Your weekly guide to right wing problems with the law.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

This character is a mediocre actor who has made a career by being a part of a famous acting family. About a year ago he realised that there may be money in acting like a twat and he has set up his own political party in a bid to back his soon to be failed attempt to become Mayor of London.

I cant remember what they are called but their policies are the usual crap. "Why must I wear a mask, why cant I call that darkie a n.igger and so on. "

Anyway, he has overstepped the mark here by calling three people "paedos". Now there is probably no greater slur that you can place on any individual and I believe that the victims may be in some physical danger. I suspect that any lawyer friends the stupid prick has will be desperately trying to avoid this going to court where he will be rinsed.

His initial response suggests a level of stupidity that cannot be measured. I hope that none of his targets gets assaulted in the meantime.

Mr Fox is another product of Eton, just like our illustrious Prime Minister.

Its been coming for some time. His Uncle once played the king in a tv series and this prick has delusions of granduer.

He cannot form a sentence now without using the word woke and if this gets to court it will likely bankrupt the stupid fuck. Even if he has to settle out of court it will still probably ruin him.

I cant see what defence he can put up here.

He obviously wasnt "woke" when he embarked on his little crusade and he is going to pay for it.

This character is a mediocre actor who has made a career by being a part of a famous acting family. About a year ago he realised that there may be money in acting like a twat and he has set up his own political party in a bid to back his soon to be failed attempt to become Mayor of London.

I cant remember what they are called but their policies are the usual crap. "Why must I wear a mask, why cant I call that darkie a n.igger and so on. "

Anyway, he has overstepped the mark here by calling three people "paedos". Now there is probably no greater slur that you can place on any individual and I believe that the victims may be in some physical danger. I suspect that any lawyer friends the stupid prick has will be desperately trying to avoid this going to court where he will be rinsed.

His initial response suggests a level of stupidity that cannot be measured. I hope that none of his targets gets assaulted in the meantime.

Mr Fox is another product of Eton, just like our illustrious Prime Minister.
Careful, those bloody Kaffirs will take you out!
Its been coming for some time. His Uncle once played the king in a tv series and this prick has delusions of granduer.

He cannot form a sentence now without using the word woke and if this gets to court it will likely bankrupt the stupid fuck. Even if he has to settle out of court it will still probably ruin him.

I cant see what defence he can put up here.

He obviously wasnt "woke" when he embarked on his little crusade and he is going to pay for it.
In that case, I hope this thing winds up in court then.
Its been coming for some time. His Uncle once played the king in a tv series and this prick has delusions of granduer.

He cannot form a sentence now without using the word woke and if this gets to court it will likely bankrupt the stupid fuck. Even if he has to settle out of court it will still probably ruin him.

I cant see what defence he can put up here.

He obviously wasnt "woke" when he embarked on his little crusade and he is going to pay for it.
In that case, I hope this thing winds up in court then.
It would provide enormous entertainment.
He will try and put it off until after the election but his only option is to apologise and beg for their understanding. He will be humiliated because of it.

About 15 years ago I was sued for defamation and turned up for court on day 1. Our legal team told us that costs stood at 80k even before the case had started. Add inflation to that and it is clear that he is facing a big problem because the aggrieved will demand costs even if they decide not to for damages.

Their lawyers will do some checks on his finances and take a view on what they can squeeze out of him.
Its been coming for some time. His Uncle once played the king in a tv series and this prick has delusions of granduer.

He cannot form a sentence now without using the word woke and if this gets to court it will likely bankrupt the stupid fuck. Even if he has to settle out of court it will still probably ruin him.

I cant see what defence he can put up here.

He obviously wasnt "woke" when he embarked on his little crusade and he is going to pay for it.
In that case, I hope this thing winds up in court then.
It would provide enormous entertainment.
He will try and put it off until after the election but his only option is to apologise and beg for their understanding. He will be humiliated because of it.

About 15 years ago I was sued for defamation and turned up for court on day 1. Our legal team told us that costs stood at 80k even before the case had started. Add inflation to that and it is clear that he is facing a big problem because the aggrieved will demand costs even if they decide not to for damages.

Their lawyers will do some checks on his finances and take a view on what they can squeeze out of him.
Still defaming people, huh tammy?
He seems to be no different than the mayor before him.
Why would you say that ? The Mayor is an adult and will be re-elected in a few weeks. Fox is an entitled rich kid who should not be using his platform to spread false allegations.

The current mayor allowed untendered contracts, his poor dealings with the city transportation. He seems like a inept buffoon. Your actor friend won't win, so why does it matter?

This character is a mediocre actor who has made a career by being a part of a famous acting family. About a year ago he realised that there may be money in acting like a twat and he has set up his own political party in a bid to back his soon to be failed attempt to become Mayor of London.

I cant remember what they are called but their policies are the usual crap. "Why must I wear a mask, why cant I call that darkie a n.igger and so on. "

Anyway, he has overstepped the mark here by calling three people "paedos". Now there is probably no greater slur that you can place on any individual and I believe that the victims may be in some physical danger. I suspect that any lawyer friends the stupid prick has will be desperately trying to avoid this going to court where he will be rinsed.

His initial response suggests a level of stupidity that cannot be measured. I hope that none of his targets gets assaulted in the meantime.

Mr Fox is another product of Eton, just like our illustrious Prime Minister.
Thinks his party is going to be called "Reclaim" or "Respect" (although I think that one's already taken) or some such word beginning with "R" who cares?

In this weeks update we see some teenage incel trying to make 3D guns. Presumably because our anti gun laws prevented him from getting his hands on the real thing. This is possibly why we do not suffer from mass shootings carried out by kids pissed off with their acne.

I think this youth may be away for some time.

Yes here we go again. Tommy is back in court for the case that will bankrupt him.

Its only a few weeks since was given a stalking ban for harassing a journalists family. In todays episode he claims that the EDL was a mainstream organisation and that he isnt a racist. It is not likely to get funnier than that.

His first witness was the thug who attacked the young lad initially. His exclusion from the school; and subsequent police caution may throw some shade on his credibility.


This character is a mediocre actor who has made a career by being a part of a famous acting family. About a year ago he realised that there may be money in acting like a twat and he has set up his own political party in a bid to back his soon to be failed attempt to become Mayor of London.

I cant remember what they are called but their policies are the usual crap. "Why must I wear a mask, why cant I call that darkie a n.igger and so on. "

Anyway, he has overstepped the mark here by calling three people "paedos". Now there is probably no greater slur that you can place on any individual and I believe that the victims may be in some physical danger. I suspect that any lawyer friends the stupid prick has will be desperately trying to avoid this going to court where he will be rinsed.

His initial response suggests a level of stupidity that cannot be measured. I hope that none of his targets gets assaulted in the meantime.

Mr Fox is another product of Eton, just like our illustrious Prime Minister.

I offer a good solution for lefts to improve their negative attitude about patriots.
The filling of the enema: broken glass with vodka


Yes the actual trial is over apart from the verdict which will be given soon. Presumably once the Judge has stopped laughing.

The victim is after £190k in damages and probably the same amount in costs. Tommy will be ruined by this and I do hope that his many friends in the states will chip in and cover the bill for him.
A real corker for you this week.

This neo nazi was a leading light in the Golden Dawn. The Dawn were a set of right wing gangsters who took power in Greece at the height of their financial crisis.

Its a recurring theme for right wing trash. Their fortunes rise as those of the country sink. Something for Mr Lagos to ponder on as he settles in to his 13 year stretch.

Only one more of these fuckers to cage now.

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