Your Overtime Has Just Been Cut

Obama should change overtime to triple pay for overtime. That way it would give businesses incentive to hire more people, instead of putting the extra work load on those that have jobs.

Ever hear of automation, keep this shit up and kiss your jobs goodbye
Looks like you are getting a raise!

Thank President Obama when you get a chance

Me = Business owner

You = some Government useless employee

Of course my opinion on a law like this means less than yours because you prolly know how to run a business better than all business owners.

The reality is in fact that yes, if OT costs go up less people will be allowed to work OT. Like so many of Obama's policies, less hours will be worked per week, the average income will go down and companies will see bigger profits. This is because most (the vast majority) of business owners are not evil and greedy, they/we give people the hours they want and pay them what we can. Obama comes in and makes it impossible to afford that employee so we adjust, profits for us go up because the hours we put in go up. (Me I work 55-65 hours a week currently).

We simply can;t afford to keep motivated employee's working under Obama. We have to cut hours and find other part timers, meaning everyone is less motivated and everyone is making less money.

It's like the theory of evolution or gravity, but of course the faith based progressives will consult with their economic fairness bible over accepting reality.

My wife is on salary and I wouldn't be shocked if she makes near 3 times as much as you RW. I wonder if she wants her pay cut because you're jealous.

Gee Mr Business Owner

You lose free labor on evenings and weekends
Fucking Commie Obama

PS. Have your wife send me a PM and we can compare paychecks.

Hi there Mr worthless Employee

Wife = 170k a year.

And I don't lose any free labor. People simply work less under Obama. But you wouldn't know that because you have never owned a business. And the people you work for don;t care about being profitable and neither do you, you simple steal from those that are to pay for your welfare.
People getting paid for their time.

How fucking unAmerican is that?

It is just that business owners are an entitlement class

They feel entitled to free labor

You're a welfare recipient is the problem. You don't understand the concept of doing a job and completing that job, but rather that you should be paid hourly no matter how many hours you waste.

I work hundreds of "free" hours a year, and you called me entitled. But really I created wealth by doing what needed to get done rather than suck the life out of creating wealth by demanding that I get paid for a job un-completed.
Me = Business owner

You = some Government useless employee

Of course my opinion on a law like this means less than yours because you prolly know how to run a business better than all business owners.

The reality is in fact that yes, if OT costs go up less people will be allowed to work OT. Like so many of Obama's policies, less hours will be worked per week, the average income will go down and companies will see bigger profits. This is because most (the vast majority) of business owners are not evil and greedy, they/we give people the hours they want and pay them what we can. Obama comes in and makes it impossible to afford that employee so we adjust, profits for us go up because the hours we put in go up. (Me I work 55-65 hours a week currently).

We simply can;t afford to keep motivated employee's working under Obama. We have to cut hours and find other part timers, meaning everyone is less motivated and everyone is making less money.

It's like the theory of evolution or gravity, but of course the faith based progressives will consult with their economic fairness bible over accepting reality.

My wife is on salary and I wouldn't be shocked if she makes near 3 times as much as you RW. I wonder if she wants her pay cut because you're jealous.

Gee Mr Business Owner

You lose free labor on evenings and weekends
Fucking Commie Obama

PS. Have your wife send me a PM and we can compare paychecks.

Hi there Mr worthless Employee

Wife = 170k a year.

And I don't lose any free labor. People simply work less under Obama. But you wouldn't know that because you have never owned a business. And the people you work for don;t care about being profitable and neither do you, you simple steal from those that are to pay for your welfare.

She loses by a wide margin
People getting paid for their time.

How fucking unAmerican is that?

It is just that business owners are an entitlement class

They feel entitled to free labor

You're a welfare recipient is the problem. You don't understand the concept of doing a job and completing that job, but rather that you should be paid hourly no matter how many hours you waste.

I work hundreds of "free" hours a year, and you called me entitled. But really I created wealth by doing what needed to get done rather than suck the life out of creating wealth by demanding that I get paid for a job un-completed.

You make your salaried employees work weekends without pay?

What a douche
Me = Business owner

You = some Government useless employee

Of course my opinion on a law like this means less than yours because you prolly know how to run a business better than all business owners.

The reality is in fact that yes, if OT costs go up less people will be allowed to work OT. Like so many of Obama's policies, less hours will be worked per week, the average income will go down and companies will see bigger profits. This is because most (the vast majority) of business owners are not evil and greedy, they/we give people the hours they want and pay them what we can. Obama comes in and makes it impossible to afford that employee so we adjust, profits for us go up because the hours we put in go up. (Me I work 55-65 hours a week currently).

We simply can;t afford to keep motivated employee's working under Obama. We have to cut hours and find other part timers, meaning everyone is less motivated and everyone is making less money.

It's like the theory of evolution or gravity, but of course the faith based progressives will consult with their economic fairness bible over accepting reality.

My wife is on salary and I wouldn't be shocked if she makes near 3 times as much as you RW. I wonder if she wants her pay cut because you're jealous.

Gee Mr Business Owner

You lose free labor on evenings and weekends
Fucking Commie Obama

PS. Have your wife send me a PM and we can compare paychecks.

Hi there Mr worthless Employee

Wife = 170k a year.

And I don't lose any free labor. People simply work less under Obama. But you wouldn't know that because you have never owned a business. And the people you work for don;t care about being profitable and neither do you, you simple steal from those that are to pay for your welfare.

In the old Soviet Union when it was under obamastyle communism, there was a saying "We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us". That's what the goal is.
Gee Mr Business Owner

You lose free labor on evenings and weekends
Fucking Commie Obama

PS. Have your wife send me a PM and we can compare paychecks.

Hi there Mr worthless Employee

Wife = 170k a year.

And I don't lose any free labor. People simply work less under Obama. But you wouldn't know that because you have never owned a business. And the people you work for don;t care about being profitable and neither do you, you simple steal from those that are to pay for your welfare.

She loses by a wide margin

So yer saying that Government pays someone better that if their job was removed would make no difference than someone who if their job were removed would actually create a huge negative effect in a profitable company?

Wow, we as a country really need more people like you........

Holly fuck you're a bottom feeder RW. No wonder you're so pro Government, you're the definition of corruption. What could you possibly do that is worth more than 170k a year? Seriously, how does your job justify a pay much higher than 170k a year when a fantastically wealthy company pays my wife a shit ton of money to do her job?

You realize how badly you just owned yourself right here? You are literally that 5,000$ dollar toilet seat, 3,000$ dollar hammer.

I, we, that is my wife and I pay taxes to keep someone as retarded as you getting paid for work that could not possibly net a positive for our country at the rates you claim to be greedily hording in.

Maybe you're just like Obama, claiming to be there for the 99% while in reality steeping on them, stealing your way to a 1% title.

Disgusting really.

I honestly can't think of a job that you can do in Government worth well over 170k a year.

What do you do again? Maybe I'm wrong.
It's an executive order and will be repealed by the new president. President Paul should make quick work of this kind of nonsense as would some assertive action by President Putin.
People getting paid for their time.

How fucking unAmerican is that?

It is just that business owners are an entitlement class

They feel entitled to free labor

Free labor? :cuckoo:

Sorry Falsewinger - you're full of baloney as usual. I own a business. I don't expect any entitlements or free labor. In fact, it's my talent, hard work, and industriousness that PAYS for other folks entitlements.

The only "entitlement class" in this country are leftwing nut jobs like you.
Hi there Mr worthless Employee

Wife = 170k a year.

And I don't lose any free labor. People simply work less under Obama. But you wouldn't know that because you have never owned a business. And the people you work for don;t care about being profitable and neither do you, you simple steal from those that are to pay for your welfare.

She loses by a wide margin

So yer saying that Government pays someone better that if their job was removed would make no difference than someone who if their job were removed would actually create a huge negative effect in a profitable company?

Wow, we as a country really need more people like you........

Holly fuck you're a bottom feeder RW. No wonder you're so pro Government, you're the definition of corruption. What could you possibly do that is worth more than 170k a year? Seriously, how does your job justify a pay much higher than 170k a year when a fantastically wealthy company pays my wife a shit ton of money to do her job?

You realize how badly you just owned yourself right here? You are literally that 5,000$ dollar toilet seat, 3,000$ dollar hammer.

I, we, that is my wife and I pay taxes to keep someone as retarded as you getting paid for work that could not possibly net a positive for our country at the rates you claim to be greedily hording in.

Maybe you're just like Obama, claiming to be there for the 99% while in reality steeping on them, stealing your way to a 1% title.

Disgusting really.

I honestly can't think of a job that you can do in Government worth well over 170k a year.

What do you do again? Maybe I'm wrong.

I have a better job than working for the Government. I am a grossly overpaid independent consultant to the Government

Have your wife give me a call...maybe I can help her out
I'll work as much as I want and Obama will never know it.

He's an idiot for ever thinking he can make something like this stick.

Yea.....Stick it to Obama

Work for will drive him nuts

I'll work when I want and as much as I want and he'll never be able to say anything about it.

He's an ass.

Of course, I can see that you really didn't do so well at your job.
People getting paid for their time.

How fucking unAmerican is that?

It is just that business owners are an entitlement class

They feel entitled to free labor

Free labor? :cuckoo:

Sorry Falsewinger - you're full of baloney as usual. I own a business. I don't expect any entitlements or free labor. In fact, it's my talent, hard work, and industriousness that PAYS for other folks entitlements.

The only "entitlement class" in this country are leftwing nut jobs like you.

Conservatives have a name for people who feel they are entitled to something for nothing


Pay your people for evenings and weekends ....Freeloader
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She loses by a wide margin

So yer saying that Government pays someone better that if their job was removed would make no difference than someone who if their job were removed would actually create a huge negative effect in a profitable company?

Wow, we as a country really need more people like you........

Holly fuck you're a bottom feeder RW. No wonder you're so pro Government, you're the definition of corruption. What could you possibly do that is worth more than 170k a year? Seriously, how does your job justify a pay much higher than 170k a year when a fantastically wealthy company pays my wife a shit ton of money to do her job?

You realize how badly you just owned yourself right here? You are literally that 5,000$ dollar toilet seat, 3,000$ dollar hammer.

I, we, that is my wife and I pay taxes to keep someone as retarded as you getting paid for work that could not possibly net a positive for our country at the rates you claim to be greedily hording in.

Maybe you're just like Obama, claiming to be there for the 99% while in reality steeping on them, stealing your way to a 1% title.

Disgusting really.

I honestly can't think of a job that you can do in Government worth well over 170k a year.

What do you do again? Maybe I'm wrong.

I have a better job than working for the Government. I am a grossly overpaid independent consultant to the Government

Have your wife give me a call...maybe I can help her out

IE, you're a Government employee. What do you do for me and all the people here that pay taxes that is worth over 200k a year RW.

Don't hide you low life... You should be proud of your welfare job. What is it you do that for us, the tax payers, that keeps your Government job over 200k a year?

If my business made me personally over 200k a year (profit to me) I would be a Government employee on every account measurable. So don't pretend your're "independent," that's playing stupid to a room full of people that know your playing stupid... you end up just looking stupid.

And for the record, my wife is too busy to give you a call, she's actually working you pathetic greedy pos.
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