Your Tax Dollars At Work--You Won't Believe The Things You Are Paying For


College Conservative
Jun 1, 2012
See the full article and complete list at Cameron Harris: Your Tax Dollars At Work--You Won't Believe The Things You Are Paying For

With the recent decision to stop White House tours for school children because of the sequester and a lack of government funds, more attention has been brought to what exactly our government is funding via the tax-payers' dollar. CNS News has done a pretty great job of chronicling some of the more outrageous studies that the federal government is funding.

$384,949 To Study "Sexual Conflict in Waterfowl"
The grant description says,“The project examines how reproductive morphology covaries with season, age, and social environment in a diverse sample of duck species that differ in ecology, territoriality and breeding system."
The grant was made available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, better known as the stimulus package.
The project has been receiving money from the NSF since 2009 and is slated for funding through July of this year.
The grant was made available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, better known as the stimulus package.

AKA: The Pork bill.

And how was this suppose to improve our infrastucture?

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