You've got what you asked for

Nosmo King

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2009
Buckle of the Rust Belt
Alright, conservatives. You railed against "activist judges". Those who create laws from the bench.

Well, seems one of your own has redressed a small portion of the balance.

Most of the embryos are supplied by in vitro fertilization clinics. As most of these embryos would be discarded and destroyed anyway, I wonder.

I wonder if there is the same outrage over in vitro clinics when they clean out the freezer, so to speak. Where are the protesters, the PACs, the homilies from the pulpit?

And are you prepared to grow government? Would you approve of a federal law mandating the indefinite storage of human embryos? Would you support regular federal inspections of records and storage facilities and their inventory?

Would you support higher taxes on such clinics in order to fund the regulatory agency? Would you support confiscatory fines on clinics failing inspection? What would you have them pay for each embryo unaccounted for?

What's the price on a "human life"
Seems pretty straightforward to me...

"Judge Royce C. Lamberth wrote in his ruling that current federal law prohibits the use of U.S. government funds for research that either creates embryos for research or destroys them. As such, he said the new rules would be a violation of established law."

The law will need to be changed to make this legal.
Seems pretty straightforward to me...

"Judge Royce C. Lamberth wrote in his ruling that current federal law prohibits the use of U.S. government funds for research that either creates embryos for research or destroys them. As such, he said the new rules would be a violation of established law."

The law will need to be changed to make this legal.

In other words, he isn't being an activist. He is applying the law.

Newflash: The Executive Branch can't make regulation that contradictions the Law.
Alright, conservatives. You railed against "activist judges". Those who create laws from the bench.

Well, seems one of your own has redressed a small portion of the balance.

Judge Temporarily Halts Stem Cell Funding

Most of the embryos are supplied by in vitro fertilization clinics. As most of these embryos would be discarded and destroyed anyway, I wonder.

I wonder if there is the same outrage over in vitro clinics when they clean out the freezer, so to speak. Where are the protesters, the PACs, the homilies from the pulpit?

And are you prepared to grow government? Would you approve of a federal law mandating the indefinite storage of human embryos? Would you support regular federal inspections of records and storage facilities and their inventory?

Would you support higher taxes on such clinics in order to fund the regulatory agency? Would you support confiscatory fines on clinics failing inspection? What would you have them pay for each embryo unaccounted for?

What's the price on a "human life"

You're stupid. A typical player of semantics. Want to try English where words mean things and in conjunction create a sentence that presents an ideal?:cuckoo:
Alright, conservatives. You railed against "activist judges". Those who create laws from the bench.

Well, seems one of your own has redressed a small portion of the balance.

Judge Temporarily Halts Stem Cell Funding

Most of the embryos are supplied by in vitro fertilization clinics. As most of these embryos would be discarded and destroyed anyway, I wonder.

I wonder if there is the same outrage over in vitro clinics when they clean out the freezer, so to speak. Where are the protesters, the PACs, the homilies from the pulpit?

And are you prepared to grow government? Would you approve of a federal law mandating the indefinite storage of human embryos? Would you support regular federal inspections of records and storage facilities and their inventory?

Would you support higher taxes on such clinics in order to fund the regulatory agency? Would you support confiscatory fines on clinics failing inspection? What would you have them pay for each embryo unaccounted for?

What's the price on a "human life"

You're stupid. A typical player of semantics. Want to try English where words mean things and in conjunction create a sentence that presents an ideal?:cuckoo:

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this, gunny. Would you mind rephrasing you question clearly and concisely? Perhaps English is your second language. I'm willing to translate your thoughts from any of the Romance languages if you have any problems with English vocabulary.

But, I digress. My question still stands:
Where are the protesters, the PACs, the homilies from the pulpit?

And are you prepared to grow government? Would you approve of a federal law mandating the indefinite storage of human embryos? Would you support regular federal inspections of records and storage facilities and their inventory?

Would you support higher taxes on such clinics in order to fund the regulatory agency? Would you support confiscatory fines on clinics failing inspection? What would you have them pay for each embryo unaccounted for?
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I'd hate to think that such strong convictions stop right after hassling a scared sixteen year girl at the door of an abortion clinic. I sure would hate to think that life is only precious when it can be defended only when abridging someone else's rights.

C'mon Conservatives! Haven't you any guts? You can scare the young, poor and impressionable into deciding to follow your narrow morality, but policing in vitro clinics seems to be where you cross the line.

Someone more cynical might conclude you really do care more for profits than anything else. They might be able to conclude that if private businesses are regulated, your convictions about the sanctity of life can be bought.

So, I put it in the starkest possible terms. What should the fine be to punish in vitro clinics when they waste a resource like embryos? You won't have that resource used in research to cure diseases. They must be very dear to you. What should clinics pay when they can no longer afford to store them.
Let's say you are approached by science and told you, like everyone, are a unique individual. We have discovered from blood work you had done that you possess an antigen that can save thousands of lives. We must bring you to our facilities and do whatever is necessary even vivisection to understand and use this potential miracle cure for the good of all mankind. How do you answer? Pappadave.
The LAW is required to be enforced. A Judge's job is to ensure that occurs. The law is clear. NO FEDERAL funds can be spent to keep or destroy or make embryos. Obama can not bypass said law.

You want the Government involved? Change the FEDERAL LAW.

No activism is involved here at all. The law is clear and concise. The President can not supersede Federal or State law. The law will have to be changed. Since it is a federal law that requires action by both houses of Congress and the President if a bill reaches his desk.

Pretty simple concept, even you brain dead liberal dumb asses should be able to grasp it, but I noticed you have ignored several posters that have already informed you of the law.
Let's say you are approached by science and told you, like everyone, are a unique individual. We have discovered from blood work you had done that you possess an antigen that can save thousands of lives. We must bring you to our facilities and do whatever is necessary even vivisection to understand and use this potential miracle cure for the good of all mankind. How do you answer? Pappadave.
I, as that unique individual, can form a rational answer? I can make an individual decision? I guess that makes me a human being then, doesn't it?

What response would you get from a frozen mass in a petrie dish? A mass that, if not kept in liquid nitrogen would simply rot away. A mass that, if its owners fail to pay for maintenance, would be discarded and then lost to the world.

So what do you think a clinic should pay for losing this mass? If you think those frozen embryos are just as valuable as a living, breathing human, wouldn't it then follow that in vitro clinics are committing mass murder if the bills aren't paid in full?

Or are the rights of the clinic to collect their payments greater than the rights of the petrie dishes?
Let's say you are approached by science and told you, like everyone, are a unique individual. We have discovered from blood work you had done that you possess an antigen that can save thousands of lives. We must bring you to our facilities and do whatever is necessary even vivisection to understand and use this potential miracle cure for the good of all mankind. How do you answer? Pappadave.
I, as that unique individual, can form a rational answer? I can make an individual decision? I guess that makes me a human being then, doesn't it?

What response would you get from a frozen mass in a petrie dish? A mass that, if not kept in liquid nitrogen would simply rot away. A mass that, if its owners fail to pay for maintenance, would be discarded and then lost to the world.

So what do you think a clinic should pay for losing this mass? If you think those frozen embryos are just as valuable as a living, breathing human, wouldn't it then follow that in vitro clinics are committing mass murder if the bills aren't paid in full?

Or are the rights of the clinic to collect their payments greater than the rights of the petrie dishes?

You have been provided your answer. Continue to IGNORE it all you want.
Let's say you are approached by science and told you, like everyone, are a unique individual. We have discovered from blood work you had done that you possess an antigen that can save thousands of lives. We must bring you to our facilities and do whatever is necessary even vivisection to understand and use this potential miracle cure for the good of all mankind. How do you answer? Pappadave.
I, as that unique individual, can form a rational answer? I can make an individual decision? I guess that makes me a human being then, doesn't it?

What response would you get from a frozen mass in a petri dish? A mass that, if not kept in liquid nitrogen would simply rot away. A mass that, if its owners fail to pay for maintenance, would be discarded and then lost to the world.

So what do you think a clinic should pay for losing this mass? If you think those frozen embryos are just as valuable as a living, breathing human, wouldn't it then follow that in vitro clinics are committing mass murder if the bills aren't paid in full?

Or are the rights of the clinic to collect their payments greater than the rights of the petri dishes?

You have been provided your answer. Continue to IGNORE it all you want.
Alright. I suppose the judge did not act as the dreaded activist jurist and the law, as written, does not provide for a legal means to conduct vital research. Thanks, Conservatives for that next road block to discovery.

But, Conservatives actively protest abortion clinics because they claim all life is sacred. Well, what about all those discarded embryos? Aren't those frozen embryos just as sacred as the embryo aborted by a frightened, confused unwed teenager?

Is it just easier or more fun to hassle that little girl rather than impede a for-profit clinic from making their margin of profit? Where is the outrage when it's cleaning day at the in vitro clinic?
I, as that unique individual, can form a rational answer? I can make an individual decision? I guess that makes me a human being then, doesn't it?

What response would you get from a frozen mass in a petri dish? A mass that, if not kept in liquid nitrogen would simply rot away. A mass that, if its owners fail to pay for maintenance, would be discarded and then lost to the world.

So what do you think a clinic should pay for losing this mass? If you think those frozen embryos are just as valuable as a living, breathing human, wouldn't it then follow that in vitro clinics are committing mass murder if the bills aren't paid in full?

Or are the rights of the clinic to collect their payments greater than the rights of the petri dishes?

You have been provided your answer. Continue to IGNORE it all you want.
Alright. I suppose the judge did not act as the dreaded activist jurist and the law, as written, does not provide for a legal means to conduct vital research. Thanks, Conservatives for that next road block to discovery.

But, Conservatives actively protest abortion clinics because they claim all life is sacred. Well, what about all those discarded embryos? Aren't those frozen embryos just as sacred as the embryo aborted by a frightened, confused unwed teenager?

Is it just easier or more fun to hassle that little girl rather than impede a for-profit clinic from making their margin of profit? Where is the outrage when it's cleaning day at the in vitro clinic?

Once again, you don't like the law? Change it. You have had 4 years to do so.
You have been provided your answer. Continue to IGNORE it all you want.
Alright. I suppose the judge did not act as the dreaded activist jurist and the law, as written, does not provide for a legal means to conduct vital research. Thanks, Conservatives for that next road block to discovery.

But, Conservatives actively protest abortion clinics because they claim all life is sacred. Well, what about all those discarded embryos? Aren't those frozen embryos just as sacred as the embryo aborted by a frightened, confused unwed teenager?

Is it just easier or more fun to hassle that little girl rather than impede a for-profit clinic from making their margin of profit? Where is the outrage when it's cleaning day at the in vitro clinic?

Once again, you don't like the law? Change it. You have had 4 years to do so.
M ore like twenty months. Get that law out of committee and onto the house floor? Right after it was so easy to pass health care reform.
I, as that unique individual, can form a rational answer? I can make an individual decision? I guess that makes me a human being then, doesn't it?

What response would you get from a frozen mass in a petri dish? A mass that, if not kept in liquid nitrogen would simply rot away. A mass that, if its owners fail to pay for maintenance, would be discarded and then lost to the world.

So what do you think a clinic should pay for losing this mass? If you think those frozen embryos are just as valuable as a living, breathing human, wouldn't it then follow that in vitro clinics are committing mass murder if the bills aren't paid in full?

Or are the rights of the clinic to collect their payments greater than the rights of the petri dishes?

You have been provided your answer. Continue to IGNORE it all you want.
Alright. I suppose the judge did not act as the dreaded activist jurist and the law, as written, does not provide for a legal means to conduct vital research. Thanks, Conservatives for that next road block to discovery.

But, Conservatives actively protest abortion clinics because they claim all life is sacred. Well, what about all those discarded embryos? Aren't those frozen embryos just as sacred as the embryo aborted by a frightened, confused unwed teenager?

Is it just easier or more fun to hassle that little girl rather than impede a for-profit clinic from making their margin of profit? Where is the outrage when it's cleaning day at the in vitro clinic?

Absolutely. In vitro shouldn't be allowed, imo, for the very reason of 'what do you do with the leftovers'.
Alright. I suppose the judge did not act as the dreaded activist jurist and the law, as written, does not provide for a legal means to conduct vital research. Thanks, Conservatives for that next road block to discovery.

But, Conservatives actively protest abortion clinics because they claim all life is sacred. Well, what about all those discarded embryos? Aren't those frozen embryos just as sacred as the embryo aborted by a frightened, confused unwed teenager?

Is it just easier or more fun to hassle that little girl rather than impede a for-profit clinic from making their margin of profit? Where is the outrage when it's cleaning day at the in vitro clinic?

Once again, you don't like the law? Change it. You have had 4 years to do so.
M ore like twenty months. Get that law out of committee and onto the house floor? Right after it was so easy to pass health care reform.

Absolute total control of the Government. Obama has once again just assumed he can ignore the law and the Constitution. Something a LOT of Democrats do. This time it bit him on the butt.

However I agree that the premise for the Court case is a very bad precedent.
You have been provided your answer. Continue to IGNORE it all you want.
Alright. I suppose the judge did not act as the dreaded activist jurist and the law, as written, does not provide for a legal means to conduct vital research. Thanks, Conservatives for that next road block to discovery.

But, Conservatives actively protest abortion clinics because they claim all life is sacred. Well, what about all those discarded embryos? Aren't those frozen embryos just as sacred as the embryo aborted by a frightened, confused unwed teenager?

Is it just easier or more fun to hassle that little girl rather than impede a for-profit clinic from making their margin of profit? Where is the outrage when it's cleaning day at the in vitro clinic?

Absolutely. In vitro shouldn't be allowed, imo, for the very reason of 'what do you do with the leftovers'.
Even in spite of the good in vitro can do for couples unable to have a child naturally? You would have those couples go childless just to save "the leftovers"?
Alright. I suppose the judge did not act as the dreaded activist jurist and the law, as written, does not provide for a legal means to conduct vital research. Thanks, Conservatives for that next road block to discovery.

But, Conservatives actively protest abortion clinics because they claim all life is sacred. Well, what about all those discarded embryos? Aren't those frozen embryos just as sacred as the embryo aborted by a frightened, confused unwed teenager?

Is it just easier or more fun to hassle that little girl rather than impede a for-profit clinic from making their margin of profit? Where is the outrage when it's cleaning day at the in vitro clinic?

Absolutely. In vitro shouldn't be allowed, imo, for the very reason of 'what do you do with the leftovers'.
Even in spite of the good in vitro can do for couples unable to have a child naturally? You would have those couples go childless just to save "the leftovers"?

Yes. They can adopt.
Absolutely. In vitro shouldn't be allowed, imo, for the very reason of 'what do you do with the leftovers'.
Even in spite of the good in vitro can do for couples unable to have a child naturally? You would have those couples go childless just to save "the leftovers"?

Yes. They can adopt.


Why do people think having a child is a right? It's not. It's a privilege... and so is adopting.

Besides, I thought the 'debate' was about the ruling.... which is hardly an example of an 'activist' judge... unless one thinks that applying the federal law is 'activism'.

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