Youth making politicians accountable

I live three blocks from the high school. Nothing going on but children learning.

First they moved national holidays to Monday. Then they jacked around the dates of Daylight Savings. Now they got Missouri in Florida.

I can't keep up.
I do not think Missouri has been in or even close to a school in his whole life. That is why he is so stupid. He does not know what a school looks like.

Elmerdudd.. you should read some of your posts; you don't seem to be the most erudite person around.
Intelligent people often communicate in simple ways.
Stupid people try to sound intelligent by using big words like erudite.
Our youth are making do nothing politicians accountable.
The horrific school shootings have energized young Americans to do something about of mass shooting and guns.
American youth have not been this energized since the 1960's.

What a fool you are. Your "youth" are nothing but a news headline in tomorrows paper. People have been trying to make politicians "accountable" for 200 years and now you think a few school kids are going to do it? And the guns---- firearms are an intricate part of our history and culture. Guns were the very bedrock of our freedom from England and foundation of this country. Only a buffoon thinks that "guns" are an issue we need to do something about. You really think that some politician in DC can pass some law that is going to stop your kid from getting hold of a gun or other weapon (maybe your car!) and taking it to school to hurt people? It's not about the politicians, it isn't about guns, it is up to the schools to secure a safe environment and it is up to the community and families of these kids to wrest control from these hoodlums.

They are fed up with people like you and the politicians that do nothing.
Watch out, the younger generation is ready to replace old, tired ways of thinking with new solutions for our new world.

No, they are not fed up with me. I do a thousand times more on this matter than you will ever do in your lifetime.
Sounds like the very promises and claims made in the 1930s by the Nazis before Hitler rose to power.
We will see if the youth are just a headline.
They are fed up with people like you and the politicians that do nothing.
Watch out, the younger generation is ready to replace old, tired ways of thinking with new solutions for our new world.
You and your kind will be left to lament about the old days when old white men with guns ran everything.

Uh ... The youth are making the headlines.
They are replacing the old ways of thinking with new solutions ...
They aren't anything like the old days when white men with gun ran everything ...

... They are shooting up schools like never before ... :thup:

Our youth are making do nothing politicians accountable.
The horrific school shootings have energized young Americans to do something about of mass shooting and guns.
American youth have not been this energized since the 1960's.

What a fool you are. Your "youth" are nothing but a news headline in tomorrows paper. People have been trying to make politicians "accountable" for 200 years and now you think a few school kids are going to do it? And the guns---- firearms are an intricate part of our history and culture. Guns were the very bedrock of our freedom from England and foundation of this country. Only a buffoon thinks that "guns" are an issue we need to do something about. You really think that some politician in DC can pass some law that is going to stop your kid from getting hold of a gun or other weapon (maybe your car!) and taking it to school to hurt people? It's not about the politicians, it isn't about guns, it is up to the schools to secure a safe environment and it is up to the community and families of these kids to wrest control from these hoodlums.

They are fed up with people like you and the politicians that do nothing.
Watch out, the younger generation is ready to replace old, tired ways of thinking with new solutions for our new world.

No, they are not fed up with me. I do a thousand times more on this matter than you will ever do in your lifetime.
Sounds like the very promises and claims made in the 1930s by the Nazis before Hitler rose to power.
enlighten us on what you do.
We will see if the youth are just a headline.
They are fed up with people like you and the politicians that do nothing.
Watch out, the younger generation is ready to replace old, tired ways of thinking with new solutions for our new world.
You and your kind will be left to lament about the old days when old white men with guns ran everything.

Uh ... The youth are making the headlines.
They are replacing the old ways of thinking with new solutions ...

... They are shooting up schools like never before ... :thup:

do not define youth by a few, define them by the majority.
You idiot.
do not define youth by a few, define them by the majority.
You idiot.

The majority of the school shooters are youths ...
That's an accurate definition.

It isn't like it used to be and the youths are the difference.

Our youth are making do nothing politicians accountable.
The horrific school shootings have energized young Americans to do something about of mass shooting and guns.
American youth have not been this energized since the 1960's.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out. The kids, btw, outnumber us bigly.
do not define youth by a few, define them by the majority.
You idiot.

The majority of the school shooters are youths ...
That's an accurate definition.

It isn't like it used to be and the youths are the difference.

Absolutely, and the other kids appear, at least for now, to want something done about it ... and not pallatives like the NRA are offering.
Absolutely, and the other kids appear, at least for now, to want something done about it ... and not pallatives like the NRA are offering.

I want them to come cut my grass ...
Unfortunately wanting something and having the ability to get it are two entirely different things.

Oh here we go again lying filth liberals assuming 100% of the "youth" agree with them. How many youth 1% of them? Less? Thought so.
Absolutely, and the other kids appear, at least for now, to want something done about it ... and not pallatives like the NRA are offering.

I want them to come cut my grass ...
Unfortunately wanting something and having the ability to get it are two entirely different things.

Well, they have the ability to get it. It remains to be seen whether they will act.
Well, they have the ability to get it. It remains to be seen whether they will act.

What they want doesn't matter unless they want to change the Constitution ...
Or petition their state legislators to handle matter at the state level.

Our youth are making do nothing politicians accountable.
The horrific school shootings have energized young Americans to do something about of mass shooting and guns.
American youth have not been this energized since the 1960's.

it is interesting watching children beg to have the government take their rights away

pretty much all these pods eaters should have the minimum age raised to 21
They are standing up for the right to life.
They are not sniveling cowards like you and the school shooter who find guns to be there strength.
Yet, somehow, standing up for our second amendment is wrong and we should not push against a bunch of kids who are being used by agenda-driven lunatics who want to see more gun deaths for their political power.

Telling them they are wrong and won't accomplish what they claim they want to be accomplished is now being stopped with PC. How fucking detestable. Or maybe the word is deplorable.
Oh here we go again lying filth liberals assuming 100% of the "youth" agree with them. How many youth 1% of them? Less? Thought so.
It is the majority of youth, not 100%.
There are enough that numbskulls like you should watch out.
it is interesting watching children beg to have the government take their rights away

pretty much all these pods eaters should have the minimum age raised to 21

Go read the Constitution some time, Ditchweed. You'll find in the Preamble something about a sense of purpose that cites "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness". Whelp, the're looking for number one on that list --- without which neither of the others exist.

If that doesn't fit your agenda, too damn bad. Easy to bitch about when it's not you getting shot at isn't it you cowardly pissant.

go read the Constitution shitstain

I just DESCIBED the Constitution, Dumbass.

Go get intimate with you lower intestine with a corncob. What kind of worthless carcass denigrates kids being shot at who just want a chance to live? Fuck you and every sociopathic asshole who thinks like you.

the fuck you did shitstain

your right to "pursue" happiness does not override my rights

so fuck you troll

eliminating rights is

not going to happen so go pull your panties up granny
Bezerk is admitting he is mentally ill by his name. It is also obvious he is mentally ill from his posts.

You are the reason I worry about putting the decisions in front of a panel, by just internet post you claim someone is mentally ill? I don't think you have the credentials as a mental health expert and you are very agenda driven.

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