway.

Well the only way they'd be used "against" us is if we invade them..or they engage in terrorism.

In any are right about your post.

You read the article?
Well some would argue they've been a benefit in helping root out Terrorists but i can't support that argument. They obviously hid Bin Laden for years. They hid him while we were giving them $Billions in aid & weapons. That is partly on us though. We gave them all the Taxpayer cash and weapons. And this cash and these weapons may very well be used against us someday. So our foreign policy is a terrible disaster. It's time to bring our troops and our money home. The War has been won. And besides,we're broke anyway.

Well the only way they'd be used "against" us is if we invade them..or they engage in terrorism.

In any are right about your post.

You read the article?

Yes and he is pretty good. But he's still too much of a Big Government Globalist for my liking. He is spot on with his take on this though.

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